@Truth_Hurts_U While I agree that the movie will never see the light of day I would love to know how D3 'failed'. If you mean it failed as in it is a complete crapfest and over-hyped garbage, I agree. But if you are talking sales, then you realllllllly need to get something checked as 10 million units sold is far from failed.
@ChronoJ01 lmao, when did FF XIV come into any of this? You start off about the canning of a FFXIII game(thank god), state that some people think other FF games ruined their rep and went on about FFXV. At least be capable of understanding your own post before telling others to read it more clearly.
Can someone please just put this guy out of our misery? Getting paid to be wrong with every prediction he comes up with... ya don't think we need him around.
@Jinzo_111887 I agree, it is a moronic idea. We have bandwidth limits here in Canada not to mention there are still many places that don't get worthwhile connections. And with game file sizes increasing every year we will likely be seeing DD files around 20+gb. Hell my Mass Effect 2 download on PSN was 12GB and I believe my old internets monthly gigabyte cap was 40gb.
@toffifee People keep with these comments like they know what its like to create a video game. So I ask you this, name me a game on the scale of Skyrim that doesn't have a larger than average amount of glitches/bugs. And don't just throw random names out there, even games close to the scale of Skyrim like Dark Souls/Demon Souls/GTA4 were released with a wide array of bugs that were fixed in updates. http://darksoulswiki.wikispaces.com/Bugs+and+Glitches
No wonder they haven't made a decent game in a long time. They are spending all their money paying the higher ups instead of investing it in stellar games. This has to be the perfect image of what happens to a company when they get greedy. Their product starts to fall short of consumer expectations while their salaries rise. All that's left is for them to hit the inevitable high point and drop like a rock. Hopefully when that point comes we will start seeing good games developed again instead of this mediocre junk like Final Fantasy 13...
BigAl519's comments