Not sure. Really dosn't make a difference does it? They're just movies.
Way to take the fun out of the baseless speculation man. It's a, "Who would win in a fight, Hulk or Wolverine?" question, not one of consequence!
all i really need is a deathstar. i fleet of smaller ships is just gravy.LoG-Sacrament
That's no moon..
If you're talking about sci-fi spaceships and laser beams then no.
If you're grounded in reality and talking about missiles located in space and the militarisation of space then it began a long time ago, by unsurprisingly the USA, one of the few nations who don't adhere to a "no militarisation of space ethos". Also China recently developed missile technology which could take a satellite out in orbit with deadly accuracy. A test was done to show the Americans that if the US wants to militarise space then the Chinese have the capability to de-militarise it.
So, to deter the militarizing of space, the Chinese contribute to it?
Very nice.
Nice. How about we just all agree that all countries are big, hypocritical meanies?
Do the movies have it right when they have huge motherships spawning short-range fighters as the primary form of space battle? Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and numerous other films and books seem to prefer large ships spawning smaller fighters. Seems incredibly unlikely to me, given the advances of weapons technology. Curious as to other thoughts to amuse me this Friday afternoon. Outlandishness responses are highly encouraged.
I'll recommend noocolnamejim and PAJ89. Their revies are generally well-written, informative, with just the right amount of opinion to let you know what they felt.
I'd recommend myself, but that'd be pretty tacky, wouldn't it?
There must be some difficulty in linking the voting data to accounts, or I would think Gamespot would have integrated this with all its voting. Any thoughts?
I thought that you could only vote once and when it rereshes and you vote again that one doesnt count ?Dj-Dark-1
If you clear cookies you are allowed to vote again. So if you, like me, clear cookies every time you close your browser, you can effectively vote as many times as you would like. :roll:
The value of the voting system for Gamespot events such as the recent Godzilla battle and the 11th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards is diluted when it requires cookies, because I can vote for my favorite title multiple times. I do not know the inner workings of GS, but this should be somehow tied to our accounts so that nobody can vote more than once, as it was with the Mortal Kombat and similar votes.
I've been cheated on five times--I know how it feels. I'm not the type to cheat, so if you cannot believe that, then maybe you should open yoru eyes and realize that not all people are asshats. ayanami_rei
Let's not get all judgmental now. I'm not saying it's okay to cheat, only that the numbers show that about half of men and women have cheated during their lifetime, so the results were somewhat surprising. When I say "the numbers," I am referring only to other surveys such as this one, so take it with a grain of salt. ;)
Depends on how deep a relationship you have with your wife/girlfriend. I've heard of the idea of a Celebrity Exemption list before, and that doesn't bother me in the slightest- when's the next time you think you'll have an opportunity to score with Natalie Portman, Boz? ;)f15srcool
A celebrity exemption list, you say? That sounds like some sort of new-age hippie thing, to me! What a ridiculous idea! :lol:
This isn't a question of 'would you do it', it's a question of 'is it okay'.Zagrius
I think this is the most interesting point raised in the thread. I wonder if the responses would have been any different with the change in phrasing. Maybe I'll reintroduce the poll in a month or two.
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