@lunar1122 What are you saying, you can't play pirated online games because they are online, so all those private servers I've heard about don't exist? You can actually, but the question is, do you want to...? There may also be glitches and stuff that aren't taken care of, and I don't think the community is the same on private servers. Never tried it though, so I don't know for sure.
@MAD_AI @Bhemont Yeah I guess it's there as well seeing as it is being released on the PS3 platform as well, but I am seeing it on the PC section. I'll print screen it for you if you like.
A bit of a story guru here, I guess I'll be passing this one up since it offers nothing in terms of story. Gameplay doesn't even seem slightly intriguing. A 'yawn' for me.
Bhemont's comments