Sins of a Solar Empire
Bieberfan147's forum posts
That's a great question, we should ask Cloud Imperium Games.
Furthermore I have always expressed and blatantly said that I understood why this shift from dedicated PC games to Console is happening, but as someone who swore by PC gaming, the result of all of it leaves me unhappy. I used to be passionate about PC games, really excited to play something new and fun within 2-3 month intervals to now hoping this year or the next year as a whole there might be something to actually look forward to, and then hope when it comes out it's not plagued by compatability issues and not dumbed down
@Bieberfan147: So you're complaining that a lot of games have the PS4 or Xbone as their lead development platform? It's been that way for a long time. And it's not a sign of the death of PC Gaming, it's only smart business on their end. You're incredibly self-entitled if you think mainstream games should be developed around the 970 or 980. Because they represent of a very small percentage of consumers.
My complaint was and still is, the lack of AAA PC games, nothing more, nothing less. The fact that you are now just understanding this after 3 hours of actively participating in the conversation is kind of absurd.
I don't even have a 970 or 980, why? Because there's really no point in upgrading my PC with all the content being such a let down, I'm not entitled at all. What I'm doing is reminiscing about what PC gaming used to be and complaining it's not that anymore. PC gaming without a doubt is a shadow of what it once was. I understand what it's this way, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it
I just mentioned 9 fucking AAA games that comes out on PC this year. You're such a waste of time.
I meant to say dedicated, if I'm a waste of time then you don't have to partake.
@Bieberfan147: So you're complaining that a lot of games have the PS4 or Xbone as their lead development platform? It's been that way for a long time. And it's not a sign of the death of PC Gaming, it's only smart business on their end. You're incredibly self-entitled if you think mainstream games should be developed around the 970 or 980. Because they represent of a very small percentage of consumers.
My complaint was and still is, the lack of dedicated AAA PC games, nothing more, nothing less. The fact that you are now just understanding this after 3 hours of actively participating in the conversation is kind of absurd.
I don't even have a 970 or 980, why? Because there's really no point in upgrading my PC with all the content being such a let down, I'm not entitled at all. What I'm doing is reminiscing about what PC gaming used to be and complaining it's not that anymore. PC gaming without a doubt is a shadow of what it once was. I understand why it's this way, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it
And there are fewer console exclusives than ever too. Please educate yourself.
So many pointless games on that list that no one will care about once they're finally released, it makes up the majority.
For many people, just like in the past 7 years, every year one of these "games coming out for PC this year" topic only about 20-30% of the games on the list are what people remember or keep track of. And even then, that 20-30% a lot of those games probably come out incredibly disappointing or have major delays
You claimed 2 AAA games out regularly. In what frame of time are you considering regular? Like 2 AAA games a year? And if so, is that really something to be excited about?
GTA 5, The Witcher 3, Batman Arkham Knight, MGS 5, SF 5, Just Cause 3, Star Wars Battlefront, Rainbow Six Siege and Fallout 4.
9 game, sounds good, but it's kinda ridiculous that one of them took 2 years to come out for PC, another one is being suspended in sales by the publisher because the port was horrible even by the publisher's standards, and the other 6 that are to come out are all again ports and as for fallout 4 is debatable whether or not is a port
The reason why ports are looked down upon is because the majority of them aren't optimized well for the PC and often you may encounter performance issues or even crashes
There's a great deal amount of people who have 970s or 980s which are much more powerful than anything in a xbox 1 or ps4 today yet we get these games that are throttled down compared to what are hardware can actually do if the games were dedicated for the PC. And to throw salt in the wound people with much better hardware than the consoles can barely even run these awful ports as good or even better than the console version (batman)
Also with so many games with consoles as the intention and PC as the afterthought so many concepts get dumbed down, ranging all the way from UI to actual gameplay.
Look at how they butchered the Battlefield series, BF2 was a totally different game with a much better TTK than what BF3 or even BF4 offers and you can't argue that at all, for a whole franchise who got their momentum from being known as one of the best PC FPS to now trying to cater to all demographics just how their competitors are, is pretty embarrassing
The only thing I'm really looking forward to is Xcom 2 as they claim it will be a PC exclusive, so many people who played the XCOM series before XCOM enemy unknown were so upset that they butchered that too because again they were trying to broaden their demographic by porting it to consoles as well. It was just dumbed down shell of a game of what they once knew
Whether a console has an exclusive is not a big deal as compared to whether or not PC has an exclusive. Being the point is, all the games ported either to or from all have one common denominator, they're all based on a console to begin with. The compatability issues is the biggest gripe and it's because the PC versions are an after thought that then lead to not running properly. Imagine if you bought a game for Xbox or PS4 and the first 1-2 weeks you couldn't even play it or even some glitches never got fixed because for some weird way so many things are CODED into the FPS. Example GTA 5 on PC release, the mouse input delay was dependant on the FPS so that when FPS dips, mouse gets fcked and everything related to mouse such as panning or aiming.
Another example is not as popular title, Valkyria Chronicles for PC. You know how the developer addresses a problem with FPS going ABOVE 30? He denies there ever was one, but when you play that game, and use the tank which is a main component of the game if the game is ever running beyond 30 FPS such as 60fps, 120 fps, the higher the FPS makes the tank perform WORSE.
And there are fewer console exclusives than ever too. Please educate yourself.
So many pointless games on that list that no one will care about once they're finally released, it makes up the majority.
For many people, just like in the past 7 years, every year one of these "games coming out for PC this year" topic only about 20-30% of the games on the list are what people remember or keep track of. And even then, that 20-30% a lot of those games probably come out incredibly disappointing or have major delays
You claimed 2 AAA games out regularly. In what frame of time are you considering regular? Like 2 AAA games a year? And if so, is that really something to be excited about?
PC gaming is dying or close to dead already. There is no dedicated PC devs, all the devs ran to where the money is, consoles, mobile, or even changing their occupation altogether.
Compare to PC gaming from 2010-2015 to back in 2000-2005
Back in 2000-2005 or even 1990s-2007 or so you had games back to back in quality you could play every year, it kind of felt like the great games just kept coming and this without any mention of console games or ports, back then ports were kinda rare
Now we make such a HUGE deal out of 1 release a year or so it seems like and it's probably a port that we pray isn't shitty, forget about it being a good port, we are just okay that it can play beyond 30 fps.
I'm pretty sure piracy had a big part to do with this shift of all the devs switching to other platforms such as consoles or phones or even web browser games, I don't really blame them since they were getting up to 70% of what they should have made taken away from them by the people consuming their content
Even back then I used to agree with the, "that's not a lost sale, they weren't going to buy the game anyway" but now after seeing the aftermath and what PC gaming has become I can only imagine if all those people who really enjoyed a lot of those games they thought were so iconic or great actually had paid for those games, that the PC gaming industry would be a lot different than it is today.
Now we're left with 90% of the games that are being released today from indie devs that make these "interesting" games that hardly anyone plays, a bunch of online survival early access games that never becomes finished, and or mobas copying each other. That leaves the rest of the 10% of all current games coming out to, "Big major triple A games" that take maybe up to 2 years to come out after the console version and is probably not ported right
What happened to all the dedicated PC games that were a fresh breath of air into the genre they were in, instead of games just blatantly copying each other
I remember back in 2005 or 2006 or so I could play triple A games back to back without any sign of running out for those years
Now I just hope there's better games next year after being so let down "this year" and every new year is "this year"
EDIT: Also this FORUM alone used to be so much more fun back in those times 2000-2007, the PC section alone was the biggest community compared to all the other sub forums on gamespot, the PC section of news coverage or reviews had just as much or if not, more content than the console section.
Everyday on the gamespot PC forum there would be 3-4 new pages of new or "Hot" topics where as compared today, you see all the same topics for about 1-2 months long.
How is it dying? Not even close. There are plenty of PC exclusive devs. Or at least, devs that prioritizes the PC like CD Projekt Red. The only things that truly has changed is how we have a lot of indie games and a couple of AAA games coming out regularly. The in-between, midrange releases are about as rare as ever. And how devs seems comfortable with releasing unstable games since they can just patch it more easily than ever. But this only affects you if you can't handle not buying the game Day 1. Because of the newly installed refund policies on Steam and Origin, the consumer has a lot more power now.
You claim there are "plenty" of PC exclusive devs and then you only give one example which is CD Projekt Red
- 1.a large or sufficient amount or quantity; more than enough."I would have plenty of time to get home"
synonyms: a lot of, many, a great deal of, enough (and to spare), no lack of,sufficient, a wealth of; More
- 1.a situation in which food and other necessities are available in sufficiently large quantities."such natural phenomena as famine and plenty"
synonyms: prosperity, affluence, wealth, opulence, comfort, luxury; More
So plenty does not equal one.
Give a numerical value of more than one, that also represents "more than enough" and don't mention any that produce indie games
EDIT: Also yeah, claiming CD Projekt Red is prioritizing the PC is pretty debatable
PC gaming is dying or close to dead already. There is no dedicated PC devs, all the devs ran to where the money is, consoles, mobile, or even changing their occupation altogether.
Compare to PC gaming from 2010-2015 to back in 2000-2005
Back in 2000-2005 or even 1990s-2007 or so you had games back to back in quality you could play every year, it kind of felt like the great games just kept coming and this without any mention of console games or ports, back then ports were kinda rare
Now we make such a HUGE deal out of 1 release a year or so it seems like and it's probably a port that we pray isn't shitty, forget about it being a good port, we are just okay that it can play beyond 30 fps.
I'm pretty sure piracy had a big part to do with this shift of all the devs switching to other platforms such as consoles or phones or even web browser games, I don't really blame them since they were getting up to 70% of what they should have made taken away from them by the people consuming their content
Even back then I used to agree with the, "that's not a lost sale, they weren't going to buy the game anyway" but now after seeing the aftermath and what PC gaming has become I can only imagine if all those people who really enjoyed a lot of those games they thought were so iconic or great actually had paid for those games, that the PC gaming industry would be a lot different than it is today.
Now we're left with 90% of the games that are being released today from indie devs that make these "interesting" games that hardly anyone plays, a bunch of online survival early access games that never becomes finished, and or mobas copying each other. That leaves the rest of the 10% of all current games coming out to, "Big major triple A games" that take maybe up to 2 years to come out after the console version and is probably not ported right
What happened to all the dedicated PC games that were a fresh breath of air into the genre they were in, instead of games just blatantly copying each other
I remember back in 2005 or 2006 or so I could play triple A games back to back without any sign of running out for those years
Now I just hope there's better games next year after being so let down "this year" and every new year is "this year"
EDIT: Also this FORUM alone used to be so much more fun back in those times 2000-2007, the PC section alone was the biggest community compared to all the other sub forums on gamespot, the PC section of news coverage or reviews had just as much or if not, more content than the console section.
Everyday on the gamespot PC forum there would be 3-4 new pages of new or "Hot" topics where as compared today, you see all the same topics for about 1-2 months long.
This is the case that I am just going to buy a PS4 for certain games.... I have been wanting to get one for awhile and I will just get the Batman Bundle instead of the Last of Us Bundle.... Torn between an Xbox One, but all my friends have a PS4... The Xbox One is the better deal right now lol...
When you say you're going to buy a console for "certain games" you mean 90% of future games? Considering most games that have been for a bit and will come out on the PC that are big titles are mostly shitty ports?
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