i havnt played my 360 in about 2 weeks but today when i turn it on there are 2 new people on my friends list they are welikehalo3 and reconcalibur and this isnt the first time this has happened to me. Why does this happen because i didnt send or recive and invite to be there friends.
Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-Ray Yankee Zulu
How come when ever I try to join one of my friends games in halo 2it doesnt let me and always says that it cant let me join because of network problems. I can join matchmaking just fine but I cant join public games and if i can it takes me about 5 minutes just to load the map. All my other xbox live games I have work fine so I know its not my conection. Can anyone tell me how to fix this and this started to happen when i got my 360 last year.
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