but most games nowdays tend to be console exclusive, so my PC isn't getting much use
I can understand why some don't like dealing with PCs, i spend 1 hour dealing with Ubisoft DRM before i got to play POP forgotten sands
So there isn't that much point getting a gaming PC for playing few superior multiplats and most PC exclusives are just crappy indie games
Few superior multiplats? Most games are multiplats, and most of them are superior on PC :? This includes the best games of last year.
PC has more exclusives than all 3 consoles combined :? Most are not "crappy indie games, and why would a crappy game get above an 8.0?
Really ? more than all combined ?
You mean the 1000 MMOs, the 10.000 strategy copied games and 20.000 MMO expansions mentioned as separate games or Witcher 2 that is listed but is also on 360 ?
So, if PC has 3x more exlusive RPGs, can you name them ?
Because xbox 360 alone has like 10x more RPGs than PC this generation
Learn proper English you little poor piece of sh!t.
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