Can someone tell me what the total would be of all the mass effect 3 DLCs are? I was on origin looking to buy but I can't see any DLCs for purchase. Does anyone know if the DLCs are cheaper now that the game has been out for so long?
I am doing the codebreakers mission immediately after doing the first mission and I am looking for the Light Plasma Pistol inside the codebreakers mission. Â I can't find it, I've killed everything and I am about to board the helicopter back to base, does anyone know where inside the codebreakers mission the light plasma pistol is located specifically?Â
And yes I think I do have the Light Plasma Pistol DLC
nah controler xbox is better then keybord feel so much better in yur hand and keybord only good for typing everyone know this. i alway use that controler xbox for my pc so i have my best game.
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