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Blazekid1992 Blog

My Top 5 Family Guy Episodes

5-I am Peter, Here Me Roar = Just the entire thing of Peter acting like a woman is hilarious. And the scene at the Million Man March.

4-Mr Griffin Goes To Washington = Peter with the Political guys and when they spoof the That Girl opening is just hilarious.

3-Breaking Out Is Hard To Do = The family trying to blend in at Asiatown cracks me up. And the Jackie Chan scene.

2-PTV = Peters Douchebags moment along with the FCC censoring real life is a stitch! Oh man!

1-Model Misbehaviour = This episode is just the best of the best! The entire episode is so flipping funny! If i could only watch 1 episode of Family Guy for the rest of my life, it would be this one. And the bit where Peter is angry at Meg cos she said she would pleasure herself to Lois' pictures!


If you haven't heard the news, here it is. 4kids have stopped dubbing one piece, meaning someone else could take a chance at dubbing it.

Spiderman 3

The movie may come out next year, buti have downloaded the full trailer. I have to tell you, it looks awesome. Please watch.

The 2006 Winner is...............

All those Blog Posts, all those cartoon characters, it's all come down to this. The one cartoon that is better than all of the rest. Last time, we saw Springfields own The Simpsons bout it out against the disfunctional Family Guy. I now have a winner.

The Winner of Battle Of The Toons 2006 is..............


What a great year. Tune in next year for Battle Of The Toons 2007. Who will win? Only you can decide. Goodbye!

Got dis

1. What is your favorite TV show? Lost or Family Guy or Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

2. What is your favorite movie genre? Comedy
3. What are you listening to right now? Scooby Doo on TV
4. What is your favorite font? Comic Sans
5. Do you wish on stars? Sometimes

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Red

7. How is the weather right now? Cold...

8. What is your dream vacation destination?America
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you/you got this from? Yeh

11. Favorite drink? J20

12. Favorite sport to watch?don't watch that many sports 

13. Have you ever dyed your hair? Nope

14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Only when watching TV

15. Pets? a cat and a dog

16. Favorite month(s)? November, December and July
17. Favorite food? Pizza

18. What was the last movie you watched? Pirates Of The Carribean 2
19. Favorite (holi)day of the year? Xmas

20.How do you prevent anger?Bottle it up
21. Favorite toys as a child? Action Figures

22. Fall or spring? Fall

23. Hugs or kisses?Kisses

24. Cherry or blueberry?Blueberry

Do you want your friends to complete and blog this too? Yeah

Favorite style of music? Rock

The Beatles or The Stones? The Stones
When was the last time you cried?Not sure...

30. What is under your bed?Junk

cartoon character? Jaden Yuki

What did you do last night?Sleep

33. Favorite smell(s)? Food!

34. What/Who inspires you? Not many people
35. What are you afraid of? Not saying

36. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?Plain
. Favorite car? Ferrari

38. Favorite dog breed?German Shephers

39. Number of keys on your key ring? 3

40. How long at your current job? Never!

favourite day?Friday

42. How many states have you lived in?  England

43. How many cities have you lived in? About 3

44. How many countries have you lived in? 1

45. Who'd ya get this from? dunno

46. If you could thank anyone, who would it be? Mates and family

47. Who is a teacher who has touched/inspired you? good question...

48. Where is the furthest you have been away from home?No idea also...

49. What are you REALLY scared of? Have'nt I already answered this?

50. Who is someone that you want to tell something but can't or are afraid to? My friends

Which of these should be my icon?

Vote for which you think should be my icon. Now, i don't know a few of the characters names on the pictures, so when you comment me, put the number of the icon you want to win.































The Long Awaited Finale

We have been through many, many posts to get to this moment, The Final Round. Which cartoon is the best one ever? Which animated show is better than all the rest in your eyes? Who is the winner? Lets find out as we have the final round!

In the Red corner, having 18 years of shows and yellow skin, Matt Groenings very own..........


And in the Blue corner, with 7 years of shows, a dysfunctional town and a fat main character, Seth Mcfarlanes best creation,


I will hold this for 1 week rather than 3 days. Vote now if you want your one to win.