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Blood_Diamond Blog

Call of Juarez: Bound in blood... can be unfair.

After playing through call of juarez as thomas i know for a fact you can only use 2 hand guns at once when you are doing that double move with Ray, BUT if you play as Ray and check Thomas now and then you will see him use 2 handguns at once while in combat :S that's unfair that's the only reason i play as Ray for the dual pistols.

That's just unfair

Batman blunder

For those who do not read Ctrl-alt-del web comic it's a story about a gamer and his friends trying to get though life with some humorus results, with the occasional break with a jokes just like this

Not proud, but i got my first platinum trophy

I feel dirty, very very dirty i just got my first platinum from tomb raider underworld because i heard it was easy to do i went out a bought it. I feel dirty but i do have it my next sight is batman arkham asylum. i think i've got the bug now :( god help me

Batman demo thoughts

in one word, Fantastic.

The demo is a short one, lets you have a little play with the basic game mechanics (fighting, basic stealth play and the detective sections) the story has twigged my intrest majory still nothing given away but enough to make me want to buy it on the release, i would say play the demo, although it doesn't show the XP system in use just gathering xp, which are bats that surround the victim and joins your xp pool in the top left.

Batman Arkham Asylum Demo now on PSN

Hiya yall, thought you might like to know that batman arkham asylum is now on the psn i have just installed it and i'm about to start playing it, first thoughts will follow shortly, but not too shortly i hope hehe

Sky have just stealth pwned me :@

I have just changed my ISP (internet service provider) from virgin media too sky and i have lost 14mb worth of connection i now have a 2mb connection from a 16mb now i can't play any of my servers in counter strike and TF2. I am heart broken because of this, i bet i can't even play my ps3 with a good connection :@ they didn't tell me that, they told me it was a 16mb connection then once i contact them they told me it was between 2 - 16mb depending on a list of things.

F***ers i wish they had made it clear when selling it to me because i feel ripped off who knows if i can get a good connection to my world of warcraft server if so i'm not shelling out £15 to transfer my level 80 druid they can eat me!!!

Old school gaming, was it because i was young?

Some of you may have noticed that i went on a mad spree rating a ton of my old school faves from my school days, looking at some of the newer games that have been released i can't help but think some game desginers are trying to be too smart and droping the ball some of the time, it's not a bad thing because we have been given some gems steming from the old school games.

You can't really compaire games from now to back then because the technology if far less advanced compaired to games now but in there own way i think old school games are better in the fact they were simple idears with not alot of put into them just basic side scrolling, jumping and attacking.

I really loved my megadrive i even have got a megadrive emulator on my pc i play the megadrive games that i still own on it, that's right i still own 4 - 5 of them. Comic zone, sonic 1, streets of rage 2, immortal and rings of power (now that's a game)

What are your best old school games?


couple of things

Do Microphone headsets work on resident evil 5? i had mine on the other night but the other person didn't seem to listen to me.

Also who knows when i'll be back online, still waiting for our router off sky so that i can get online after this contract runs out.

My god i thought the brother in arms: hells highway would have a little blood, but it's not even got what i'd call a little bit of blood it's a couple a drops lol i was hoping for a couple of good gun shot wounds none are even present do you shoot peas or rocks insted of bullets? The only saving grace is the grenades and bazooka should a german be stood on the grenade it blows limbs left right and center, but again there is no blood, just a bloody stump with bone sticking out as for the bazooka blowing up sand bags and other elements with germans stood behind it and watching it all in slow motion is fun.

I'm not violent, honest i just rate manhunt 1 and 2 as my top 2 games of all time because i love the storys (yea right lol)

My god... it's hard

Just unlocked professional level on resident evil 5, my god this is going to require a fellow man to play with the computer A.I. is just far too slow and stupid to do anything. One hit dead eek