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Walkthroughs... Do they even care?

Right, i have been using this free mini walk through to find the hidden BSAA Emblems and it completely misses chapter 2 Exictuion grounds, i was abit miffed at this point, but i ploded on to find out that has been miss labeled as a chapter that doesn't exist :-S.

That really got me going because now i had to go back through the whole chapter again to just find them but this isn't the first time this has happend to me, in the past i have come across actual walk throughs that have used the wrong screen shot when telling you how to do a finishing move, this was Killer instinct and it was Orchid, i also suffered somthing similer with a GTA walk through as i was doing a mission in the walk through it told me to shoot and kill this character even though i had to protect him :S

Is it just me getting the miss-printed versions or has other people seen these problems?

Red Faction has come and gone and i want Max Payne 3... soooooooo bad

I got rid of my red faction for the simple fact that i was wrongfully informed... The game was far too short and you was stil stuck on a track... although free roam you still had to do each mission certain ways because there wasn't enough flex ability in the wrecking mechanic and the lack of "walkers" was frustraiting beyond saveure i did finished the game but i had to get rid of it because i was far too anoyed.

I have never ever been this excited about a game from early screen shots since gta 4... yet again rockstar know how to push my fan boy buttons, since max payne i have enjoyed each and every bullet and each step, i want to know more about the game now i want to know the mechanics behind the game for what i could see it looked like it had a dual aiming mechanic and how he carrys the shotty in the 2nd or 3rd screen shot is that a movie or does he carry his heavy weapons?

All in all i am ready for this BIG time i loved the story from the start and i will love it right untill the end, fan boy of rock star i am

I am Blood diamond... Thank you for reading

Red faction first thoughts.

one word isnt' enough, i really really REALLY am enjoying it, i've done the first 2 "Sectors" just started the 3rd and it's fantastic, watch them builds crumble down i have killed my self twice by running into the building think it's not destroyed and it's just fell on me lol.

I would recommed it based on the single player so far, not played online yet, i'll comment on that tomorrow :D.

There is only one thing grating on me at the min and that's the main characters story.... there just isn't one so far, i won't give away the little bits you pick up near the start more of a biography is needed on the main character i think but that's it. All the little side missions are fun and offer a nice change of pace, such as the demo missions the one i just did i had to pick up these little gas tanks stick some what i'll call C4 on to them and lob it down a shoot at this building at the bottom of a cliff to blow it up.

The driving is okay, it's not too in depth but deep eough not to go stale so i would reccomend this to everyone, the pure joy i get from blowing buildings to hell and bridges it's just so fun, these side missions pop up where you have to press right on the D-Pad to pick it up, if it's a convoy based mission it gives you your way point markers in yellow and the convoys in red so you know where it is and where it's going to be, so if you see it's going over a bridge load it with some demo charges and wait till it's on the bridge and blow it up.

Come back tomorrow for the online verdict.

So far 2:43:29 time played and i give this game a 9.0 so far, let's see how the rest does tomorrow hehe

Judging by demos... why?

Why do people feel the need to rate a game on it's demo?

It's not right, you don't get to feel the full game in it's full flow, i was abit unsure of red faction untill i played the very very breif demo, people should wait till they play the full game before they start raiting the game as poor and alike. It really gets on my nerves when i am looking for good honest sources of information on games to be slamed by kids rating the game down because they: A) Can't play it B) Can't understand it or C) are just plain idiots.

People please refain from rating on demos it's pointless and it's not big, wait untill the full game comes out and give a full view not just "I played the demo and it sucked" that's because they don't want to give too much away, fools.


The taste of the sandbox... yummy

Is it me or is sandbox games flavour of the month? Prototype, Red faction and infamous all quite high flyers too in the ratings, is it that sandbox games are becoming the favoured type of game or the simple fact that these types of games have been cracked and shown what not to do with sandbox games, i'd don't like game bashing but... damn mercs 2 was that bad it doesn't deserve to be called a game. It had so much potental but just let it all go to waste.

I think game designers are starting to get the picture of what sandbox games should be, which rockstar got right in each GTA game i think, that free roaming means free roaming to do what you want when you want and how you want. I felt with Mercs 2 it was on rails you HAD to do this mission you HAD to blow that up with this.Looking at the 3 sandbox games coming out/are out in the next 5 weeks they look as if you have the freedom to destroy and reak havok your way, not the mercs way.

Granted i haven't played any of the 3 sandbox games, hoping to start with red faction this coming friday :D played the demo and yes i think it will deliver on that front. Do you think that designers are starting to get it right or that they just got lucky? I think they are getting it all right... bout time too...


Suspicions... Red faction

I feel, suspicious about this red faction now games don't usually come forward they usually go back in date. I can't help but think the game has been given a really hard time by some reviews and they are being underhanded in bringing it out before some of the reviews make it out onto the internet and mags.

I hope this isn't the case i'm really really looking forward to this game, i've played both of the other red factions and enjoyed the first one only, the 2nd one i couldn't really follow the story because there wasn't much of one i felt.

If anyone knows of a review that has been posted send me the link i want to know before i go out and buy it.

Thank you for reading

Dead space and why i changed my rating

I rated the game after the first 3 or so levels and i liked it, made me jump enough times... but after the 4th level it just got same old same old i knew when enermys were gunna pop out, the newer weapons aren't much use the best weapon is the first weapon in my eyes.

The lack of a quick turn button was getting anoying and the zero grav bits were just boring, EA strikes again...

Gamespot reviews... not soon enough

WIth gamespot i have come to notice that the reviews of games that i am waiting for before i buy tend to come out on the day of it's release, i'd love for it to be sooner maybe a week before release, sometimes this is the case, but not enough.

Also when users rate games we should be able to choose some of them Game Emblems both good and bad, maybe limit us to 3 a game. I love writing reviews for games when i find one that's worth reviewing but have them Emblems might make it more fun and informitive.

Just a thought

Stabed in the back...

Batman:AA has been delyaed untill the end of summer :evil: here is the offical story from gameinformer

I am so anoyed now i'm gunna have to buy prototype to keep me going untill then