Game spot sure going all out for COD i saw this comeing i love there new topic as well says this when you try to post This conversation is currently closed to new comments oh oooo some ones mad-------)GS
@dadkwashere @BillyColeman Naw i understand what you mean to me i don't see how it sells my self my only guess kids beging there dad/mom and the many 40 year olds that like to tea bag lol
@4le_breVVer @Darkfall_05 @RevLuckyShot Are you mad 4le? i can dislike anything i want i have no hate for COD or the fans i dislike COD and think it's dumb when gamespot trys to make it out to be something more then it is. But if you like it buy it play it don't let me get to you
Iv played the JPN ver and the games very good at this point i may start playing this ver as at least it's in English i don't trust Sega anymore and i know they don't care that much for NA/EU PSU showed that very well with the lack of updates the lag the fact the GMs were very very lazy:P
BillyColeman's comments