@50_Ft_Kingie I see to many similarity's to Dead Isalnd so far and that's why i don't like the look {just yet} but i do think it's funny how many ppl fell in love within 11min i guess graphics make the game in this n age:P
@JoeGamer1234 @BillyColeman Or your just a other dumb ass that play's anything with zombies omg!!!!!!!!!!! zombies it must be a good game. And fyi not like Techland has had some big run that there so good Dead Island was only fun with buddys the story and game play were trash. and ill stick with what a say about EU and zombie games name one good one they have made?
looks far to much like Dead Island Techland need's to learn how to put you in a city or somewere that dose not look like an Island the inside of places look like Dead Island as well and all i'm seeing is that EU dose not seem to know how to make a zombie game very well
BillyColeman's comments