Many Westerners (Americans in particular) seem to have romanticized views on corporations and how they work.
Simply put, you create wealth in whatever place you are imployed, and the corporations job is to strip you of as much money as they can for said work and send it to the higher ups.
@X-7 Not really, it's not about pulling "the race card" and I really do get your point about the natives inherent to the game(s) setting but when the "good" guys(in Uncharted) are always a bunch of whites that ruthlessly murder countless non-white natives for their own profit and gain throughout all 3 Uncharted games it does feel a bit strange combined with this new trailer. Also, they're always meaningless evil henchmen much like the enemy in this trailer, never a central character of any type(good or bad).
Of course I don't think the people at Naughty Dog wake up everyday and think "I'm going to make a game with racist undertones!" and I really do think their games are leading this generation forward pacing and gameplay-wise.
I still think the game looks badass but I'm not going to lie, the unintended racial implications for all of Naughty Dog's PS3 games do bug me a bit. It's an unpopular subject to bring up, I know, especially when their game's are generation-defining, but I think it's also something that's important to confront.
Looks pretty awesome. It would be even more impressive if the cutscenes are rendered in realtime(I'm not sure if that's the case or not).
However, I couldn't help but notice that the most prominent villain in this trailer happened to be a black person(I think). Alone, that wouldn't be noteworthy but combined with the many, many non-white villainous henchmen you murder throughout the entire Uncharted series, it bugs me for some reason.
Naughty Dog knows core mechanics and pacing like nobody's business but I hope that when they take inspiration from Hollywood, they can manage to sidestep the racism that Hollywood seems to enjoy dragging out of the dark ages.
BradBurns' comments