@JimmeyBurrows Its a big deal because the entire FFXIII franchise is complete garbage to most fans. Everyone is waiting for either Versus or FFXV, but instead we get shown yet again how little they care about their fanbase. Oh well, when their sales diminish to nothing I am sure another company would love to buy the FF name and return it to its roots!
Wheres the thumbs down button for this article......
Lets see if we can predict the sales decline for this one. FFXIII sold 5.5 million worldwide. Apparently everyone smartened up and realized how shitty FFXIII was when we got FFXIII-2, which only has managed about 2 million sales worldwide. So, since its obvious that Squenix is killing their franchise and can't realize people no longer want FFXIII around, I predict this one being lucky to clear 1 million worldwide.
@PillyChickle Well its simple, only a nintendrone or a complete and utter loser would say something as stupid as what you did. I tried to be nice, but if you are admitting to not being another sheep of the heard than there is only one other explanation...
@PillyChickle Its funny that Nintendrones would badmouth the Vita when they have the LOL Wii U on its way to ruining Nintendo forever. Hell the announcement alone caused their stocks to drop LMAO.
So here is some simple math for you, lets assume, just for this point alone, only half of the 9.2 million accounts are actually active, how many does that leave you with and how badly does that still stomp the next best MMO's subscripts into the ground? Ya, thought so.
Also what kind of moron actually thinks the 9.2 million means that many online at one time.... Thats a different kind of special there.
BigAl519's comments