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BlazikenTails64 Blog

Quick Attack

I was thinking what it would be like in the Final Fantasy world. Then the Imagination Box came.

*hops in Box*

*gets killed by Sephiroth* :|

Sorry, I just really like Final Fantasy at the moment! :P

Brawl in The Family did a hilarious April Fools joke! :lol:

A note saying they were shutting down. :P

It says Waluigi hates it so yeah. :P

I found something from BiTF!

I have been trying to hatch my egg in Pokemon for ages! :cry:

Don't worry, its not a Bad Egg, because its going to hatch soon! :)

It just hatched! :o

KILL THE PSYDUCK! :twisted: :|

I have been argueing with Munch for quite some time now. :x :lol:

My Grovyle is using Quick Attack a lot :|

Because Asorb keeps on getting Disabled! :x

My Avy should've changed to Aeris...again! :P


I was just walking in the grass training my Grovyle and Loudred in Pokemon Paerl when a Seviper just appeared! :shock:

I use a great ball.

It wiggles,

it wiggles,

it wiggles,

I CAUGHT IT! :shock: :D

Let's's male. I shall call it......

Daisuke! :D

Dunno why, so don't ask. :P

I have been wanting a Seviper since..forever! :D

:D :D :D :?


*walks down road* Hey look a sign! :D



Today's New Wave music is wierd. :|

I have been listening to radio lately, which I haven't done since last year :P and I'm starting to listen to different station now! :o

I had KFC for dinner tonight. :P

I didn't eat any meat. :D

I was tempted though. :P

All I had was chips and Potato & Gravy. :)

And Mountain Dew! :D

Yahoo! Mountain Dew! :D :|

Another Psyduck! :o KILL! :evil: :P

Hey look, another sign! :o

left or right

Maybe that would work with a mirror. :P


Sometimes I get mad with power. :|
Fine then, I ALWAYS go mad with power. :P

I was watching Back To The Future on Sci Fi channel today. :D

Even though my Dad has the whole collection on DVD. :P

Stupid Bidoof, just die already! :x :|

Yes, he died! :DOk, he just fainted. :(

Back To The Future was on Disney Channel once for some reason. :|

I have no idea why. :?

Another sign! :o


But I don't smoke. :|

I'm only 14! :P

Yeah, I said it! :x :|

I seem to get more confident lately as the years go by. :|
DIE PSYDUCK! :x Yes! 8)

I should stop now. :P

But I won't. :|

Nintendo are making too many DS's.

It would funny if they made the...

yeah right


What the? :P

deja vu?

Remember the cat? :P


Did I say it hatched earlier? :o

I lied. :|


Finally, it what to yell at? :?

Oh yeah! :D


Well, seeya! And a late Happy Easter Saturday!

Because I live in Australia and as soon as I get back on GS tomorrow, it will be Easter Sunday. :P



Virtual Reality

Everyone know that Aprils Fools Day was yesterday, so you can't do any more pranks! :P

Now, not many people read books, but for now on, every blog I type the blurb of a book( most likely a novel)and you have to guess what the book is and/or its author(s)! :D Winner gets a free slice of pavlova! :D

Like this:

It is 2010 and the Internet has became the world's central system. If terrorsits are going to subvert the new world order, thi is were they will strike. A new organisation is therefore needed to deter them-Net Force, a team of highly trained operatives whose homeground is the Virtual Reality of the Net, with the Net Force Strike Teams at the ready to take the battle into the real world with thier own devastating power.

And now Net Force face thier toughest challenge yet. It begins when Louisiana's state capitol building is destroyed using a top=secret chemical weapons formula swiped from the Net - and soon the world's banking system is reeling from a series of assualts. If Net Force doesn't piece the deadly puzzle together in time, someone is going to get away with murder... and the most daring robbery in history.

It's a good old book. :)

Its Good Friday, and I was watching The Goodies Marathon. My fave epiosde was Radio Goodies, Kitten Kong and that one with Graeme on tv. :lol: :P


I'm playing Pokemon Pearl now. :o I haven't in a while. :P I'm levelling up my Grovyle and Sandshrew. :D

I made another sig! Its in my images didn't turn out as planned. :(

One day I will put a photo of me on Facebook but not now. I'm still have to be aware of my safety :P

I was planning this blog to be big but I may not have time. :|

I was flipping channels the other day and I saw Hong Kong Phooey! :o Me and my Dad loves that show! :D

Then we watched Jonny Bravo.

Then The Jetsons.

Well, all on one channel because its a channel thats shows old cartoons like that, even Astro Boy and Top Cat! :o

Its called Boomerang. :)

I think its associated with Cartoon Netowrk. :?

Its my friends birthday on Saturday! :o

I wish I could get him a pressie but he lives overseas. :P

I entered in a competition on Nintendo Australia to get a Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver Prize pack! :o

If I win, I might get a DSi! :o

I'm going to ask my Mum to wash her car for extra pocket money, but that might mean clearing her car too. :|

I like my Dad;s car better, because when he drives, he puts his iPhone on, which has the best music like DragonForce, Iron Maiden, Shinedown, Bon Joviand more. :D

But Mum's car is cool also, because it has The Police, Bon Jovi, Shinedown, Jimmey Barnes (And Cold Chisel :P) and more. :D

Its Hans Christian Anderson's 205th birthday today! :D

He created Thumbelina, as the Google picture says. :P

I have to get more needles at the 21st of April. -_-

But its for health so yeah. :P

I migrated more Pokemon. I don't wanna migrate Kyogre and Rayquaza for some reason. :|

I like Brain McFadden's song Just Say So. :|

Its different than what I have heard when he sang with Delta Goodrem. :|

I saw Ryan Shelton on tv! :o

I haven't seen him on tv ever since Rove McManus finished his show (Rove) last year.

Hey Hey its Saturday shall continue Wednesday week! :D

My brother's fave comedian is Ross Noble. :D

I like Hamish & Andy! :D

Real Stories was hilarious! :lol:

Same with when Hamish & Andy went on The Jay Leno Show! :P

Well, Happy Good Friday! (Pretty late I KNow)

Seeya! :D


Yes! *collapses on bed*

How many people are doing this? I ain't gonna do an April Fools Joke. You kno why? It after 12 PM! :P

A freind of mine gave me the 2nd Spectrobes DS game today! :D

He left his file on it though. :P

And my school Easter holidays have started! :D

Its the first day of the month! :o *pinches and punches*

White Rabbit. :|

I found a fossil! :o

Whaddya call a sheep crossed kangaroo?

A wolly jumper. :| A very old joke. :P

Whats the wierdest song you have ever heard? :|

At ICT today, we got to play computer games created by Year 9's. :D

I defeated my friend in a taking game, then she defeated me! :x



Hey look! :o A Barramundi! :D

I wish I could go fishing but dad has only 4 days of holidays (Easter) and he has to study for University.

I'll ask him tomorrow. :D

I don't get much for Easter. Only about a little bit of chocolate and about $1, I presume. :P :|

Thats mean! :x :P

Speaking of mean...



1.21 jiggawatts!

Hey look! :shock:A Bilby! :o

*shoots it* NOOO! IT WAS THE EASTER BILBY! :cry: :P


What's the worst April Fool's Joke you have ever been tricked into?

I told my friend I was leaving school. She told me it was April Fools Day. Then I told her that I didn't know. Then she beleived me. I Tricked her! :P

Why did my brother just introduce me to one of his friends? :|

She seems nice. :)

There's four ways to say Copenhagen. :|

For the Logies, I want Rove and Shaun Micallef to get a Gold Logie. And that guy from that other show, forgot what its called. :P

I also want Charlie Pickering and Josh Thomas to win a Logie.

My friend was on tv today! :o

My fave dance besides the Macarena is The Nutbush. Its quite simple and fun! :D

I remember the Hokey Pokey as well from Preschool! :lol:

The Macarena is Latin! :o

Well, might as well go now.

Seeya! :D


Guess what I watched at school today....

A-D-V-E-N-T C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N!! :D :D :D :D

But there was a fire drill at school. -_-

At English, instead of working we got to watch The Truman Show, which is funny yet strange. :P

I only have one more day of school then its the Easter holidays! :D

This is gonna be short...:(

Or will it? :|

Oh, never ever type a URL address incorrectly. You may not know what will appear :|

Yippee! More friends on Facebook! :D

At ICT, we were watching how you can waste technology with multitasking and about Cyberbullyng. This person said we went on many websites, and it showed that one of them was GameSpot! :shock:

*throws bricks* brick

Are people getting bored of bricks? Fine, how's this! :x

*throws The Sun* sun

Yeah, I was on Wikipedia at the time I was searching for pictures. :P

Maybe this isn't short. :|



Well, seeya! :D


I'm Gonna Smash Someone's Face In A Min.....

You know why! :x I ain't saying why! :x Its Pokemon! :x Dang I just said it! :x

Its okay if you do mention HG and SS, I won't get THAT mad! :lol:

Ok, this blog will be about Pokemon and other stuff. :o

HG and SS is what Pokemon fans have been waiting for, but with the announcement of Zorua and Zoroak...people may start to look away.

Pokemon Paerl, Diamond and Platinum was a great game, but the legendaries were like monsters. Too big to fit in a pocket. :P

I reckon that 151 is all we need! :P I wonder what the Next Gen dog and bird are gonna look like......Ok...I admit, Blaziken and Chatot of their likes are pretty cool. 8)

With people who appreciate Pokemon, there are also people who hate Pokemon. As long as Pokemon gets popluar, the more people hate it, and tease peple about it.

And don't get me started on the present Anime -_-

Well, that was short. :P

At HPE today, we played soccer and my team was winning, mainly becuase they didn't reakise that they didn't have a goalie! :lol:

in Year 7, we had to translate different profiles from Japanese into English, and we got to read about Satoshi Tajirir. (Creator of Pokemon)

And now.......Lizards! :o :P

Not really....Lizards was an on going joke on the Talkin Bout Your Gen Christmas Special last year. :P

I honestly think the internet is slowly dieing....unless you area newfounder of the world wide web.

Now, some people may wonder why I am so smart? :P

Well, I'm smarter than the average Bear! :P

I'm actually smart for my age because I have ASD, with makes me not as coopareative, confident and smart than other people. I'm excellent in my english, making me read at a 16 year level, but I sem to fail at maths, at certain areas as well. I know a lot about animals, due to my interest in them, I kow a lot about sports, thanks to my family but mainly my brother, I know about music from my brother and dad and sometimes mum, depending on what music. I also know a lot from my father about Computers. My GS friends, my brother and GS make me a bit smarter about video games, and I go to school! :P My brother also tells me about his fave comedians. I sometimes research when I'm bored on some topics sometimes too. :P

Here are some facts I have learnt:

Every human being started their life as a girl. :P

Geshundeit means Good health. :)

Monotremes are mamals that lay eggs, like platypuses and echidnas. :roll: I knew that.

There is a lizard called The Jesus Christ Lizard. :|

In the Alvin & The Chipmunks movie, Dave's house, or apartment whatever, has 1958 on the top, which is the year when Ross Bagdasarian created the Chipmunks.

The fear of number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia.

Apparently the first European settlers in Australia drank more alcohol per person than any other community in the history of mankind. :lol:

THere are 1500 species of Australian Spiders. :o

Australian aboriginals probably are the oldest race in the world Well, I knew that! :roll:

The PlayStation was originally a Sony/Nintendo project. :shock:

63% of parents believe video games are a positive part of their children's lives.

Well, I better stop acting smart and head off. I have to watch the news.

Seeya! :D




An Early Blog

I call this an ealry blog because I usually blog around the 6PM point, and its 4:30 PM. :|

I came home ealry, because my school bus came early. I have to catch a new bus for now on which comes earleir, but its the same driver :D He supports the Rabbitohs! :DTurns out that they didn't pick up the students from St.Luke's because they have an extra Easter holiday! :x

Well, in Year 11, they get 2 weeks extra off Christmass holidays, and Year 12's get 4 weeks.

How do I know? :o My brother GRADUATED last year. :|

I think I hae been losing my randomness. :| I better blog before my Mum gets home, because she is out. :P

I dunno where my brother is, probably at footy training or Work. My dad is at work. He is a photocopier technician, and he is in University to become a Computer technician. Maybe we can go fishing at Easter FINALLY! :x

I will know have this big text so people can read better. :D

I was watching some old Rugrats videos for old times sake, and I Laughed at thier "baby" language.

Aliems=Aliens :o

George Wahingmachine=George Wahington :shock:

Hipbops=Hiccupps :lol:

And my fave, Cowboys & Undies =Cowboys & Indians. :P

At Japanese today, the Cla$$ got to choose to watch between two movies, Inuyasha or Final Fantasy 7. I watched Inuyasha of course, and they sound hilarious in Japanese! :lol: And they actually swore in Japanese! :o

I called my Rayquaza Buttwagon! :|

I shall upload some more Pegacorn proof for everyone soon! :x

*sees people mention HG & SS* How dare they! :x

Big text makes the blog bigger. :|

I want to see The Bear and The Bow. Its a fairy tale Disney Pixar movie. :D

HOLY CRAP! :o INVADER ZIM IS ON TONIGHT! :D But I'll be in bed :cry:

Oh, remember when I said Mel & Kochie were coming to my home town? Well, I see The Show Sunrise on tv, they were at Hinkler House, and my friends were on tv! :o I saw a sign saying "Hi! I'm on TV!" :P

I'm making this blog before I read any of my PMS! :D

What's the square root of cake?:o Cream! :DWhats the right angle? Pie. :|

IfI wanted a Job I would be an Attorney, a lawyer of a vet. :P I like saving animals :D

I am a Wildlife Warrior! :D Just like Steve Irwin was! 8) Shame he died...:( Is a good website forwebcomics withvideogames and laughter. *Warning: Blood, disgusting yet funny jokes and swears will be there. :| *

I'm nearly taller than my mother! :o

*eats plain crackers*


Well, seeya! :D


What is Your Town Famous For? Competition

In Australia, there was an competiton for this, from Sunrise (News show) and Bundaberg won! :o So, Kochie and the team are coming here to Bundy, to the Botanical Gardens on Monday (tomorrow), while I'm at school. -_-

But, my school (North Bundy) is right near the botanical gardens! :D Where the Hall of Aviation is. Why is there a Hall of Aviation you ask? Well, Bert Hinkler, the Australian Lone Eagle was an aviator. He was an inventor, and was the first person to fly solo from England to Australia, and was first person to fly solo across the Southern Atalantic Ocean. :o

No wonder one of the shopping centres is called Hinkler. :P

More information on him here.

My brother last night had a party for his birthday yesterday(which was a few days a go) and invited his mates to come over and play the 360 OUTSDE! :shock: It was noisy.

And the next person to metnion Pokemon HG or SS will get a brick thrown at ther fae, possibly causing death. :x :P

J/K but, I don't have enough money. I'll probably get HG at July or something. *puts on top hat*

Yep, I have nil dollars. *dives in chocoltae pool*

Deja vu? :?


Who here reads VG Cats? :D

Deja vu again? :|

I saw Batman and Looney Tunes:Back in Action last night. Good movies :D

There is currently a live action Marvin the Martian movie in progress! :o Cool! 8)

I decided I wanted to spend some time with my Dad, but he is working at the moment. It was either watch The Goodies, or play the Wii. I chose playing the Wii. :P

Does anyone read 2P START! or Brawl In The Family?

They are webcomics. :P

Lets see whats on my list today.....

no wonder why kids are lazy

Hey look! :shock: The Drew Carey Show is on! :D *eats popcorn*

I saw this hilarious episode where at the start. Daffy Duck was trying to apply for a job but Drew said no. It was hilarious! :lol:

EDIT: Also, there is going to be a movie called 1906. I also wanna see a Disney Pixar movie called The Bear and The Bow. And Toy Story 3. But Cars 2...nup. Its sad how some of the voice actors from Cars died. :(

Wel, seeya!



GameTraders+ Some other stuff

I'm just going to say a few things. It might be too early to make a blog but I want to! :x :P

First thing is, I'm going to say how great GameTraders is. Its a store that sell video games of all types, from Atari to Wii. They even sell old consoles, like the N64 and the PSX. They have great service, and if you have a broken console, they can fix it for you, thats if the problem can be fixed. They also sell Anime, such as Inuyasha, Lucky Star, Full Metal Alchemist and many more that could only be at Anime exclusive stores. GameTraders aslo sell old Link Cables, controllers, memory cards, rumble packs and such. They have such good service as well. They seem to also sell card packs, toys, plushies, posters, figurines, items and more. Like the other day I saw a Hylian Shield for sale! :o In every GameTraders store I have been into, they all seem to have good service. At Maryborough I saw a game, then they sent it to the Bundaberg GameTraders. :D

My second thing I shall talk about is Maddie Blaustein.Adam Joan Blaustein was born in New York. She unfortunatley died in December 11 2008 aged 48 from a short illness in her sleep. She was usuallya dub voicein Anime and sometimes in video games. She has been the voices of Meowth, Corphish, Lt.Surge, Bill, and many more characters in Pokemon.She was also Chatot in the Mystery Dungeon Pokemon special.She was also Sartorius in Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Chef Kawasaki and Waddle Doo in Kirby:Right Back At Ya!, Corinna in Viva Pinata, The President in Shadow the Hedgehog, Dr. Kureha in One Piece, The Toucans in Animalia, Jillas in Slayers TRY, Dr.Clash in F-Zero: GP Legend, Burnt Meatballs in Fightinf Foodons, Helga in Dinosaur King and many more. She was also a writer and an artist. She had written and edited for Marvel Comics, and was a senior digital artist at DC comics. Its a shame that a wondeful person had to die, especially at 48. :( Arceus & the Jewel of Life and WarioWare D.I.Y are dedicated to her.

Also, that I have 1 more week (4 days due to Good Friday) then I will have my Easter Holidays! :D I'm watching Lucario and the Mystery of Mew now. :D Its an okay movie. :P

I gotta go now take care! :D


Goodness No!

Stupid blog I just had to start ALL OVEWR AGIN!


Since its my brother's birthday today, him and my parents are going to the Pokies, so I hafta go to my next door neigbours house :D

Up to 11PM :D


Remember when I was taling about the Year 12 jersey's? Well, I saw one and this was on the back

Sorry, I just made a giant blog but no.

Its my bro's birthday today

He goes to pokeies with parents while I go next door up to 11 PM :D

Sorry, I'm just really frustrated. I made a huge blog and its truined. :cry: :cry: :x :x

I'm not allowed to name a dog Spunky because its not okay in Australian Termonlolgy :?

Well, I was gonna call my next dog if I get one a famous name like Shousehine Boy, Underdog, Scooby, Lasie, Akamaru, Brain, Santa's Little Helper, Fu Dog, Agent D, Huckleberry Hound, Spike, Poochie, Eddie, Blacktoe? and many more.

I made a list but the stupid blog messed up. :x


Wel, seeya BYe!



Stop Teasing Me! *shakes fist*

I was watching tv then sudenley, NOT MY CHIKORITA!

Yeah, I saw that HG SS commerical. :|

It just released today and its only $54 :|

But I can't buy it! :cry:

I'm still earning for my recenlty purchased Pokemon Sapphire.

I caught Rayquaza with a Master Ball because I was sick of wasting my time throwing those Ultra Balls and 1HP.

Yesterday, at LOTE (Japanese) we watched King of Bandit Jing.

And I spoke with my teacher (Which is one of the kindest) and she asked if we should watch the first Inuyasha movie or the second. I said second because of the end. :D

Even though its not suitable for people aged 13 and under :o

What am I? :P A TV Warning? :|

Also, I am already at Level 23. :D

*gets groceries out of Mum's car* :x

*takes clothes off Hills Hoist* :cry:

*pats dog* :)

*yelles at cloud* :|

Actually, its pretty cloudless today. *notices giant clouds come in*

Dang! :x We just had a storm! :x

:D I like rain, but sometime I get sick of it.

Speaking of cloudsgranpa

And I found a similiar one :P cloud


Yesterday, on the bus, this little young kid was asking people "Sonic or Superman? Who is the coolest, and who would win?"

He said Sonic, many people agreed, many said that they like Clark Kent with Undies on, and some girl just randomly yelled:"BATMAN!" :lol:

WTF did that come from? :?

This is cool.

*notices fellow members of soceity doing The Nutbush*

Fry saw it

At HPE, we had to do...DANCING! :cry:

Dun Dun Duuuuun! :| :P

All we did so far is the Chicken Dance, the Nutbush, The Macarena, Hokey Pokey *remembers preschool days* and a country dance with an ark. :|

Oh and does anyone watch Futurama? :D

I love it how everything bad happens to Zoidberg! :lol:

Like when his slinky became straight. :lol:

He was Jesus once too. :| :P

Zoidberg: "Be careful with that Adelai Leela, he's a doctor, they're very poor."
Leela: "Acctully most doctors are rich."
Zoidberg: "WHAT! When did this happen? You're joking, right?! Thats Not Funny!!" :lol:

Different text? :? Wowee! :D :|

5th gen?



Her new song is pretty long 15 mins about? :?

lock on

Dang! Its started raining! :x Now it stopped? :?

Well, gotta go school tomorrow bye! :D
