Day one
I woke the sound of the security system and the panic breathing of my friend she had told my that her father, the vault leader, is chasing me down to ask me why my father has escaped the safety of the vault. Before he could find me I ran, my friend handed me her father's gun to help me escape because radroaches had broken in and started attacking the vault dwellers. As I navigated through the vault i saw a couple of guards who opened fire on me, I hide round the corner gathered my nerves ran around the corner blasted both guards to the ground, I didn't want to but I had to kill them I need to escape I need to find my father.
Along my way out I found my childhood bully he wanted my help in saving his mother, I offered my help but i was too late I told him the news, I was happy to see the tears he got what he deserved, sorry it had to be her. Around the corner I found him, my closest friend his brains on the floor I found a message off my father telling me where he had gone, I carried on killing guards and roaches, by now I didn't care of the guards they were only in my way i could smell the exit, as I passed a window i got the feeling I had to stop and look, my friend had been forced into a chair and her father was questioning her hard, I could not allow this. I burst through the door putting a 10mm bullet into the guard's face I turned the gun to her father as I did I the vault message started to repeat in my head. "We are born in the vault, we die in the vault" over and over, i left him alive, these people needed a leader no matter how deranged he was.
I made it to the exit, as the door moved I saw a cave dark and desolate with the stale smell of air I could see a blinding white light shining through the broken wooden door and surrounding wall, as I stepped forward I could feel my heart racing faster and faster, the sound of gravel and dirt below my feet no longer the sound and feel of steel floors as I reach for the handle out into the world my hand tremors with fear and excitement of what awaits me out side, as the door slid open I was blinded by the sun and the rush of unfiltered air ran through my lungs and texture of natural air on my skin running through my hair. Once I gained my sight back I looked over the landscaped I could see nothing but burnt trees, blown out buildings and wreckages of past vehicles, as I looked I over heard the house and bussle of a city. I set my eyes on the pile of metal where the sound was coming from and I set forward. Along my way to the city I ran across who I thought were friendly survivors but as I approached they opened fire the first shot hit me in my right leg sending me tumbling down behind a rock with this excruciating pain I lifted my arm and turned on my pip boy. My pip boy was showing that I could save my leg I needed to use a stimpack that I had taken from a medical box in the med bay of vault 101, my old home where I am no longer welcome, I took the stimpack and jabed it directly into my leg, the rush of drugs from the stimpack made me feel much better and the wound healed up almost instantly. I could hear the now called raiders drawing in closer, I thought back to the guards in vault 101 I no longer feared shooting, I stood up and with a might yell I returned fire, hitting the first raider in the chest droping him to the floor the last two raiders took refuge behind rocks, we exchanged a few shots then I got lucky and clipped one in the shoulder dropping him to the floor giving me a better shot... I took it and split his head in two, the last raider rushed from behind the rocks, he heard me starting to reload, he charged me with a baseball bat he swung I ducked once I had stood up I placed the gun barrel to his head and pulled the trigger bringing them all to an end. I decided to press onto the town I needed to rest I needed food and water.
Once I reached the town, I was greeted by a not so cheerful sheriff he greeted me and told about the town and pointed me to the local inn so I could get rest and some food on my up I got lost looking for the inn, along the way I found a supply shop, a pub, empty house, the sheriff's house, weapon store and a un-detonated bomb I finally found the inn. They wanted 10 caps, bottle caps the locals currency, I luckily had 10 caps that I had collected the night before when drinking nuka cola in the vault I am sat in bed recording this on my pip tomorrow I will update my log.
Signing of Jack Stormbringer
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