I hated New Vegas and I hate obsidian they can't do their own ips so they take others ideas and twist them to make cash... Bethesda just make fallout 4 and leave obsidian out of it...
I totally agree never forget how they grew a company from the ground up and then sold it off for a big chunk of change... Gotta love capitalism... *facepalm*
its too bad that this game got such a poor review.. I personally like Vanord's tastes in games so when he says a game is flawed I usually follow it but I may just rent this game and try it out before making my final decision on it.. Great Review Kevin!
I just recently got mk9 for my vita and yeah its soo much fun I can't wait till this comes out since the interactive backgrounds adds new depth to 2d fighters that has been there in the older fighters I've played but not in anything recently its totally exciting!
When you say you love you must mean you like the series since if you love the series you wouldn't give up on it since you LOVE the series. Would your parents just one day after three years say, "Hey little timmy we love you but your three years old get out we are done!" I hate it when gamers say we love something but just give up on the series due to a little change to it...
the Wii U is just a big gimmick that was rushed out to market like the wii was. Unfortunately this time you won't fool the elderly with your big ol tablet promoting health boosting effects like u did with the wii. Face it Nintendo your gonna actually have to make new ips!! Or at least get some third party devs to do it for you...
BlackBaldwin's comments