I'm going with a tie between EA and Ubisoft just because both of them showed some amazing stuff at E3 and I just can't wait to pick up all their titles in the months to come..
Lol I agree with Iluvgamespot if you love re5 and 6 your tastes in gaming is undoubtly terrible then again most new age gamers are just spoiled kids who don't know a good game from a copy paste job anyways...
I agree you know how they aren't use to working five days a week like most of us working class folk they probably need their beauty rest... Especially that Shaun McLinis he looks like my 14 year old brother gosh I wonder how he keeps his youth like that..
Oh man I really wanted to like this game but I just don't think I will just due to the art direction and just seeing the large freak with a chainsaw just gave me that meh whatever feeling. A horror game doesn't need some chainsaw guy to make it successful honestly Id be more terrified getting to the door finding it locked then turning around and seeing some guy with a an ax sending infront of me but hey I guess to each his own spice of evil..
I just want 13 to end I hated the first game and the second game the upgrade skill system was absolute garbage and even if the last game is better I won't be checking it out so doesn't really matter to me. FF15 better be better and include a skill system that doesn't take absurd amounts of exp to upgrade and exploration to new eras not recycled areas but new areas!
I thought gamerscores were pretty cool when they were first introduced but now though I don't care much about them so this news doesn't really interest me much but I'll admit it does sound pretty interest though...
I've said this before but I'd like to see a new console based parasite eve or a rpg tactical game of front mission made like the old days but hey Square was great back in the day but SE not some much..
BlackBaldwin's comments