I created a list for this specific inquiry in a previous forum: http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=25430445Intel(R) 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller (Intel(R) 82845G Graphics Controller)Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)ram:503.5 MBcpu speed:2.80 GHzcpu:Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz
just wondering
Bozanimal's forum posts
[QUOTE="megagene"]The best styling agent hands down for hair is called Ice Spiker Water-Resistant Styling Glue. It's pricy (about $20 a tube) and I think you can only buy it in salons, but you can do ANYTHING with that stuff and I mean anything. I've been using it for seven years now and no store bought gel or spray even comes close.Ryeferd
This guy knows what he's talking about. :D
I've been using that stuff for several years as well.

Agree on the ICE Spiker as well.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="whiteshadow55"][QUOTE="Vampyronight"]No, I don't think this is appropriate. If society thinks these people are so untrustworthy, then push for lengthier jail sentences. I would hope that if this law is passed and a sexual offender is attacked, he/she sues the state for massive amounts of money for putting them into danger.whiteshadow55
What college teacher filled ur head with this lol anyways Bill next door Molested 2 little girls horribly and destroyed the rest of there lives But you know what ......i trust him im gonna invite him over for a BBQ and trust him around my kids... i mean damn! He's Earned it ...............He got convicted of raping children and sent to Jail for that (CRIME) Yup He deserves to be trusted Btw mind if ur kids come and play with him also?
Your an idiot.. How will a license plate solve any of this? They are put on the sexual predator list that every one can access not to mention most police departments notify neighbors, if people are some how still gonna be "fooled" from this then they deserve to for being this stupid.. Last I checked a full group of professionals far smarter then most likely you will EVER be deemed that the person was safe and released.. Professional Committee >>>> You.
Not gonna solve it but sure as hell would help..... and again if the sexual predators had one more thing to worry about it would prolly cut down on the crimes but whatever its USA we like to Protect are Criminals for some reason /shrug and i hope your not talking about the ACLU being smarter than me that would make me laugh lol can prolly link every F'd up thing in the usa to them lol The Thing that would solve it is just throw them in Jail But that will never happen either and lastly there are alot bigger things for you to worry about that a Child Molesters safety
This is a good thread, with some interesting thoughts mixed among the usual snarky garbage you get in an internet peanut gallery. sSubZerOo has a good point as usual, though it is stated a bit inflammatory towards whiteshadow55 for my taste.
The idea behind the plates is to increase monitoring of the worst offenders; parole officers cannot be everywhere at once. However, violent crimes against convicted offenders is already high. License plates will increase assaults, road rage, and result in people following the offenders to their places of work and homes. Convicted sex offenders already have a difficult time landing even the most menial employment. Rehabilitation is extremely difficult because it is generally the result of a deeply-embedded psychological problem. Plates would make rehabilitation of those offenders that sincerely want treatment to reenter society considerably more difficult. License plates highlighting convicted sex offenders -even if it's only "the worst" ones- are unlikely to act as a deterrant, their primary purpose. Instead, they are more likely to increase crimes against convicted offenders, increasing their likelihood of repeat offending.

Further, current treatment is expensive: rehabilitation through therapy costs taxpayer dollars and incarceration does the same. Nobody wants to pay to improve the life of a convict, particularly not sex offenders.
Alternatives (to the current system) are few. Generally the populace agrees that euthanizing sex offenders is too extreme (except in the case of child offenders, IMO). Research indicates that surgical or chemical castration reduces the recidivism rate to less than 2%, and may therefore be the most effective deterrent available (source). However, voluntary castration is available in only four states and the Supreme Court has ruled mandatory castration as punishment as unconstitutional. This may change with the rise in sexual offenders, but for now this is rarely an option.
I do not have a solution, but I believe that license plates highlighting offenders among the populace is not the next best course of action. If you have not already seen The Woodsman and this thread piques your interest, I highly, highly recommend that you rent it.
then they move onto there own steps, STEP 9: put the lotion on the skin an put it in the basket.

It will get the results above for most types of hair.
To get back with my girlfriend. I miss her too much...WormskullIf you could only get her back with a wish, would you really want her? There's six billion people on the planet, don't waste your wish. Alternatively, how about wishing instead to know who your true love is, or unlimited knowledge, omniscience; all of which would net you a new and better woman. Score!
- More wishes
- Assuming the above to be unavailable, I would wish that the human soul be real and that we everyone continue to exist beyond death because, lets face it, living forever will suck once the human race is wiped off the planet by disease, meteor, caldera explosion, war, or some other unknown factor.
From today's Wall Street Journal:
The chip maker said a new logo -- AMD LIVE! Ready -- will be added by some makers of portable-media players, networking devices, TV tuners, set-top boxes and other devices. The logo is designed to help consumers identify products that work well with computers that carry a previously announced logo, AMD LIVE!
The thing that strikes me about this branding strategy is how closely it resembles the Intel VIIV "product". VIIV is not an actual product so much as a set of components that meet minimum specifications that are then marketed as a brand.
Intel took similar measured back when it dubbed the 586 processor (or was it 486?) the Pentium in order to trademark the processor and fend off generics.
I have no problems with the strategies, they are just interesting. They must also be working, or both companies would not continue the practice.
AMD Web Site for Live!
AMD Press Release on AMD Live!

The only game I have seen on any platform to earn a 10 from Gamespot was The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time for the N64. Awesome game; the game still earned an 8.9 today, which bespeaks its solid gameplay.
Happy gaming.
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