The series is already dead and nothing more than just a third person shooter since the second game.OmegaReyWhat a thought out and intelligent opinion:roll:
Are all PC gamers graphics whores cause it seems like it to me.HaloPimp978Ironic because the other big selling point is mods, which often times look terrible but no one cares.
Linear design is sometimes great.Sometimes, it's Battlefield 3 SP, where it's so **** awful you can't climb back down the ladder you are currently climbing. Also hard mode shouldn't be you taking less hits and them taking more.
[QUOTE="MonsieurX"]Who?TikeioPeople who live far more exciting lives than TC.Yeah must be a really exciting paying $60 each year to watch other people be athletic.
Or games that are also on PC (NOT A CONSOLE) it also doesnt count.mynamesdenvrmaxLOL that's almost as bad as saying "console graphics king".PC is a platform, a game on multiple platforms is a multiplat. That means it's not exclusive.
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