Im updating the OP's list continually. We are counting now almost over 60 pure PC exclusives for 2012. And none of'em are kinect.
BlowMonkeys' forum posts
Alan Wake xbox got pirated 1.1 million times
And how many times ya reckon it would've been pirated on PC?
Yes but Remedy made huge losses on the xbox version. Because they also got to pay MS license fee's and other royalties. On PC They receive almost all the money. that's why Developers on PC can survive while they're games get pirated heavily. Remedy has tasted this and will release now every game on PC. Xbox just lost another exclusive. Accept it?
Indeed, superior version by miles is incoming. no need to bother with 360 version. Darn.[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="waltefmoney"]
Like it wasn't obvious this game was coming to PC. For some unknown reason Remedy still loves you, hermits.
Will be Xboss before it hits Pirate Central. THHBO.
Alan Wake xbox got pirated 1.1 million times
Thank explains everything. Those idiots in Greece (the policy makers and those in the government) are the reason for the European economic crisis. And even then the people have the audacity to protest against the reforms even though the government is over spending and the people themselves are overspending and living beyond their getting of topic here...[QUOTE="jonathant5"][QUOTE="waltefmoney"]
No we're not. I think he's greek and I'm bulgarian.
Their country is pretty much bankrupt, they have every right to protest. It's their livelihoods they're protesting about.
Many Greeks have a pretty poor standard of living these days....
It's their own fault for retiring at the age of 35-40 lol.
Dark Souls on the list to, but gonna put Alan Wake AN and Fable Journey to, since they wil most likely come out on Steam. Will put the Crytek exclusive on the list to since Crytek are first and foremost PC devs and the game will no doubtly release on pc with kinect on PC support.. Common sense.
So, besides Diablo clones and MMOs, does PC have any other real single player RPGs like Dark SOuls or Witcher 2 ?
Dark Souls PC port is pretty much confirmed by rumours.
Witcher 2, PC superior version, will get the enhanced updates day 1 the xbox version releases.
Skyrim Creation kit, we can make our own DLC and worlds now. For free + bethesda cares more for PC gamers hence the exclusive texture pack wich makes the game look 10000x better than your crappy xbox version wich has texture loading problems @ 30 fps and sub hd lol. And blocky shadows.
Im not even gonna answer your question, cuz if u look up my list there are plenty of singleplayer rpg's. Tard.
1. Guild Wars 2
2. Tribes Ascend
3. Deep Black Reloaded
4. Dota 2
5. Arma 3
6. Firefall
7. Hawken
8. Microsoft Flight
9. Neverwinter
10. Path of Exile
11. Planetside 2
12. Torchlight 2
13. SC2 Heart of the Swarm
14. Diablo 3
15. Command & Conquer generals 2
16. Legends of Dawn
17. Colbat ( new game from Mineraft devs )
18. Kings Bounty: Warrior of the North
19. Natural Selection 2
20. Ravaged
21. Krater
22. Robot Unicorn Attack Evolution
23. Jagged Alliance
24. Phantasy Star Online 2
25. Wakfu
26. Naval Warfare Arctic Circle ( aweseome sim! )
27. Warlock Masters of the Arcane
28. War of the Roses
29. The red Solstice
30. End of Nations
31. War Thunder World of planes
32. Super Monday night Combat
33. Warface
34. Carrier Command
35. Dear Esther
36. The Spire
37. Hard reset extended edition
38. Fray
39. Mechwarrior Online
40. X-Rebirth ( **** yeah! )
41. Overgrowth
42. Lucius
43. Grim Dawn
44. Crusader Kings 2
45. Xenonauts
46. Fallout Online
47. Ontagion ( aweseome Fear like shooter, not action michael bay console crap)
48. Shogun 2 Rise of the Samurai
49. Auto Club Revolution
50. Gettysburg Armored Warfare
51. Shootmania Storm ( From the makers of Trackmania. Make your own call of duty! )
52. Blacklight Retribution
53. Infinity the Quest for Earth
54. The Secret World
55. Dead State
56. Fortune Summoners
57. Umbra
58. X-Plane
59. Blade & Soul
60. Iron Front Liberation 1944 ( Also possible graphics king )
61. WoW Mists of Pandaria
62. Warhammer 40K Dark Milennium
63. Cobalt ( Platformer made by Minecraft devs )
64. The Whitness
65. Toren ( Another Marvelous Artsy game )
66. Fable Journey ( PC port incoming right after the Xbox version releases, with more graphic options )
67. Ryse ( Crytek PC developer and Microsoft releasing Kinect pheriperal on PC this year. Ryse 100% Confirmed PC version and techdemo inside)
68. Dark Souls PC version Confirmed by latest rumours and Namco forums.
And a **** of indie titles.
Inb4 I ve never heard of this game because i like to bend over for big corporations with advertising crap.
Few updates
Dark Souls 100% confirmed PC port incoming later this year probably. Look up the Capcom forums.
Skyrim, Bethesda loves PC. Where the console version get tanked the PC version get s all the patches first, HD texture pack exclusive only for pc and creation kit. Wich let's PC gamers make their own world, items and more for free. Superior version confirmed.
Witcher 2 enhanced update incoming the day he Console version releases.
More Information on upcoming Dark SOuls PC port later this year
A Namco Bandai forum administrator had this to say about the petition, which has received almost 66,000 signatures in a week:
"I honestly wasn't expecting such a massive support. My boss(es) even came to talk to me about this, after it explodes all around the world. If you wanted to have the attention of Namco Bandai Games, now you have it.
"The future is in your hands, and I hope you will keep supporting this. I make a personal objective to make sure every relevant people in Namco Bandai Games is in touch with this formidable effort."
The petition itself suggests: "A port of this game has a high chance of being extremely successful for From Software and Namco Bandai. Given the sales of games such as The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and The Witcher, there is a large market for games like this. PC gamers love unforgiving, hardcore games.
"A port may also mean that the area's in the game, such as Blighttown, won't suffer from slowdown. An online oriented video game is also perfect for the capabilities of a PC. Steam would also be suitable venue provided the game is sold at a reasonable price for a late port. Steamworks could provide a strong and easy to use online infrastructure."
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