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Blackbond Blog

I have not been modded in 1 month and 2 days

So I ask you guys who have been following me.

  • Has my posting style changed?
  • Has my sty1e been toned down as of late?
  • Has my quality of posting gone down?
  • Has my ability to give out ownage decreased?
  • Have I still been true to how I post?
  • Have I just been lucky to not get modded for such a long time lol

I'm just curious to know.

Why Elitiest hurt the industry more then casuals/non-gamers ever will

Gaming Elitiest what you don't understand is that its not the casual/non-gamer who is hurting the Gaming Industry its you guys by being Elitiest. The whole reason casual games exist is so that more people can see the product and more can become fans of the product. But some of you guys act as if casuals/non-gamers are noobies that shouldn't be allowed to play games or support the product. Which is stupid because you see people say things like, "Man these people are casual/non-gamers and are new to gaming so that means they aren't real fans this and that."

Guys stop being like this because you're the ones being immature. I'm a huge video game fan and I feel like I have to call out those people who apart of this bull crap. You can't be like this you should be more open about things.

You could come up to me and say (and a lot of people do this) "Hey BlackBond I'm new to Fighter and JRPGS Genre which games do you reccomend?" and I tell them "Get this game, pick up this game, and try this game if you have the money."

I can't tell you how many times I've gone too Panzer_Zwei, Kage, and RPGamer asking for input on older titles I have missed over the years. Yes my collection spans to the NES era and I'm not embarrassed to admit that I have missed some big games over the years.

But I'm not gonna sit there and tell someone who asks me that "They're a bandwagon hopper and this and that all this other stuff." because that's just stupid, you aren't helping out the industry like that. You're just thinking about yourself only. Granted I don't want all of these casual/non-gamer fans coming but the fact of the matter is I want the video game industry to become more successful and how does the video game industry become more successful? By having more and more people checking out the product. Why can't gaming Elitist get this through their heads?

One more thing just because you've been gaming longer then someone else doesn't make you any better of a gamer then they are. So lets say you've been gaming for 5 years and someone started this year. If that person played through the majority of the best games over the course of the last 5 years then they would have had just the same gaming expereince that you have ever think about that?

So yeah in any event you Elitiest you guys need to stop it already. Its just immature. And again if you someone became a fan of gaming this gen there is nothing wrong with that.

I mean if you really are a fan of gaming and support the industry what you would do is encourage more of these new/casual gamers out there to try other games. Elitiest stop it already. If someone is new to gaming be happy embrace them. Teach them.

Say things like "Hey you know what try this game try this game" but don't shut them out. Don't tell them to basically F off because their new and you've been gaming much longer then they have, because you own 50+ games and you've been gaming for 10 years or whatever.

Granted that not every casual/non-gamer is willing to branch off or take suggestions into trying different and possibly more games geared towards established gamers its better to make suggestions and at least attempt to be helpful rather then treat them as some sort of an inferior and tell them to F off claiming that they aren't real fans.

Remember none of us started out as Hardcore gamers. We all started some where whether it was with Mario on NES like me or some point before or after that.

These casuals/non-gamers are essentially Rookies to the game. As Veteran's we should at least attempt to spread our knowledge to them as the Rookies of today are the Veterans of tomorrow.


Criticism in gaming and the lack of handling it

In this day and time there shouldn't be any criticizing in gaming. Aboslutely none. There shouldn't be any comments such as these. Gaming right now is perfect and should be incapable of recieving such comments as these....

  • Nintendo should improve their online.
  • Microsoft should remedy their hardware situations.
  • Japanese devs need to have a stronger presense.
  • EA needs to stop eating up devs.
  • Square Enix needs to start making games that aren't spinoffs/remakes/ports of KH/FF/DQ
  • Nintendo should work towards getting more 3rd Party Support.
  • The PS3 needs more JPRG's.
  • ect

I mean god forbid someone has anything critical to say about gaming. There should be no need for anyone to be critical of gaming. Those people who dare to criticize gaming are obvioulsy whiners, complainers, or people who just cry in general over gaming rather then people who see a via problem, issue, or short coming no matter how minor it is :roll:

I mean it makes no sense what so ever to have reasonable complaints about anything in life. We should all just remain content and satisfied with what we have now and not bother to say another word about it.

But in all seriousness there are those who can't stand for others to be critical or question anything a gaming company or dev does and hell they are absolutely right. How dare anybody question anything that has to do with the gaming industry? People need to quit whining and accept everything that is thrown at them and like it :|

There will always be criticisms and issues with everything in life. Movies, books, sports, management, teachers, bosses ect. So why are some people always resorting to the cop out of "Stop whining, crying, complaining crap" when people use justifiable criticsism towards something? Do some people really believe everything to be perfect and without one single issue/problem in the gaming industry.

I swear some people can get so defensive when it comes to any kind of criticism in gaming. Its like they can't accept any form of it. This attitude gives off the impression that everything is perfect which is far from true. Because if something is incapable of being criticized then I guess that makes it perfect right? Because there must obviously be no negitive aspects to it.

Why some people can get so defensive over things on these boards is beyond me. Its just discussion and debate. This isn't a verbal battle that is leading up to a fist fight. This isn't somebody making fun of your mom or family. So I have no clue why some people are so defensive over anything being said critical of any aspsect of the gaming industry.

Sure not everyone will agree with all levels of criticism but the fact that some people just try to shut it out completely is unreasonable. I mean yeah I love gaming in all and it is a very entertaining form of fun but believe me its far from perfect. Nothing in life is.

BlackBond's Final SW Post


And now what you all have been waiting for!!!





Man this game flopped and it flopped bad. I kept telling people but hey we all are entitled to our own opinion. Too Human just had Too Much working against it. Not only that but its sadly becoming a reality that once you leave Nintendo's In House fold you just aren't ever the same afterwards :(

Well SW its been fun, it really has guys . But I believe this is where I will end it. This will be my last post in SW. And hey why not end it with Cryme Tyme right? I had a lot of fun over here for the last three years. But sadly this is when it has to end. All the greats eventually have to step away from the game whether they be forced out or whether it be under their own power. This is when BlackBond steps away. I hope all you guys enjoyed my posts and had many laughes with my humor. My pictures, my gifs, my humor, my sty1e. I hope you enjoyed everything no matter if I was on your side of the debate or the other. But this is the end. This is the final post in SW from BlackBond.





Halo 3 and the routine Night Game

Looking for a routine Custom Game on an almost nightly basis? Look no further. Custom games will now be held on an almost nightly basis during the week.

If you're interested this is all you need to do. Friend myself xBlackBondx and Go Rock Steady. More then likely one of us will be the ones gathering people together into a room.

Games will not be exclusive to GS Members. Anybody who wants to play can play. The turn out last night was hosted by AdobeArtist and was about 50/50 between GUFU and other outside parties. None the less it was a successful night. All Team games will try to be created as even as possible.


Somebody takes host and we take it from there. Games are chosen on a general concensus of what people want to play. Infection, Rocket Races, Shotty/Snipes, Teams, FFA, V4 we do it all. The Host of the game can and will vary for multiple reasons. One I hate hosting and two everyone usually has tons of Forge Maps and variants to share among the group.


Should the room decide that they want a competitive atmosphere it will be done in a 4 game format. Two Slayer Types and Two Objective Types. Choosing team has their pick of V4 or Default settings. The 5th game Tie Breaker will be choosen by the team with the lowest overall skill levels. Choice Selection is based on a pick 1st and 4th or pick 2nd and 3rd basis. The team with the lowest overall skill gains favor of choice.


Will use the same format as "Competitive Play" but with a few changes. There will be no choice between V4 or Default settings. All games "WILL REQUIRE" V4 Settings at all times. Objective Games must be CTF, Oddball or King of the Hill.

It will be played in the standard 4 Game Format with the 5th game Tie Breaker being choosen by the team with the lowest overall skill levels. There will be 2 games of Team Slayer and Two Games of Objective both under the V4 Variant. Choice Selection is based on a pick 1st and 4th pick or 2nd and 3rd basis. The team with the lowest overall skill gains favor of choice. Map selectin for Slayer and Objective Game Types go as follows.

Team Slayer Maps Include

  • Construct
  • Guardian
  • Narrows
  • The Pit

CTF Maps Include

  • The Pit
  • Narrows


  • Construct
  • Guardian
  • Narrows
  • The Pit

King of the Hill

  • Construct
  • Guardian
  • Narrows
  • The Pit

No Plans have been set for "Serious Competitive Play" but the plan is to have them at least once a week primarily on Sunday Afternoons. I'll have to keep you posted on when these types of matches happen. Depending on the demand you could see more or less of this.

If you're interested in this friend either myself xBlackBondx or Go Rock Steady. Ideally I won't be there to attend all games. But with the amount of people joining you should be able to find the main group playing almost every night. Should the game be private simply message the party that you know BlackBond. Until you get familiar with the group of people your best bet would be to look for Custom Games under myself or Go Rock Steady.

Gunraidan shows us the Light for the Fight

King of Fighters XII

"Screw SF (EX) 4!", "This is what Street Fighter IV should've been like!", "That looks amazing!". The quotes from the last sentence are what people are going on about from seeing the King of Fighters trailer that was put up last night. As you can see from the low quality screens it looks amazing. Add this to a revamped fighting engine and you got potential for one killer game.

Street Fighter IV

Whether you like it or not the game uses 3D models so deal with it. That said this game IS Street Fighter after all and as you know the heads at Capcom do know how to make a fighting game. Bringing back all the original 8 World Warriors along with going for a cartoony look instead of the realistic look done by 99% of the other games in the market it definately doesn't follow the stray of the average fighter.


Stated to be the successor of the Guilty Gear series, Blazeblue is yet another high resolution 2D sprite based fighter by Arc System Works. Words can't express how hyped I am for this game.

Tekken 6

Currently the biggest game in the fighting game scene, Tekken 6 is the next installment to the 3D fighting series. What more can I say it's Tekken.

Sengoku Basara X

What do you get when you get the Devil King's Franchise entering the fighting game genre with Arc System works at the helm? You get Sengoku Basara X, Capcom's IP, Arc System Works gameplay, what more could you want?

Soul Calibur 4

Soul Calibur 4, is it known for it's big boobs or it's big guest apperances? Either way it looks like a solid addition to the weapon based 3D fighting franchise.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

This game needs no explanation.

King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match

What's labelled as the best in the series is getting a direct revision for it. Think of this as King of Fighters '98 II.

Melty Blood Actress Again

Melty Blood is an indie developers dream. A doujin game that was created for PC's in the boarderline of early to mid millenium and became so popular that it has cemented itself as one of the premire 2D fighting games in the country of Japan. This game is the newest installment.

Arcana Heart

An anime esque 2D fighting game where all the characters you fight as are girls that range from the age of (from the looks of it) 10-15? What kind of publisher would be crazy enough to bring this to North America? Atlus that's who, this game has gained a cult following in the fighting community, and with Atlus fixing the bugs in the Japanese version and only being $30 there is no reason to pass this up.

Arcana Heart 2

The sequel to Arcana Heart is getting an '08 release in Japanese arcades. You just may spot and imported board around if you live by an Otaku Arcade (all 1-3 of them in the U.S.) or can just import a board.

Virtua Fighter 5 Version D

An update to this already great fighting game is coming out for arcades this year.

Samurai Spirits Sen

The series is making it's jump into 3D.

Akatsuki Blitzkampf AC

This popular doujin series is following in the steps of Melty Blood, a doujin PC game heading to the arcades. Wouldn't be surprising if we get PC and PS2 ports down the line. What makes the game unique though is it's simplcity, you press and hold buttons in certain combonations to do combos instead of moving the stick and pressing buttons.

Battle Fantasia

Remember Battle Fantasia? It was the game that Arc System Works made early last year that was in 2.5D and didn't do so hot in Japan. Nevertheless it's getting a PS3 and Xbox 360 port this year.

Thank you Gunraiden!!! :cry:

BlackBond greatly reducing his presence in SW

The moderations keep stacking up. The point losses, the warnings, ect. So as of now I will no longer be on the starting roster. I'm going to be an off the bench player. The mere fact that there are posters here that willingly go to the Ask the Mods forum to complain about me and my posting sty1e is all I needed to see. I don't need this kind of attention. I also see that my previous blog was modded and deleted as well. Under the term of "Offensive to others" Guess some people actually got offeneded when they decided to buy Blu-Ray and PSP in hopes of landing a chick :roll:

Anyways I'm not going anywhere but don't expect me to be around a lot doing what I do best. I'll mainly be in the GUFU Forums for this extended stretch of time.

(I can already hear the fanboys celebrating in SW)