What happened to the case? I get that the laser died, but it looks like it fell off the back of a truck... that was driving through a minefield... during an earthquake...
What happened to the case? I get that the laser died, but it looks like it fell off the back of a truck... that was driving through a minefield... during an earthquake...
Leg·a·cy (adjective)
Definition: Outdated or discontinued: Associated with something that is outdated or discontinued.
"Legacy Platform" does not seem to me a very fitting label for the Ps2, it is neither outdated nor discontinued. Not only are new games continuing to be released for the system, but the hardware itself is still being manufactured and undergoing new revisions.
*drumroll*......6......5......4......3......2......1......and, NOTHING!
Well, that was disappointing. The timer stopped and absolutely nothing happened, it now just displays the date and time at which the timer stopped.
The High Definition Game Database is usually a good resource for checking 480p support; although due to the entries being user submitted, they are not always correct.
I did a search for Tenchu, and unfortunately the game you mentioned is listed as not having 480p support.
Although... I'm not sure how to read the countdown. 004:15:hour:minutes:seconds:miliseconds.... 4 months 15 day? 4 weeks?Threesixtyci
Right now the count is at 4 days and 14 hours.
Leg·a·cy (adjective)
Definition: Outdated or discontinued: Associated with something that is outdated or discontinued.
"Legacy Platform" does not seem to me a very fitting label for the Ps2, it is neither outdated nor discontinued. Not only are new games continuing to be released for the system, but the hardware itself is still being manufactured and undergoing new revisions.
The old Ps2 forum was still very active, transplanting it into a jumbled franken-forum doesn't make anything easier for anybody. I think having a "legacy platforms" forum is a great idea, but not if it means the elimination of other frequently used and appropriately specific forums.
First RPG: Shadowrun (SNes)
A great 16-bit cyberpunk RPG. Apart from the mostly brainless combat, (point, shoot, repeat) the the game is quite good.
Favorite RPG To Date: Final Fantasy Tactics (Playstation)
FFT has complexity and depth like no other video game I had seen before it, and few I have seen since. The game can be quite challenging, as there are a massive amount of variables the player must consider in order to devise effective strategies. Somewhere around the point when I had drawn out the full zodiac compatibility chart and taped it to my wall, I realized I was really getting into this game. In addition to the excellent gameplay, FFT also has an engaging story, great music, and well animated 2d characters.
i might even end up playing through this completely before trying to finish final fantasy 12...biohazard
I was playing through FFXII about a year ago when Rogue Galaxy came out in the US, and I considered doing the same. However, depending on how far you are in FFXII, I would suggest finishing it first for a couple of reasons.
1: The story in FFXII is already difficult enough to follow when you are playing it exclusively.
The game throws a lot of names and places at you, after a long break you may have difficulty remembering where you left off. I thought FFXII had a very engrossing story as I played through it, but it becomes surprisingly forgettable afterwards.
2: Rogue Galaxy is a long and involving game.
If you are going to take a break from FFXII to play through it, expect it to be a long break. There is a huge amount of stuff to do in Rogue Galaxy, I put over 50 hours into it and didn't even scratch the surface of most of the sidequests and minigames.
Despite not being much a fan of action RPGs, I also had a lot of fun with Rogue Galaxy, although at times (particularly towards the end) this game will definitely try your patience. I would still highly recommend it, but be warned, some of the later dungeons in this game just....
F O R E V E R . . . . . . . .
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