I am sorry for the fans of Halo, they have been playing the same game over and over again with a new coat of paint for years now, all because the piper know as microsoft says it's new... I'm sorry these games have not changed over the years since Halo 2 same guns, same enermys and SAME EVERYTHING. I can't belive microsoft can get away with re-releasing the same game for years where as most other games remix the game quite abit all that changes here is the graphics sorry unless it's a remake of the orginal game that does not class as a new game.
Blood_Diamond Blog
HAWX 2... C**kup?
by Blood_Diamond on Comments
Hmmmm the release date says the 10th of september for us Brits, but my local asda store has it on shelf to buy?
C**kup by asda?
C**kup by Ubisoft?
Or has time just gone F**K IT I'm off?
You pick, to be honest this isn't the first time i've got my hands on a game early here's my short list
1. Gran Turismo 4 for the ps2 (tesco, ONE WEEK EARLY!)
2. Warriors PS2 (Game.net, 3 days early)
3. Bataman Arkham Asylum (Trade secret, 5 Days early)
4. Red Dead Redemption (Trade secret, One week early again)
got many more...
my last and best early purchase, Condemned 2 (About 3 weeks early from GameXchange because the ordered the US version for the ps3 at no extra cost... go me)
My bracket, the results and batman
by Blood_Diamond on Comments
Right then first on my list today is how my bracket is holding up... not good to say the least i think i've lost about 4 all ready but my top 2 are still plowing their way though, that is the joker and darth vader, this mostly down to the fact that loads of gamers are typically "nerds" or "geeks" and both the joker and star wars tend to fall into this catagory of fans. But here's hoping *fingers crossed*
Now then the current results some of these results i do not agree with so far, such as the Ganondorf vs Ares I do beleve Ares is more twisted than Ganaodorf Ares destroys a city near the start of his game while at the same time mind F***ing Kratos from start to finsh where as Ganadorf kidnaps a princess which has only been done what? A MILLION and one times over? Am i a fan of both Zelda and GOW (God Of War) don't vote as fans vote with your heads.
Let's finish with something good, Batman Arkham City is looking rather good so far more of the sneaky and fighting with some grit thrown in for flavour let's hope the boss battles hold up better this time round, less of that titan BULL**** in the last game, so excited for this one i could cry. As for the 2 new faces so far two face looks good maybe the face needs abit more gore to it but other than that lookin good Harvy and Catwoman... hmmm looks like a teenager in this and what's with the hair sticking out of the hood? She needs to be in a "Cat Suit" pardon the pun, that needs tightening and harly quinn is looking abit more punkish in this one. One last comment the new standard villans are looking nice and psychotic than the last load of goons. Over all Looking good.
Got my bracket... Fallen Earth
by Blood_Diamond on Comments
Right now then i have decided to take part in this vote... my money is on Darth V cause he has won award before for being a evil villain hehe who's your money on?
Also i would like to know if anyone on my friends list or out in the public air played fallen earth for the PC? it is only avaliable through steam in the UK for £22 atm, i am unsure about it i want to know if it is worth it. i don't listen to the Gamespot reviews for MMORPGs because they are based on the first build of a game not after a couple of months worth of patches the game may have come along nicely... If there is anyone out there please let me know.
Did you just see that?!!?!
by Blood_Diamond on Comments
Alpha protocol got 6.0 from gamespot... i saw it and when i clicked onto the review it sent me to the player scores page, hmmm it even had a snip bit from the review in the ususal place...
What's going on? Have g.s. pulled the review, was it a hack or a bug that put a players review there insted?
Red Dead Awesome
by Blood_Diamond on Comments
Woo i am one of the lucky few that knows where to get the good games early hehe... where you say? I can not say... but i've got red dead redemption 2 days early (in the UK) and it kicks a$$ played online... hmmm it's fantastic when the network is not bucking you off and making you lose all your XP and 6 levels :evil:... other than that the game as a whole is solid, i've been hunting most of the time lol it's rather addictive for some strange reason.
Here is a freebee you can unlock a hat for your xbox avatar by shooting of a NPC hat with out killing them, there are 5 other unlockables but them you'll have to find for your self, see you out on the range cow poke.
One more week... then nothing for months
by Blood_Diamond on Comments
I can't think of any games after red dead redemption that are coming out soon that i am intrested in... maybe i'm going off gaming........ NAH just a quiet year i think. Can anyone name any good game due this year?
I can only really think of Max Payne 3... It's rockstar so lets hope it lives up to the other rockstar games that have all been 10/10 for me... not a one i have played has been a let down yet, not even smugglers run (which i feel was it's weakest game)
10th prestige...
by Blood_Diamond on Comments
Right i have been playing call of duty modern warfare 2 online a little... well alot i'm on the 3rd prestige level 33. But i keep getting messages, most of them kids, informing me about getting me 10th prestige one of my firends has done this, it works but it really gets up my nose.
I've worked hard to get to where i am on this game, and you've got people using this glitch where is the point on it? Prestige is a bragging point not something to be cheated out of the ones who are working to get there on their own merit... Me that is.
I want to inform infinity ward about this should I? or shouldn't I? I have had enough of people asking me to do it
I'mmmmm back... again
by Blood_Diamond on Comments
I've have been absent because of my internet i had the internet with sky and i was getting less than 2mb connection which was about 512kb at best, it was really slow and hard for me to blog and keep with the latest on this site.
So expect to see more from me over the coming weeks... loads to review and more thoughts on mulitplayer to share hehe see you on the other side
The death of Marvel
by Blood_Diamond on Comments
I feel betrayed by the now old news that disney has taken over Marvel, After the Iron man 2 movie i will not watch any more of marvels stuff because knowing disney they'll turn it all child friendly, not that they are violent or full of bad language.
They'll just destroy the feel of marvel, do you think this is the start or the end of marvel?
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