Adding action where it may not fit??? Really!?!?! This coming from the guy who turned Resident Evil into an action franchise?? I sincerely hope that he was actually referring to himself in that statement.
@rawkstar007 @BiohazardXTREME Exactly! And Ubisoft isn't perfect either. Sure, they might pack their games with more things to do outside the main story, but usually those tasks are very repetitive and get really stale after a while. This happens in Assassin's Creed, in Far Cry, etc. Personally, I'd rather play a linear game like Uncharted, twice over, than do all the repetitive side quests in an Assassin's Creed game.
The industry is still far from delivering a really good open world experience. With the exception of bigger budget franchises like GTA and Fallout. Most open world games these days are filled with boring, repetitive side quests, which only adds padding to make the game seem longer without actually putting more effort into its plot development. Just because there's a big open area to explore, doesn't mean that it's going to be at all interesting. I loved L.A. Noire, but it would have been easily just as good as a linear adventure game, without having to drive around all over town from point A to point B.
This is why I would never pay for a game that doesn't have a major, substantial single player component, and why I generally don't bother with online games. All I need is a stellar single player campaign, and I'm happy.
@mariomaster16 @BiohazardXTREME @elegance89 But my point is that you don't have to make a gigantic down payment on any given airline, before buying their tickets, so it's not going to cost you extra to switch airlines for a single trip. (Unless certain airlines give out memberships or promotions, but even then the cost won't be gigantic.) Either way, most people who travel don't commit themselves to only one given airline. Whereas, unless gamers can afford multiple consoles, a lot of them only own one, for at least the first couple years of a given generation.
@elegance89 But with your analogy, it's like both airlines have certain exclusive destinations. So you either have to bite the bullet and commit to one airline forever. Or pay twice as much to have all the destinations available to you.
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