I can honestly attest that the addiction factor was worse in my youth; now I play a few times per week and do my best not to get too wrapped up in games I'm working on so as not to get sick of em.
I found a full bore crash glitch in Avatar the Last Airbender for PS2 after playing it for multiple weeks. Literally game ending/ gray screen (yet the audio kept playing oddly enough). I've also proven frustratingly proficient at finding reset-only glitches in Lego Lord of the Rings :\
At the risk of being captain obvious- with a new generation just around the corner, couldn't the argument be made that all of the current systems are "dying"?
It's kind of surprisng that an indie developer targeted/ open source console will be sharing shelf space with XBox 720, PS4 and Wii U at Target, Best Buy, Amazon and so on. In Julie Uhrman's defence, nothing like this has ever been attempted on such a scale. Like the thing or not, it's certainly making a splash.
The ultimate advertising coup for this game would have been to have a trailer ready to open for Prometheus when it was still in theaters (or at the beginning of the DVD if not).
Well as a New Yorker myself, and someone who was introduced to video gaming via the 2600, I suppose this is good news even if Atari as it stands right now is little more than a name.
Agree! Any console is only as good as its game library. It's downright amaing how quick eye-candy and good music become meaningless when you don't have solid titles.
I happen to believe that the Wii would have sunk just like the Gamecube before it of not for the motion control gimmick (coupled to a well timed advertising campaign) that caught the attention of the younger set & their parents.
The biggest trouble with the Wii U is that its gimmick isn't really appealing to anyone. Kids seem intimidated by the tablet functionality feature, parents are confused as to what the thing even is and hardcore gamers are obviously going to hold out for Sony or Microsoft's entries.
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