Do you really want to be the guy in the left of this picture?
(Photo provided by MikeMil828, hey I give credit where credits due)
This is a re-write of a previous post from some time back. Because I feel the rules completely change when PC is involved in SW I have choosen to make this thread.
1) Graphics
Wii graphics are bad, Xenon > Cell, Cell > Xenon. Games will be better on 360 because its more powerful. 360 will hold games back because it doesn't have Cell.
What happens when PC comes into play...
Console gamers brag about graphics being one of the most integral parts to praise of their system. Like wise they put down other consoles for having inferior graphics and or looking games (Take Halo 3 for not being 720P for instance). Yet when PC gets involved graphics don't matter. For instance, Killzone 2 is going to be amazing. Its graphics will live up to the trailer and so will the gameplay. Crysis? That game is nothing but graphics its gameplay won't be anything special. Talk about irony.
2) Sales
Sales don't matter, sales do matter? Brag about sales or to not brag about sales.
No matter what happens there is always this talk about sales. Wii fans brag about sales and PS3/360 fans say sales don't matter. Sales don't matter? Then why the hell do we need to hear about how much Halo 3 sold? Why do we need to here from the PS3 fans about how sales will finally pick up when the PS3 price drop hits? Yeah we heard that when it went to $499 and now we are hearing it again when its hitting $399. If sales don't matter why do we here all sides talking about it? PSP outselling DS for a bit with Crisis Core is another example. Its not only Nintendo fans who talk about sales. The other factions that say sales don't matter never hesitate to post positive sales news and brag about it.
What happens when PC comes into play...
Even funnier is that even with what little impact in sales the PS3 has had I can't go one month without hearing. But PC gaming is dying :|
3) Ratings, Exclusives, GS scores
AA, AAA, Exclusives and such. The Blood of system wars. Console fanboys always go on to say the system with the highest rated exclusive games is the best. Makes sense right. We are on GS so we use GS scores.
What happenes when PC comes into play...
PC obviously has the most AA, AAA, and exclusives so what happens? GS scores suddenly don't matter, popularity defines if a game is good, the genres PC is strongest in are called boring and stale, console gaming is better since "consoles" yes plural lol have better games then PC. It basically has to be a 3 on 1 match because no one console seems to stand up to the behemoth of PC gaming. And when facts are stated that the PC has the most AA and AAA exclusives you get the personal opinion factor aka "I don't care what it scores or anything else, I don't like it" Just because you don't like a game doesn't mean you can deny the Review System of SW.
4) Controls
Arguments over controllers. The Wiimote is a gimmick, the Six-Axis has no rumble, the 360 controller has no motion sensing. All the time arguing and bickering over controllers what is best, the controls feel tacted on ext.
What happens when PC comes into play...
Apparently mouse and keyboard are horrible for gaming. It gives you cramps after constant use yet we as a society do all of our work from it and never complain about it when doing work, only gaming :roll: Lets not forget the fact that practically any last gen controller and yes the current gen controllers are all useable on the PC barring the Six-Axis to my knowledge.
And for FPS arguement. Come on people your preference isn't fact. Just because you like something better doesn't mean its fact. Yes I play Halo 3 and I enjoy it and I've played TS, GE, and PD as well. But M/KB is proven to be more accurate, more versatile, and a more effective tool when playing a FPS game. It is not hampered by limitations and handicaps due to its inefficiencies in precision, speed, and accuracy. Regardless of preference the M/KB combo is technically better.
5) Online gaming
PSN is free, XBL is superior, Wii friend codes are horrible, at least we don't have to pay.
What happens when PC comes into play...
Apparently people never knew PC online > Console online gaming. Wierd?
6) Price
Wii is only selling because of price, PS3 is expensive but you get what you pay for. All the hoop la about HD-Gaming but only PC gaming is expensive. Next time you call PC gaming expensive remember the cost of that HDTV and the extra $10 you pay for games. Wait you say you don't need a HDTV to play games? Yeah and you don't need a top of the line Graphics card as well.
What happens when PC comes into play...
PS3 owners claim that you get what you pay for that its worth the money seeing as what you get for your purchase. Hmmm why doesn't this logic apply to PC's? PC's help with music, photo's, movies, games, school, editing, movie making and anything else you can think of. Ah well I'm not paying $3000 for a PC :roll: PC gaming is so expensive yet all these guys with 360's and PS3's bragging about their HDTV's don't factor that in to the price of their console. Console + HDTV is just as expensive if not more then a PC.
I mean remember the arguement about how haters only dislike the PS3 because they can't afford it? Oh man those were the days.
7) Competition
PC Gaming doesn't compete with consoles. Consoles are a seperate entity. Forget about people laughing at the 360 saying all of its games are going to PC and that they won't buy a 360 because they can play them on PC. You know why you should forget this? Because if this were true then PC would actually be competing with consoles. The fact is that it does compete with consoles. If it didn't then people wouldn't be bragging about losing exclusives to PC, claiming they will get the superior version on PC, or saying why buy a 360 when they can play the games on PC.
What happens when PC comes into play...
All of a sudden PC gaming doesn't compete. The whole above paragraph is completed voided and people forget that stores like Gamestop have PC Kiosks and sell PC games :|
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