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BlazikenTails64 Blog

Not gonna be here for a while.

Hello, uh, not sure how to do this:?

Yeah, Lauren can't be on much for a while:(

She asked me to blog telling you guys/gals this because she couldn't.

No, I'm not Lauren and yes, I was asked to do this:P

Well, anyway, that's about it.:|

But I don't think she'd like it if I kept this so short.....

No, this is absolutely, 100% NOT a joke!:x


........So you guys better miss her!:x:P

By the way, I'm Munchgun.

Ah, sorry Lauren, didn't know exactly what to say:? sorry for keeping it short but this isn't my blog afterall:P

Well, that's it, bye:)

Its Tuesday!

Drat! :P

Me and Munch has a nearly same avy. Except I'm Aeris, (The smart cat) and he's Leo (The dumb one ) :P

You don't reemmber that Simpsons episode? IT WAS THE 1ST SEASON! x

They are showing the first 5 season from the 90's on FOX8. :|

Funny, I go visit a friend, speak to her father about his 360 Red Rings Of DEath, NRL, and playing THw wii. Then he tells me that my friend went out to get some mice. :shock:

Then she came home, hers is a black and white one called Pipsquaek...but I don't know about her brothers. :|

She has 4 fish. These are their names, Assasin, Jaws, Rocky and.......................................Cupcake! :lol:

She had a new dog but it was very violent to her Jack Russell so they took it back and replced it with mice.

And at the end of the conversation...she says "Its my birthday!"
I need to make her a present!

I call March, THe Month Of Birthdays! :D Why you ask? :o

These ar the following people that I know with thier birthays in March.

My Dad

My 17 year old Brother

My 20-something year old brother

My friend

My friend's brother

Thier mother

My Other friend

and many more! :o

If your birthday is coming up, let me know and I shall mention it in a blog! :o

But it has to be close. :P

Oh, Please join my union! :D

Its The Star Fox Team! :D

IT even has a cool new banner by koopa! :D

Its quarter to 6...PM! :o

Oh, I'm a Wizard! :D

*is making Nestor jealous* :P

*drinks water*

I can't do a Spit-Take. :|

And people call me a comedian! :?

*sees leaf*


At school, for April Fool's Day, we have a box in the library, and we get to put hilarious jokes in them.

I entered 3 times with different jokes! 8)

Here's one *cough* Ahem! :x :|

Why does E.T have such big eyes?

He looked at the phone bills for calling his mother. :lol:

Not funny? Fine. Then heres the other one. :|

Arg. For some reason it won't let me ut it in the blog. I'l; just have to PM it to whoever ewants it. :|

Funny eh? :lol: I got it out of a book!

What's a vampire's fave fruit?
Neck-tarines! :P

Ultimited Vegetables! :D.......................:|


Humor time! :o



viva pinata


Seeya! :D



Don't you just hate stepping on them? :x

Why do people hate me? :cry: Is it because I seal hula-hops and throw bricks at people? :x

*is alone*

WTF? :cry: I needa hug! :cry:

*us still alone* Oh No! *cries*

*Homer Simpson comes in* Let me help you dry those tears. *he gets a hairdryer and turns it on*

Does anyone remember that? :D Anyone? :cry:

H.R Pufnstuf

Who's your friend when things get rough?

What about that? Anyone?


What about that? :x :cry:

*eats mousepad*


It hurts! :cry:

:cry: :|

I remember back in PreSchool at Mackay...we were practicing to Hula dance for a performance due to the release of Lilo & Stitch. One kid actually had a Elvis Presely costume and danced! :lol:

It was fun....we got to watch The Wiggles afterwards! :D

Well, seeya! :D


And now for something competely different.

(Monty Python reference) :P

Answers! :D

Munchgun: Ah, I don't know what to ask
Well, you know why you like green eggs & ham?
I know you're a vegetarian, just asking

Should I ask better questions?

No. Because if thier greeen they must be rotten, Sam-I-Am! :P

And yes....since wait no. :|


Have you seen Suicide mouse? Patchy The Pirate has. Here is what he said.

"That's it? That's the lost episode! THAT WAS JUST A BUNCH OF CHEAP WALK CYCLES!"

I have :P I hate hoaxes. :|


Waffles? No.
Syrup? No
Pancakes? Sometimes.

Cookies? Yes.
Do you like owls? Yes. :D

If I was a zombie, what would you do? Shoot you in the face. :|

Are you a wizard? Yes! :|

Can I be Harry Potter? NEVER! :P

Do you now how bored I am? No.

Do I need a life? If you like pretzels. :P

What' a life? I shall tell you, from my brothers words of wisdom. "Life is like a pretzel, twited yet delicous."

That is all...:D:P


Lilo & stitch not sure if I ever seen the movie. may have to try to pick it up sometime and watch it. I know I have the game for playstation. Blaziken can evolve? What is your favorite movie? Its a really good movie. :D No, I meant to say that my combusken evolved. :P

Back To The Future! :D


How old are you?
What is your favorite game of all the time?

*facepalm* Its rude to ask a femal what her age is but....after thousands asking I shall tell you. Its *cough* 14 *cough*

And I like Simpsons:Hit & Run and Pokemon Crystal :D And Sonic 2...I CAN'T CHOOSE! :cry:


Do you have a:
zombie apocalypse plan? Yes!

Golduck? No. :|

self-destruct button? On my forehead! :D

Have you trusted your money to the Bank Of Nikolai? Trust him, he has a pen. And a bodyguard.
I've seen that! :P Yes!

oh, and Como estas? Esta el refrigerador en la luna?Con los monos del espacio?

I'm fine but I don't understand the rest. :|


Purple? It an okay colour.

Limosine? I have never been in one.

Baseball? I like softball or teebal better. :P

Headband? I wear one all the sport. :P

Pie? I like pie....that doesn't have meat in it. ts better than cake! :D

Waffle? I don't like them :(

Turkey? I'm a vegetarian. :|

Robot? I'm just thinking about GIR right now :P

Coffee? I only drink Ice Coffee.

Egypt? You should see my friend for that. He loves that pace! :o

Cheese? I need to eat cheese A LOT! And its yummy! :D

Bacon? Yet again, vegetarian.

Leonidas? Err..what?

Microwave? Funny..I haven't touched one in months! :lol:

Kitty? I love kitties now! I even have a Killer Kitty! :P Meow. :3

Lamp? My lamp nearly put a curtain on fire. :lol:

Guitar? Its one of my fave instrumetns. :D

Worlof Warcraft? I haven't played it. :|


Ketchup or mustard? Ketchup? Oh tomato sauce!

Pudding or jell-o Neither

Ridez ze shopuff? what?

Pancakes, french toast or waffles? Pancakes

Fire, water or grass types? Fie types


Soda or Candy? I prefert the term Soft Drink.
chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Why do you always ask that ion question blogs?

RECONPLANE Sorry, but I don't have WiFi for the DS :cry:

Mario_sonic_man I find it a great sequel to the retro Sonic 2D series :D

infamous14579whats the craziest thing you done

Go to the front yard and yell "Cheese!" :P


What is a Blaziken? A Pokemon

Favorite band? Bon Jovi


Do you like Invader Zim? YES! And I miss that show.


I don't play it

I eat all those.


Vegemite. Never heard of the others.



I don't watch cricket/....:|

Spelling Errors


Are you exitied about Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver coming out? I'm only excited about HeartGold

Do you like anime? I always wach anime :D

Favorite Pokemon? BLAZIKEN!!!!!! :D

Favorite TV Show? Spongebob Squarepants

Favorite Food? Lamingtons


Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And, by opposing, end them. :P


I have a teacher..Munchgun

NAY! :x

I dunno. :P

macrules_640 Yes and No. :|


Why you so upset that your Blaziken is male? Becasue I wanted a female Blaziken

If you had a million dollars, but you could not spend it on yourself what would you do with it? I would donate it then give the rest to my family. And pay bills. :P

Can you name all Pokemon now, or even just the first 151? I could. But not now. I have a poster with te first 151. I need to hurry.

Whats it like living in Australia?

Its I thought every place in the world is normal to live. But its raining so much since Cyclone Season just passed...or did it? :O And the school hpurs are probably diffrent. Plus, there are some jerks on the road and streets, with loud music, speeding and the profanity. But thats just my town. You should see Brisbane. ITS SO CROWDED! ITS A GAINT CITY! :shock:

How many shoes????? Remember the last time you asked that?


Good, thats all finished. :P If I missed someone, let me know.

Wel, its Sunday night, but might be a different day by the time yu read this.

Oh, goody, school tomorrow. :|

Who watches THe Goddies? That show is hilarious! :lol:

Especially the bean stalk episode and the Kitten Kong episode! :lol:

Well, gotta go now!

-Seeya! :D


I just realised something...

My Blaziken is male! :cry: Yes, he evolved today! :D

I just beat the normal gym leader Norman. :D

And have been recenlty watching Stitch! Which is sorta anime story with Stitch from Lilo & Sticth. Looks cool. :)

And..............even though its too soon..............and everyone seems to be doing it......


So, ask away! :D

Wear Orange and Say NO to Bullying

We wear orange! (No, not pink :P)

For school, we had to wear something orange, (Not really it was choice to do so) to show that we want Bullying OUT! (I got a ribbon from the office since I don't have anyhting orange)

And my RAS teahcer said that if someone was a bully, and wore orange, they would be a hpyocrit. :P *everyone stares*

Why is everyone looking at me for? :cry: :P

Its NationalAnti-Bullying Day In AU! (oR SOMETHING LIKE THAT :P)

I remember when I got bullied...and when my friends did...its a said thing in life. :(

Oh, Tenacious D is gonna be on. On Comedy Channel, but its Rated MA! :cry:

My brother is playing Brutal Legend, Day & Night. :|

Kung Fu Panda is a pretty awesome movie too. :P

And so is School Of Rock......

ANYWAY! :x :|

Ah, finally the weekend is here! :D

*Plays Pokemon Sapphire*

Oh, Talkin Bout You Generation has An awesome ad!

Josh Thomas, Charlie Pickering, Shaun Micallef and Amanda Keller are excellent on that show! :D

I love that show! :cry:

Especially when Tony Martin was on! :lol:

And Arj Barker....

And Rove McManus....

And Dr. Chris Brwon..

And Jimmy Barnes....

And Basil Brush....

And Gretel Kileen..


She's grown up now. :|

Shaun Micallef has his own Album called His Generation! :lol: 40 voices.....that are all himslef. :|

He sang one of the songs on Rove! It was hilarious! :lol:

Oh, My fave comedy duo would have to be......

Hamish & Andy! :lol: They have been on The Jay Leno Show...Rove (Of course :P), Real Stories, game shows, Neighbours and they have they host the radio Program The Hamish & Andy show.

And they're Aussie! :D (Of course :P)

And they are on tonight on The 7PM Project! :D

I should stop rambling about SOME of my fave Comedians..:P

But David Strassman is showing in AU! :cry:

And its Tedd E. Bare is leaving! :cry:

Ross Noble was here last brothers fave comedian. :|


My legs are killing me after some exercise. :|

And my tonuge is now itchy...anyway.


square enix




Aww! :3

I research on games I can't find, afford or don't own. So I understand jokes, and what everyone speaks about :P

Seeya! :D


My Last Blog

Well...Your probably wondering why? :cry: But this is the reason why........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Well, you see that I am now offically shocked at the point that..................

YOU GOT FOOLED!!! :lol: This is a hoax!So now you know how it feels Munch! :x :cry: Well, its always misty rain around. Not worded right? Who cares! My tongue still hurts ouch Goodbye! :D

I Bit My Tongue

This moring, I bit my tongue, and it was bleeding. Now its numb and sore.

My dad is fixing my Brothers XBOX 360! :o

Its raining Non-stop has been for a while now.

My new sig picture:creativeworlds

Not as funny as the Flint one but I couldn't find anything else.

I got it from

I really wish CyberBullying would stop.

People commit suicide when they get teased too much, mostly from the internet.


Who wants humor now? :D :o

solid snake




sitar hero


Part Of My Soul Just Died!


I have hmewrok...great. :( :cry:
My friend had a mingrane today. :cry:
I Spoke to a friend about the Movie Nightmare On Elm Street, since she has been having nightmares about a guy named Freddy that kills her. :|

FREAKY! And she had never seen the Movie! :o

My brother from Rockhampton visited today! :DHe's staying for a bit! :D He's turning 23 this July! And he has a wife named Kirby, but she didn't come. :?

I Have 3 brothers! :D One lives in Sydney, one lives in Rocky, (The one staying here at moment) and one lives here! :D He isn't old enough to lleave the house.

He just graduated Year 12 last year and he's 17 so yeah. :|

I bet you don't even want to know this boring type ofstff do you? Good. :| :cry: :| :P

And my dad is picking up my youngest brother who is older than me! :D

Thanks goodness I'm the youngest, unless you count the pets, I treat them like family ans say they are my brothers & sisters and MOVING ON! :x :P

And my school shirt is covered in Ie Coffee! :D :?

I was near a fight (Unknown if joke or not), and he kicked a newly purchased Ice Coffee which was not his, and it went everywhere. :x

And I have school photos.

No one pinched and punched me for the first day of the month! :D

Well, the attempted, but fingers were crossed and I said "White Rabbit!" Pretty early. 8)

GO TO VG CATS FOR FUNNY PARODIES OF VIDEO GAMES! May contain violence and swears. :P

My fave Comic from VG Cats is Road Rage, The one where Aeris goes Back in Time, and another one. :P

And the Christmas Death Note one! :lol:

I hear beepng.....:| *explodes*

Its raining heavily......*reads about Heavy Rain* :P

Honestly, it wet, the school oval will be out of bounds, and Diesel (My cattledog) won't be able to run around! He hates water! Which is kinda confusing....:?

Humor Time! :D



drink to past




Glory Glory...

To South Sydney! South Sydney Rabbitohs! :D

Charity Sheild. :|

Last night's NRL game was a draw, so I think....yeah Rabbitohs still won. :P

Oh, for those who want to read a hilarious webcomic to do with videogames. go to VG Cats!

It may contain mature themes and swearing, but its hilarious! :lol:*pukes*

It was a Star Fox one..where Fox, Falco and Wolf....DEAR GOD! I CAN'T SAY IT! :cry:

Ok, maybe it was a bit funny. :P

I like Leo, Aeris, and Krugg! :D

And don't forget Pantsman! :o

As you may know, my avy changed :P

There's also the VG Ctas Adaption With No Name you can find on YouTube! :D

My fave episodes is Christmas and Episode 6,7,1 and 8.

I just finished my PowerPoint on Steve Irwin.

Reading his information just makes me cry! :cry:

HE WAS MY HERO!!! :cry:

His fave show was Thunderbirds and fave food was Chinese Food. :|

His fave colour is (Of Course) Khaki! :x

Those who makke parodies of him or make fun of him should be ashameed! :x :cry:

Oh, apparenlty....The TV Show Family Guy may be in trouble.......

With the mention of Sarah Palin's daughter...or something like that. :P


But the time you'll read this it will already be the 1st. :|

School photos on Monday......

CRAP! I forgot to hand some forms to mum! Now I can't get my Swine fFu vaccinations! It was yesterday! :cry:........................:D

They were free. :|

I have to do my maths assignment now! :cry:

I haven't even started it! :cry:


What? :x

Stupid brain! :x

Oh, my Imaginary Killer Kitty, has died. HE WAS KILLED BY THE SUN'S MASTER.......NAVIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Munch)

Having FUN High-fiving that Sun of yours? :x

His name was Shin Dig. :|

I got a new sig too! :D

Why do sigs load faster than avy's? :?

Oh yes! Every Sunday now on FOX8 they are gonna be showing the first 5 season of The Simpsons back from the 90's! :D

I haven't even seen all of the episodes! :?

I can't beat Roxanne the First Gym Leader in Pokemon Sapphire!

I chose Torchic, thats why. ;) :|

Aren't smileys funny? :lol: :| :P ;D :( :) :| :?

Finally! My Dad is home from only dropping off my brother at work!


*asks dad what took so long*

*comes back*

Oh Dear! :O

Dad went to Supa Cheap Auto and Bunnings Warehouse.

And earlier this morning he saw police, ambulance, firetrucks and police tape all over a house. :|

Then dad just then saw more of the 000 people, with thousand of confused citizens around the house. :| I hope everything is alright! :(

Yeah, we dial 000 instead of 991.

We are awesome! :D

Dang! My brother drakn my other Sunkist!

I thought it was mine, then he said it was his, then mum told me it was mine! :x

All well....:|

Seeya! :D
