you do realize people work at these places and not just a small amount of people but alot of people. Gamestop employs a million people if that branch fails millions will be out of a job all the while ms gets richer so does Activision and EA. Of course not a whole lot of people care about the little guy anymore just about themselves...
Nice finally getting into some next gen trailers and this one I love how bright the colors look really looking forward to seeing what else there is to this game.
Great review Carolyn, you have answered all the questions I wanted answered and I agree from the video coverage the bad guys do look generic to me. Honestly I would really like to see Resi in the next gen take a leap forward in ai and physics. when I shoot a enemy I would like to see some body damage and more recoil for smaller foes. It may be a little early for that yet maybe when the poly count goes up with the next gen televisions we can expect something like that but even still it would be a huge step in awesomeness for video games!
Actually this sort of thing was to be expected in my opinion. The game was originally a 3ds title after all I didn't really expect a stellar review. Sure the game can be considered great for the 3DS platform but honestly for a blu ray or dvd that can hold a ton of data on it they really should have added much more to the game to really wow fans new and old alike instead of just putting some extra shine on the existing paint thats already there and a new feature or two but hey thats just my opinion take it as you will.
BlackBaldwin's comments