Hey guys! How is it going? Time to talk about Day 2 of my adventure before I forget everything.
We woke up early and did the usual things you do in the morning, except and had to scavage our own breakfast! D: I brught food with me. :P We then took a train and a bus to arrive at Ballarat. Sovereign Hill wasn't open yet, so we went to the Gold Museum nearby. So...much...gold. I got bored of it quickly though. :P Sovereign Hill then opened! It's pretty much an open air museum which depicts Ballarat's first ten years after the discovery of gold there in 1852. I totally did not just steal those fancy words from Wikipedia. :|
I love the place and everything but there was just one problem. IT WAS RAINING AND FREEZING. I didn't have an umbrella. Oh, the people who worked there were in costume and in character! Blacksmiths, police, some guy that kept ringing a bell, Chinese people, lollymakers, farmers, the women, the men, someone that sells and makes clothes which I believe are called tailors, bakers you name it! :D
At the bakery, the bakers were so nice and you actually see them make the food. She called me Ma'am! :o Well everyone did there. :P I bought an apple pie for my friend and I had some of it. :| At the clothing shop you could buy the old-fashioned clothes and top hats, legit and not-so legit! :D I tried a legit one and it was comfy. :cool: I saw turkeys, very big pigs and...*in Ed's voice* CHICKEEEEEEENNSSS!!!! You could Pan for Gold for a Dollar but I didn't feel like it. :P
We got to go to an underground tour and at the start, it was pitch black. Literally! :| It was the most darkest room I've ever been in. But when the carts stopped there was light and we learned how people searched for gold underground. After the very interesting tour was done, we went back into the carts and yet again it was pitch black. After that I walked around some more. There was candle making but I didn't want to do that either.
Afterwards everyone in my class sat down and waited for the lollymaking to start. The guy (which me and some others to believe that he looks like Hamish Blake & Andy Lee fused together) started to make the confectionary which started off as liquid. It was now gooey and he kepy folding it and rolling it with his 'poor man's gloves'. That's flour. :| He then put it in a roller which flattened the confectionary and when it was hard, he picked it up and smahsed it to the table. He did this twice. Once without explaining and the other with an explanation. He also made horse heads, which are pretty much hard lollies in the shape of a horse's head on a stick! Oh by the way, he was making boiled lollies. After the demonstartion, I ordered a large jar of mixed boiled lollies and a horsehead. I payed for the jar but he gave me the horseheads for free! What a nice (and attractive) man! :oops:
Oh, before the demonstration at the start, about 6-9 boys from my class came along with walking canes. I was confused and they just said it was a secret society. :P I call them 'The Cane Gang'. Instead of the Kane Gang??? :| They bought the canes somewhere around the area. :P The started to play round with the canes which got the teachers a little annoyed. Like, on the next day they played hockey with the canes and a lolly. *dramatic extreme close up* OR WAS THAT THE SAME DAY??? :|
I can't remember.
At the souveneir shop I bought horse coasters (for a friend) and a stubby holder for myself. :P I don't drink, I use stubby holders for cans.......of soft drink. :|
Oh, I can't remember what dinner was but it was at the hotel. :|
Oh yeah I think it was pasta! :D
Goodnight. :|
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