[QUOTE="The_Ish"]There is not one mention of the Hallway Scene in Oldboy. This thread should fail for that. :xithilgore2006I said that, but no one else seems to have either noticed or don't know what that fight is. You mean the scene where he gets stabbed in the back before getting back up and hosing about 20 men? Yeah, you can now unfail the thread.
Bozanimal's forum posts
[QUOTE="Swannzie"]Ong Bak, enough said.IIRubenIIThis man speaks truth... I forgot about this; Muay Thai is just awesome to watch.
Travis Meacham from Twitchguru highlighted his top movie fights. Not fight scenes, like the "destroy something beautiful" scene in Fight Club, which was context-sensitive. Meachem is talking about the fighting itself, like fights in the original Drunken Master. His rationale is good , though I do not necessarily agree with his selection; the list follows:
10. Jason Bourne Vs Castel (The Bourne Identity)
9. The Bride Vs Elle Driver (Kill Bill Vol. 2)
8. L.T. Bonham Vs Aaron Hallam (The Hunted)
7. Hector Vs Achilles (Troy)
6. Johnny Cage Vs Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
5. Gandalf Vs The Balrog Of Moria (The Two Towers)
4. Spider-Man Vs Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man 2)
3. Yu Shu Lien Vs Jen Yu (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)
2. Wong Fei-Hung Vs Henry And His Gang (The Legend of Drunken Master)
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi And Qui-Gon Jinn Vs Darth Maul (Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace)
Honorable Mentions
Kiss of the Dragon
The other five Star Wars films
They Live
Lethal Weapon
Sleepy Hollow
Kill Bill: vol 1
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Fight Club
Blade 2
Superman 2
The Princess Bride
The Matrix Films
Under Siege
Rapid Fire
True Romance
Enter the Dragon
Grosse Point Blank
Personally, I think he missed out on a great scene in a crappy movie: The finale fight in The One between Jet Li and... Jet Li. Two distinct types of martial arts are displayed in a great matchup that was really entertaining. Fearless also had some excellent (and visceral) fights.

 What are your favorite one-on-one fight scenes?
Best method to fitness:
- Buy Dance Dance Revolution or download Stepmania
- Buy RedOctane dance pad
- Dance, fat boy, dance to your health! Dance to fitness! Dance to sexiness! Dance !

what are those games aboutmktazzaWhy are you asking in the forums? Just plug the names into the search bar and find out. Huxley was front page yesterday.
Huxley does not look nearly as exciting to me as UT3. As a gamer with limited time to actually play and invest in games, it comes down to one or two FPS each year for me, and Huxley just does not compare to UT3 for me yet. This might change when I have a chance to play through the demo, though.
So far I'm the only one who feels this way, though!
- Zelda! Wait... that's done (Twilight Princess)
- Mario 64! Wait, wait, in development already (Mario Galaxy)
- Metroid Prime! Hmm... a pattern is developing (Metroid Prime 3)
- Paper Mario! Yes... a most striking pattern (Super Paper Mario)
- Smash Brothers! They love Mario at Nintendo, huh (Super Smash Bros Brawl)
PC isn't dying....its just in a slumber right now since the new batch of consoles are new and all the attention is focused on them.Walk into any Gamestop, EB Games, or other major retailer and compare the selection of PC games today to five and ten years ago.
This is just the same cycle we see all time time.....those who are claiming its "dying" are either too young or too inexperienced with games to see that this cycle has happened before.
PC is the only open platform out there and as long as people continue to use the hardware.
Also....for all this talk you hear of developers going to console....Many proven developers are still developing PC exclusive games due out this year and next......Bioware's Dragon Age, Crysis, Spore, Sins of a Solar Empire, Hellgate London, etc.....not to mention new development houses opening up making games for PC, studios like Flagship Studios (ex-Blizzard members), Hyboreal games (ex-Blizzard members), and Blackfoot Studios (Ex-Red Storm Entertainment members).
For all the rhetoric you hear of declining PC sales and PC not being profitable....you hear the exact opposite from PC developers like Valve, Blizzard, and Stardock reporting strong growth and profits in their PC games, especially with digital distribution giving more control and profit to developers.
Sure developers like CliffyB and Mark Rein of Epic are going on about Xbox 360 being able to keep up with high end PC's for visuals like Unreal Engine 3.....lets see if they still feels that way around 2008 and 2009 when PC easily pulls ahead of all console hardware, or in 2010 when its time to launch Unreal Engine 4....expecially given that MS said they dont plan on launching the new console till 2012.
The thing is people forget that PC was never meant to compete with consoles for popularity and mainstream use....its always been a niche platform, and in a way thats kinda good since because of it being a niche platform we have gotten and will continue to get types of games and innovations that you wont see elsewhere for quite awhile.
Gamestop has discontinued selling used PC games, at least in the Boston area. However, I think that the decline of PC gaming has pretty much plateued. Consoles are growing more rapidly, but there are a host of awesome PC games slated for release. Besides, look at Supreme Commander and the new C&C. The PC game market isn't really dying anymore, it's just matured.
- It is generally less expensive to create higher-margin products for existing consoles.
- Some games will always be for PC because of the interface.
- Also, PC gaming is not dying, console gaming is just growing more rapidly.
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