Blade_Tr4iner's forum posts
Alright, there's a sci-fi/sci-fantasy short story competition going on here and I'm entering. The minimum word limit is 2000 (max 5000) and since I don't think I've ever really written an entire story that long (since Pellet and The Summoning are neither complete and probably won't be short stories once they're done) I'm doing a tad more planning than usual. I'd just like everyone's opinions on the basic timeline for the setting:
2015: Breakthrough leaps fusion power research forward 30 years
2025: First successful and economically feasible fusion generator set up in America.
2034: First colonists land on moon
2040: Miniaturisation of fusion technology progresses to the point where fusion based propulsion systems are possible
2050: First manned expedition lands on mars. Reports finding water deposits deep in crust.
2054: First eager colonists land on mars, construction having started on colony ships even before 2050 expedition.
2055: WWIII breaks out. Immediate destruction of most satellites results in loss of communication with both Mars and the moon colonies.
2056: WWIII ends. Remaining Earth population settle in under unified government and begin attempting to survive. Little to no research done and majority of earth's information sources destroyed.
2090: Dust clouds begin to lift, earth temperature begins to rise. Non-hydroponic agriculture resumes as weather patterns begin returning to normal.
2096: Global celebration as Earth's population reaches one million
2104: Construction begins on probe to examine moon colonies
2110: Probe is launched and sees little activity on moon surface.
2125: Manned expedition lands on moon. Finds thousands of skeletons in the underground based colonies. Earth mourns the deaths, but celebrates the huge cache of lost information and technology remaining.
Permanent research station set up on moon to decrypt, analyse and reverse engineer all data and technology.
2140: Probe launched to Mars loses contact en route.
2148: Second probe suffers same fate. Rumours beign circulating on earth regarding Mars' hostile intentions.
2150: Space based construction of armed fleet begins.
2160: Ten warships head towards Mars
2162: Warships destroyed, manage to send video feed of highly advanced, heavily armed ships back to earth. Construction of spacefleet intensifies and enlistment campaign begins.
2180: Construction of massive, armed armada complete. Fully 30% of Earth population enrolled in Earth Navy.
2181: Armada sets off for Mars, expected arrival time in 22 months.
That's the basics. I'll probably do the story from the point of view of one of the ship's crew members (ala Midshipman's Hope) but I'm open to any ideas or suggestions. What do you think?
Oh yes, ship armament is based off a mixture of Nexus and Mass Effect. The capital ships (frigates, battleships, destroyers, etc) are armed primarily with missiles and gauss guns to reduce heat emission, while the more nimble fighters have lasers and massive cooling arrays (so they look sort of like butterflies. Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee indeed :P ) At least on the earth side. aven't decided on Mars (who have something like a century's technological edge)
I like the idea, seems like it's gonna be a good story, although honestly can't say I like the script form - is there any chance of you converting it into a proper narrative once the whole story is done? :P
Otherwise, I like it - hope to see more.
Yes I actually got around to writing it :O
Quality isn't top notch imo but I nevertheless had to get it out, since the need to write it was just knocking at the back of my mind.
Anyway, enough chatter. Onto the story! :P
On a final note, The Summoning is based VERY loosely off the Starcraft universe and events, so if you notice any inconsistencies with the mythos... TOUGH :P
Hehe... Yes it is quite frustrating not to be able to continuously read a continuous narrative...
And on a completely unrelated side note, I'm officially renaming both Pellet 2 and to just Pellet (until I can think of a better name). Pellet 2 is now the prologue for Pellet :P
I like it. First time I've personally seen a mad sniper story turn light-hearted :D
Hope you write more along this vein :P 'Twas awesome.
Heh, I've been working on the RP for this for quite some with Endless. I really enjoyed the opportunity to learn some background info like this.
Nice story, too :P
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