@ariabed: Sure. I played it a few months back and felt fine. MGS has such unique gameplay it's always refreshing to experience. I was just tempering expectations. That's all.
It's tough to say. The MGS lore is very intimidating for new comers. Lots to know.
Honestly, Ground Zeroes (Prologue for MGS5) is very brief in story but provides wonderful gameplay. I'd just grab that, play it, and if you are interested in what you see then go back and get the MGS Legacy Collection. Or be lazy and just read the many game breakdowns online. Your call.
The older MGS games are certainly dated in terms of gameplay but the story and characters are such a strength of the series you may still love them. MGS and MGS3 being my favorite games of all time.
I think that you might be making a mistake buying Ground Zeroes because you might get the wrong impression about MGS.
Not true. Ground Zeroes is the very essence of what Metal Gear Solid is all about. A soldier sneaking into a heavy guarded base.
Ground Zeroes is so superb in it's gameplay and brief in it's story parts that it's worth giving a shot. If you like it, go back and read/play the old games. MGS and MGS3 are my two favorite video games of all time. MGS2 and MGS4 are great but introduce some perplexing plot points.
Either way. I'd recommend Ground Zeroes to anybody who likes action or stealth games.
MGS5. MGS4 got a 10/10 and it wasn't even close to as good as MGS, MGS3. But hope all those games get 10's. Would be nice to have some great games to play.
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