Even through Assassins Creed isn't really my cup of tea I have to say it is the best series that has came out this console generation. Every game that has been released has gotten better and I have gotten them all and looking forward to seeing how AC3 plays out I'm really curious to see what Ubisoft has in store for my main man desmond Oct 30 can't come any sooner!!!
@ei8bit I agree, the female translater voice totally threw me off for a second but at least I could understand her clearly. I have problems understanding Jonathon toyad at times due to his thick accent but hey I have mass respect for Jonathon you can tell he loves his job by the videos he puts on gamespot and the excitement he puts in his interviews.
This game looks awesome this is totally something I wanna pre order and get on day one. The combo lab is a awesome idea and I wish alot more games would allow players to do similar things with their characters. The only thing I seen in the preview that I wish Don'tNod would do with the game is make the finishers a little more brutal and flashy but all and all I'm very interested to see how this game plays out!
This game looks pretty awesome it reminds me of Nier on the ps3 which I loved and believe to be a very under rated game for its time. I'm really looking forward to this game coming out!
Nice can't wait to pick this one up next year hopefully its as good or better then the first game inwhich I enjoyed a ton! Of course every gem as a few flaws in it but its them flaws that give it character..
I totally agree I really enjoyed the first game and I can't wait to pick this one up when its released! Btw, is it just me or did it look like they took out alot o the blood the first game had in it? I loved that part in the orginal watching your foes explode like bubbles after a special attack!
E.x Troopers looks pretty cool I wouldn't pre-order it but I buy it eventually if it came state-side but since it isn't I'm not really to disappointed by that fact but hey capcom its your loss of my pocket money..
The first game trailer was far better then this one but hopefully they will have a bigger budget to work with in the second game. Am I hopeful? Not really I gotta admit Dead Island and Dragon Age 2 pretty much killed my desire to want to continue being a hardcore gamer like I use to be so I'll watch passive like from the sidelines and not follow the sheep like I was the first time...
BlackBaldwin's comments