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BraindeadRacr Blog

Death of a friend.

I've put both the A Few Days as a Level Editor: Day Two and the PGR4 DLC Review back a few days cause of a few reasons. One is that the PGR4 Website, is not working well for me. All six of my photos won't appear, while I've uploaded them from my Xbox a few times already. And refuses to upload my screenshots. So, I'll sit both out.

Third reason is that a friend of mine, who's name is Jim Vinken had gone missing recently. I know Jim ever since I moved to the United States. He's also a great friend as he is roughly my age, and we have alot in common. About two years ago, he told me about his then-secret, depression. Ever since he told me, he was more open about it. But he was really flatout down. He had some really heavy medicine to keep him up.

Those meds could've been cocaine for all I care, cause whenever he didn't took 'em. It was as if I was talking a sinking ship. He, like me lives alone. There's been tons of times when he forgot to take his meds, and ran off and didn't return for half a month later.

This time, it was different. Last Friday, the last time I saw him. He was in a good mood. He drove by my house and gave me from what it now means, his way of saying farewell. He told me the truth, that he was noticing that the meds didn't do it anymore. And he was just sick of life. I gave him a speech...

"I can wish you goodluck, I can say goodbye. But what the hell does it matter? Life's a s***tcan with half a lid, and wether you cut your troat right now, or die of some disease fifty years from now, it doesn't matter. When you end your pain, a world of pain starts for us.

If Life's such a pain in the ass for you, you can do two things. You can give us the s***ttiest time of our lives by killing yourself, or you can move on and see back upon this time as "Damn, was I f***ed up back then or what!?" You can look back, together with us.

Looking back at things is gold, looking into the future like some f***in' black cloud is just killing yourself slowly.

All I can ask from you as friend is to pull through, and just think of it as a period you won't see happening again anymore on your calender. Think of us, and yourself. Pulling through is a much wiser decision on the long run. And you know that.

I also gave that same speech to a local Gamespotter who's life's been rough lately. I guess for the sake of privacy, I should refrain from naming the fella'. But I think people who noticed my comment know damn well who I am talking about.

The outcome was him agreeing with me. He said we would get new medication soon and his recent girlfriend's been really good for him. All in all, I thought I talked him out of his own ideas. After about an hour, he left. Saturday at noon, Jim's mother called me and she was crying. She told me that the New Jersey state patrol found Jim lying in a ditch next to the road. Dead.

Monday morning his mother called me again. From what the bloodtests told, he had injected himself with 6 morphine-injections before passing out facedown next to the road. The New York Police found his car deserted, with the cardoors open somewhere in the middle of New York City. From what it appears Jim walked from Riverside, New York. all the way to Plainfield, New Jersey. Plain autopsy revealed that after injecting himself with enough morphine to put three elephants down, he passed out and was impossible of ever waking up again.

The basic statement was; He was tired of life.

Jim welcomed me to America, and was a real close buddy over time. He arranged a place to work, and someone to screw around with. Not to mention, he was the one with the "CD Frisbee" idea. Jim was like me, nineteen years old. Too damn young to give up on life already. I just express it in a blog, cause for the sake of family, I can't give them another burden of me crying my guts out. They lost their son, and that's already enough.

Rest in peace, pal.

A few days as Level Editor. Day one.

Unreal's Engine 3 and it's 1.2 million pricetag aside, Unreal's got one of the best prepacked level editors ever. All freedom allowed with Adobe Photoshop and 3D Studio Max, and pre-stuffed item library filled with crap you can adjust to the pixel. It's so easy to use that even a six year old can do it after a week.

... But I'm on a budget.

Well, a sixty bucks budget. So I hopped the German bandwagon-of-not-being-a-friggin'-millionare, bought Crysis(again, after attempting to play it in the DVD burner) and jacked the freepacked Crytek Sandbox2 Editor from the disk. And since I've got no life, I figured I'd take a serious attempt at making something usefull. I worked my way through two years of Photoshop, C++ Programming and 3D Studio Max. A bit of Level Editor knowledge by the hand, never a waste, right?

After I completely ****ed every single player level over, made it rain men, trashed several villages with TAC tanks and completed the storyline, including driving a Pickup truck into the "Core" level, I should note that the pick up truck seems to loose all sense of solid-ness in the roller-coaster-thing.

I loaded up a 2-x-2sq KM map. Named it "Vigilantes", which is basicly how the map's gonna work, and yes you can confuse it with the game. There's two sides of a coin. But anyway, I first created an "exit" to the map, something that makes the map feel less like a box.

Vigilantes001.jpg picture by NJ3D
Oil rush. Don't do it."

I started off creating barriers, areas where the players shouldn't be reaching. And since most would just create empty space, I took a different approach. In the middle of the map, there's going to be a 8-lane highway, going from one side to the other. You won't be able to get on the highway, but the detail's there nevertheless.

Vigilantes002.jpg picture by NJ3D
One, custom bridge is what seperates the map."

Vigilantes003.jpg picture by NJ3D
Tadá... Full blown detail, anyone?"

Sure, that's the bridge. Now it needs two onramps. But that's not what I'm doin' right now. I started off creating the highway, I'm gonna finish it.

Vigilantes004.jpg picture by NJ3D
Such a damn shame the traffic doesn't actually move... Epic failure, huh?"

Vigilantes005-1.jpg picture by NJ3D
On the other side it's even moving less. Traffic jam..."

Vigilantes006.jpg picture by NJ3D
"... Behind chains you can see the detail. If you're playing on a "60 HDTV... It's kinda.. small, yes."

Vigilantes007.jpg picture by NJ3D
Good enough. Now, it's time to fill up the other 95% of the map."

I didn't knew where to start with this. Maybe that's why I began with the barriers and such beforehand. So, I kinda build a few roads and ended up starting to build a loading bay behind the southern warehouse on the heightmap above.

Vigilantes008.jpg picture by NJ3D
Decent start, right?"

Vigilantes009.jpg picture by NJ3D
Interiors filled. Check. Exterior feels like a loading dock. Check."

Vigilantes011.jpg picture by NJ3D
Okay, I won't deny that I demand details from myself..."

Vigilantes010.jpg picture by NJ3D
The end result. I'd say, not too shabby for a newbie."

And before I knew it, I already sat six hours straight behind my new rig-of-a-PC... I quickly scratched something up to make an end, and go to sleep. Which is a start of a gasstation to the opposite side of the loading docks entrance.

Vigilantes012.jpg picture by NJ3D
Handcrafted details. Maybe too many, but still..."

And that's it for one day. And I won't continue this through tomorrow, no, maybe next week or something. Tomorrow I've got some PGR4 DLC Review lying ready which I gobbled together a few days ago, just didn't get to posting it. The PGR4 DLC review will also have pretty pictures... Yes. And like this one, all the halfassed commentary leads to a bigger version of each image, no need to pray for the Holy man now.

Okay, just do it and let Him damn the low resolution JPEG quality. Teheee.

Vigilante 8 for Xbox Live Arcade confirmed.

... I can die a happy man now. There's only one game in my video game history that was so simple yet so entertaining. And that's Vigilante 8. I've got the casette for the N64, and the disk version for the PS1. Activision announced Vigilante 8 for XBLA about a day ago.

It's been eight years since I've played the game. I had hopes for it to make a return, but car combat died in video gaming and so did Vigilante and Twisted Metal.

What I loved about Vigilante was it's use of less arcadey-manners. Ofcourse, not getting one step off it's original meaning. Picking up guns and shoot cars. It would set you in an arena that would be considered something taken straight from America. All looking fine, no big desctruction. Unlike Twisted Metal, everything felt humane and you were shoved inthere along with seven others to blow everything up, including them.

The cars were more daily too. The regular daily stuff. Schoolbusses, Dodge vans, pick up trucks, muscle cars. Unlike Twisted Metal, who's car base existed on mangled wrecks held together by replacement parts that got stolen from metal objects, driven by insane murderers.

Speaking of drivers, the "purpose" of Vigilante was the fight between Vigilantes and Coyote's. The storyline was like the formula would suggest - Enter an arena as Vigilante, blow up the Coyote and snatch their car as reward. But the Deathmatch is where it's really shined like a gem. And now with Xbox LIVE 8-in-1-out support it's going to rock. Period.

Seriously, the only thing that can top this is Goldeneye for Xbox LIVE Arcade. Which's chances are in our favor, RARE's owned by Microsoft. The Bond License of 007 Goldeneye was bought and was property of RARE, and Microsoft purchased RARE with all belonging grounds.

Well, fingers remain crossed.

Damn, I s*ck at Call of Duty 4 online.

Well, there's two sides to the coin. I've got a kill/death ratio of 1:1. For every kill, I'll get a death sometime. I managed to get to Level 55 yesterday, and this afternoon I maxed the exp. out. And I'm not going to Prestige. Ever. The online will entertain me alot more when I have everything, rather than replay value.

You're talking to the guy who sucked 56 hours out of True Crime: New York City. Exactly.

So, like I said. One time I get a 26 kills/4 deaths ratio on Bloc. Then the next match it turns around by 14 kills/21 deaths ratio on Crash. I've racked up a total of 5100 kills in the 1 day and 16 hours of total online playtime. At the same time, I've died 5100 times aswell.

I only play Deathmatches. Like Team Deathmatch, Mercenary Team Deathmatch, Free-for-All, Hardcore Team Deathmatch. I barely play Headquarters, Sabotage, Search and Destroy. Unless for instance Easteast decides to play it. 9 out of 10 times, the party where I'm in plays Domination or Team Deathmatch.

So, basicly. I rack up loads of deaths. Unlike many others. I gained 99% of my expirience from deathmatches. And in that time, I've completed just about all challenges. I've got blue tiger camo's for nearly half of my guns. I racked up 150 headshots with a P90, M16A2 and M4. I've got all the Beginner challenges done, and nearly all of all the other categories. Including Elite, missing four(Chainreaction by explosions kill, Call in 2 Choppers, Survive an entire match and What the ?). All done legit, over the time.

I'm not flatout bad. I guess. Still, it should be possible to die less, right?

I've got five main weapon cla.sses I've kept the same for a long time. M16A2(Last Resort)(M16A2(ACOG), Golden D-eagle, Bandolier, Double Tap, Deeper Bullet Penetration). G3/50 Cal(Best EVAR)(.50 Cal, G3(Red Dot), Bandolier, Overkill and Deeper Bullet Penetration). P90(Hated Gem)(P90(ACOG), Golden D-eagle, Bandolier, Double Tap, Increased Fire From The Hip Accuracy). RPD/M4(Just Evil)(RPD, M4(ACOG), Bandolier, Overkill, Increased Fire-from-the-hip Accuracy). W1200/M16A2(Close, nah)(W1200 Shotgun, M16A2(Silencer), Bandolier, Overkill, Deeper Bullet Penetration).

I recently started to use the .50 Cal combo with the G3 since I found out how damn good the G3 is if you can use it well. And if they decide to pull a long range on you, yank out the .50 Cal and bam. Done deal. The RPD/M4 Combo is pure evil, whenever I use that cl.ass it's mass carnage. The P90's gonna collect dust since I discovered the usefullness of the G3/.50 Combo. I barely snipe... But this changed everything.

Maybe I should refrain from my usual tactic,. The so called "How the US charged Iraq" tactic. I run in, rack up a kill or three. And die, die and die. And repeat.

Meh, consider this blog a indepth view in my Call of Duty 4 online play st.yle. There's no way you can get my stubborn mind of fragging myself.

P.S, I've suicide bombed nearly thirty players in my career. It's THE BEST WAY to kill the enemy. You get a kill, and you tear their dignity apart while you're at it. Violence is the future. Fact.

... What's a Vehicle Jorge without a Vehicle?

I put a halt that Part 3 cause it would end up being a spoiler tag from beginning to the end. So, back to daily business. New York has lots of fine alternative transportation. Subway... Bus... Taxi... Train... You name it. But I'd rather drive myself around. Y'know, force of habbit. That, and my two only mountain bikes I owned were stolen last December(Remember that blog?).

I wrecked my fine car a few weeks ago. Actually, a car half as big as mine rear ended me and totaled my car. Oh the irony... Okay, it still starts. The engine is unharmed, basicly. Only everything, and I really mean everything that is on the back of the car is either completely broken or damaged. From taillights to the damn gascap! The suspension looks as if someone placed a handfull of curly fries downthere. Not to mention that the impact was so heavy that the bumper punctured my rear tires.

I had the oppertunity to digg up my personal stuff from the car this morning before it was shipped off somewhere upstate where they would make dishwashers out of it, or something. So, on the way back home in the subway... I tried to figure something out. I bought my Dodge for 1100$ at the same spot where it's currently at. How hard can it be finding another car around the same price range?

Well, turns out getting a damn Ford Pinto is already over that budget. Okay, New York is a rich city. Especially the part of NY where I live, Manhattan. It's just that... The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island and 50% of Northern Manhattan aren't millionaires and don't feel like paying five grand for a used car.

So I went deeper into the Bronx, for a change. And almost made a deal on a Chevrolet Baretta from the early 90's. With almost I mean, I didn't offer enough and the damn salesman started stonewalling me. I was desperate to begin with, I'm a pick up man.

Cause... I'm a country boy. I may be born in The Netherlands, but with that I'm specifically born between barns, windmills and little villages. While I currently live busiest city in North America, I still live up to my roots... And, besides... Pick up trucks have a charm. They can put up alot of milage, and only crap out twice as many times as a 10K car.

So back to searching specifically for a pick up truck. I came across a '93 Chevy S10. Somesort of European export that never made it to the boat or something. For somewhat over 1000 bucks it was mine. So, a test drive was worthy. Getting a bit used to, KM/H and "Liters"... But, the damn thing wouldn't start. And ofcourse, I "drowned" the thing, according to the dealer. After a few minutes of looking around it appeared that the entire fuel supply was as thick as if someone poured honey inthere.

... Not to mention that the thing hasn't moved since it was made.

Last attempt, on my way back to Inwood. Nearby the Subway entrance, there was this little corner-store-like car dealer with around five cars. The guy had an RS model of the '91 Chevrolet Camaro I love the '91 Chevy Camaro. It might be a piece of crap, speedwise... But hey, it's New York. I'll never get past the 35MPH anyway. So, I go inside and check the thing out.

Pricetag was 2175 dollar. Does everyone think that this is how you earn a few extra bucks in NYC? By overpricing things 200%?

Moral of this story: I'm a vehicle jorgé without a vehicle. That's like Michael Jackson without his nose.

P.S: If anyone has a decent used pick-up truck(Chevrolet/Dodge/Ford/GMC) for sale, within the pricerange of 900-1200$.. Gimme a PM. I know I'm asking gamers... But, okay... Fair 'nuff.

(And thanks Homes225 for the nickname. :D)

A Story working like an enclosed maze. Pt. 2

Continued from the last blog, I had it about how stories should be airtight. Having an excuse for everything. Well, since the gaming business isn't that much of a Movie-like business... I started off creating a story that would lie senstive. Crooked politics. And freedom fighting. The basic motto of the game would be "If a bully takes your lunch, and you've got the power to take it back. The hell are you waitin' for?".

The story leads you through a path that could feel like a conspiracy, while it's the biggest form of selfishness you can imagine. A crooked politician with big-headed-dillusions wants to make an entire state his "personal playground". Nuclear tests, animal testing, disaster testing that would be a real disaster. Everything you can't do on the mainland. His ultimate goal is to keep order at the same time, by eliminating anyone who could set a foot against him in a legal way. And replacing those with his own men, assuring himself to be "always right".

Basicly, the guy's trying to make the state his personal backyard.

Then the counterquestioning. Where's D.C into this?

Awnser: The Geraldo State is the 51st State of America, without being an actual state. It's partially a kingdom, and partially a state. It never recieved the 51st star on the flag. But has it's own rule system, 25% influenced by D.C's politicians. If something happens within the state that affects the entire country's reputation. The state itself makes the final decision, thanks to it being a partial kingdom.

Another counterquestion. What good can it be, being an seperate state that is led by itself?

Lower taxes, private oil supply, private power supply, the stuff you shouldn't have to share. No-one could've thought that some politician would risk taking it for itself.

Then a random question. Why in hells name should you create a story that has so many sidestories?

Because the Gaming Industries has something wonderfull in it. You never need to have a linear story. You can create as many shortcuts, sidepaths and expansions as you want without leaving the main story itself. You can shove up to ten stories into one, and still not making it complicated cause you are the character. Not the actor.

Think of it, if Braveheart was a game. You could've given the lead character so many options... He could've ran, he could've given up or he could've faught, without making it feel any less of a movie as it was. In the movie, it follows one linear path - The full attack. In a game you can create a maze of paths and still not making it complicated. Let alone less interesting. Cause you can connect each and every single story with eachother.

Back to the Q.A with: How can a linear story not be linear?

Okay, all akwardness aside from basicly interviewing myself... When I thought about it, it made sense. Afterall, you're playing the main story. Not a book, or something. There's three types of gamers, one is the "Full" kind. Plays a game 'till death, every single bit of content gets looked at. The "Casual" kind. They just play, and if it's good 'nuff, they do something aside. Then the "Rushing" kind. Like a drug addict they go from game to game.

To cater all three groups, there's only one solution. The main story, is a main story. The background and all the little side-picking is all optional. Even while the game is going to give a more than big insight on how it affects the characters, combining that with their history and all, if you really feel like digging more up. Do some side missions to your favor.

Easy solution. Right?

Another question: How can you alter real time events without screwing it up?

I'll be honest. When I created the storyline, slowly there came points where the character would be confronted with a true event that could lie extremely senstive. 99% of the real time events that I blend into the storyline are ment in a good way. Not trying to hurt those who lost someone/something. Alot of references, ifnot honors(with location and date of occurance/when destroyed/killed/etc.) - The World Trade Center's(New York, 2001), Iraqi Gulf War(Iraq, 1991), Rodney King/Los Angeles Riots(Los Angeles, 1992). These are the most important references into the character history. More on that here.

For instance, one of the characters worked for Jimmy Carter as personal bodyguard. Carter abused women, and the character Frank O'Doyle rushed inside, knocked Jimmy Carter senseless and saved the woman he was abusing. Ofcourse, Jimmy Carter never abused women. He wasn't loved, but it could've been any president I would use for this fiction. Frank O'Doyle's age matches the runtime of Carter's presidentship, Frank was eighteen when he started his so called job, right at the downfall of Carters career.

Hell, I'm born in 1988. I can't judge wether he was a complete ****er or not. He's unlucky enough to fall in my timeline.

And a final one: If you're creating a story for a video game with such a deep past, how does it work out for the game itself then?

The history isn't gonna match exactly with the storyline. Infact, it's closing one chapter for another. All five characters in the game have five unique histories(well, two do seem quite the same but fall different). Chris Lamont, former soldier on the Al Ramadï front. Mitchell Wilson, also a former soldier on the Al Ramadï front. Frank O'Doyle, former P.B of Jimmy Carter then turned National Guard Unit for L.A and N.Y.C. Rodger Anderson, racecar champion-got-crippled-during-crash. Dylan Mahoney, Police Chief's son with a master trigger finger.

They all end up on the same island, different locations. They all get under attack at some point, Chris' brother gets killed, whom was a Defensive Attorney. Mitchell's wife gets killed, whom was a Jury Member in Court. Dylan's father gets killed, who was police chief. Rodger's closest friend gets killed, whom was a Judge of Court. And Frank got shot as a random civillian during a massive killing spree.

Frank calls' em together for vengance. And try to unravel who did it. By going on a revenge path, they get more clues towards domination-by-a-crooked politician. By the time you're about to find out what the hell is going on, the mastermind himself declares war. That's two shifts in pace, from simple vengance to actual war. And then slowly it starts to turn into a freedom fighter's mission.

The politician himself gets more desperate and desperate and starts to give up his own land for his victory. Trying to hit the five characters where it hurts. For instance, Frank was up close at the WTC towers, and ran for his life twice from the falling towers. That crushed his career and sank into a deep depression. So, the villian uses planes to take down his "spots". Just for the sake of naming one.

Controversial. I know. But there's a few things that weaken th thing up a bit, like empty planes and such. The thing is that the story is not super-humans fighting super-humans. The characters aren't stupid, and are supposed to have the same emotions as we do. Depression, fear, trust etc. In Drive or Die, every single emotion is getting it's treatment.

Speaking about the story, how it actually goes from long past to taking down a politician... Next time. I gotta keep 'em a bit short, Y'know. And I still did it for the lulz.

(P.S, should these blogs be editoral because I'm practially saying how a story should work? Or should it still be a writing, cause it's still fiction?)

A Story working like an enclosed maze. Part 1.

Call me cheesy, but I'm one of the few writers that writes about anything. From strategy guides, to stories. From blogs, to bio's. And yes, with every blog about Drive or Die I have to do some introduction to sound serious. If not, professional. I'm no dreamer, I'm a thinker. Like a guy sitting infront of a chalkboard waitin' for that push to whiten that green chalkboard.

I basicly love to work alone, so it's not easy to show off my work for me. Sounds pretty... Strange, but it is how it is. And there's also a weird side-effect that makes it feel as if I'm trying to explain sex-ed. to a bunch of teens. Trying to sound serious, y'know.

The dreamer story falls back into that side-effect. There's alot of people like me, trying to make their ideas into a virtual world. Since the Gaming Business can be discribed as creating a superb movie where YOU play the actor, who isn't lacking skill or anything. It's almost starting to feel as if you're one of those idiots trying to show off "their skills" infront of a group of the Hollywood Actors' Guild. It's that I won't back down, not even if everyone rejects it. It's almost a difficult thing to make something positive out of it. If I'm just another dreamer, I won't make it. If I'm a person who actually puts through, I'm a hardass.

My goal is to break through before the Gaming Industries is monopolized. And yet again, striking EA with the blame. Unlike Microsoft, they are really buying out the competition and grabbing the big names for theirselfs and turning them under-developed crap, fast-produced junk and let alone the fact completely screwing the original reputation of that game's series over... And before I completely sink into this subject... I'll leave it like that and continue it sometime. Cause it was supposed to be about a story. A plot.

For so far, the story lines of games are dropping like bricks. The only story we're getting dished is "Buy Pt. 2 to Continue!". If one story's a good story, it should work like a road. Begins at one end, ends at the other. Enter, and Exit. An even better story takes several paths. The best kind of story is an easy-to-understand maze from those placemats you get at those roadside diners. Alot of side-stories that can be easily understood.

Take the story from XIII for example. Yes, story. In the end, the game wasn't all that well. But that didn't kept me from playing for tons of time. The story is in my opinion one of the best in gaming history. Maybe it's just that the french writer of the original comic XIII created it. But even for a French, that guy wrote a storyline that can almost be real. This could be something straight from one of the best conspiracy-theorists. Every single person who works with, and around the White House and the Pentagon is involved with the so-called "Twenty". And it so well thought out, that just about anything I say about the story can be called a spoiler.

If you pay attention to the storyline, you'd know what's going on. Explained in flashbacks and such, it'll all start to make sense. The game is hated for it's rather fast change in pace of the storyline. Meaning, just when you start to get it. It turns out you were all wrong. But, isn't that the point of a conspiracy? They do stuff you shouldn't be thinking off?

Ofcourse, this game also ended with the "To be continued" tagline. Infact, the screen showed in comic stile "... To Be Continued". People should point out that you should read the english-translations of the comic XIII itself to get a good prologue and a good aftermath of the XIII: The Game story. Not really marketing, just like 24: The Game it was inherited into the script of the series it was based on.

But back to Drive or Die. I'm still working on the story to be waterproof. Thinking about making an paperback prologue on the characters and how it all started. While the game should give a good and fast start, there's just like XIII: The Game has, there's more than you can realise. So adding that into a paperback(Maybe the manual, perhaps?) would make sense.

The game plays like Grand Theft Auto. But on a different type of setting. GTA re-created cities. I've made an entire new state that should've been connected to the US, but didn't.

Making a story work like a enclosed maze basicly means everything around the game should have a reason to be open/closed/locked/unlocked etc. For instance how did the state form, and why is it so distant from the U.S itself? Where is it located? Why is there no travel from the state to the US mainland? Who made it? Who started it? Republicans or Democratics? If it's not a state, why isn't it a kingdom then? The basic questions to the island itself.

Awnsers would be: Manmade. Political Issues. The north-western tip of the state lies 103MI east from the Georgia-South Carolina border. Rough sealand and hurricanes terrorize travel inbetween the Georgia-Geraldo Waterway, thanks to global warming. Will. E. Geraldo, a million-dollar man who wanted to create something more than a patch of land. It was a loophole on the map, an unowned patch of land anyone from the US could take and Geraldo took that shot. Democrats, the state was held high by Maxwell Rhodes, former Senator of Conneticut. A bit like District of Columbia, Washington D.C has influence over it. But it's still private property by Will E. Geraldo, who passed away in 2001, it couldn't fund itself to become a sole country cause of reasons like high-priced import and export, so it became the 51st State of the United States. Without adding a 51st star.

Adding alot of fiction into real world events, sure. But handled with care ofcourse. It's more than just airlocking the envoirment, next time I'm talking about that since this blog is becoming too damn long to be interesting!

Edit: Holy ****, I've outdone myself. I think this is one of the longest blogs ever. I did it for the lulz...

DICE '08/IAA '08 - Epic Phailure XXL.

Start Good, End Good.

Alright, first things first. The entire Interactive Achievements Awards was a complete disaster. Specifically, a DIS-ASS-TER. The show started half an hour late. It was already 10:30PM in New York when it started, I can't imagine how that must've felt for those in Europe... So, the actual blabbing started at 11PM. Two hosts, one former GS Tim Surette and some lady called Laura Swisher from

The first thing we heard during the time that Tim interviewed, was Laura saying "Tim's stalling." over ten times. Okay, sound problem. Can happen on a live coverage. But by the time people started to get irritated by the clueless speed-talking by Laura, the "issue" was still there. Every time they went back to Tim, Laura blabbed into the microphone every time. For nearly an hour straight.

... Bad start huh?

Someone's been sipping from Grandpa's ol' cough medicine...

Well, by the time the actual show started. Sir Jay Mohr couldn't be found and we were set into another stall mode by the overly-funny Superbowl-cloned advertisements. One out of a few was actually a bit funny, but the rest were sad attempts. Five minutes later, Mohr finally came up on the stage.

And then, the ultimate epic phailure of Jay Mohr's entire career. His once-so-funny jokes now seemed like a sad attempt to make the people laugh. Hooker jokes, vagina jokes, racial jokes, Mohr's apperant love for Japan, tons of slip-ups, his mental hea... I mean, his physical health and last but not least - He tends to wreck everything. For starters, the "IAA" sign he wrecked from the sign.

Not to mention, for two hours straight he kept on saying "Man this cough medicine...". Okay, you've got some lung condition. Is it really worth showing it off as if you've tried the white-powder-in-sniff-quality version? As if you are is infested with puncture marks from needles? As if you're hiding a spoon and a Zippo?

Maybe he was really sick. Maybe he was completely wasted. Maybe he lost all his money and shot up to feel better. Maybe he O.D'ed on cough medicine. Who knows, but he completely ****ed it up. This was a complete failure.

Infact, it took the people nearly two hours to clap at Mohr! And he had to ask for it! ... Five times.

Oh, the ****ing IRONY!

Mohr referenced to some blooper he made a year ago, that's now all over YouTube and he's completely embarrased by it. I'd say this is worth being exploited like Hiltons "I need to go to jail" episode...

Sank Qu.

Okay, Ken made history. He's our Zen. But, don't deny with the slip up during Tim's interview, well two slip ups... "I am exciting!" and "I am awesome". And then topping that with Sank Q, we've got ourselfs a man with a the best English skills ever and a heroic position in the Gaming Industries. He'll be welcomed by a huge number of giggles everytime he goes up on stage.

No Hanks.

You'll lose us, tough... When you top it all by talking for 15 minutes straight. But hell, we'll forgive all of it. You most definatly deserve it all Ken. No lies.

Jay Mohr's Personal Killcount.

Jay Mohr doesn't want to do another live gaming show... Obviously. Or he just hates censorship. I do, but hey... The Killcount for Jay Mohr and two dudes who yelled in the mic as if they drank half of Vegas' alcohol.

F-word = 6
B-word = 4
S-word = 5
"Gay" in negative sense = 2
The bottom-hole Synonym = 2
Vagina-reference = 16
Male-parts(The pencil, and the gumballs) = 4
References to Japanese people = 6
"There's only three black people!" = 1
"There's a kid? Who gives a ****!" = 1

Really smooth. It was worth watching tough, atleast I can say "I was watching the biggest career flop of Mohr on LIVE TV!!!".

So, the 11th time's a charm? The Dodge has met it's painfull match.

So, after 10 vehicle accidants, my car still was working. Repainted the thing ten times, just about any trimming had been whiped off atleast once, all lights have been bashed out multiple times and the body has been "unditched" plenty of times. The '95 Dodge Dakota had proven itself to be unbeatable.

Until this noon. I came back from upstate New York for a small pick up. A nice JVC radio set with 50 bucks discount if I picked it up at Monticello, and on my way back home I pulled up to a red light somewhere just a few miles from the G.W Bridge. A Lincoln Navigator sitting infront of me, I remember that part perfectly since those things are so goddamn huge you can't see the damn light no more.

Well, as I was waiting for the light to green. All o' the sudden I hear the damned sound as if some guy is pulling burnouts two feet away from you. And as soon as I try to look in my mirror...

... I get rear-ended by a Honda Civic. And since I never hold my foot on the brake at a light, I get pushed forwards into the Lincoln. The only thing I could think of the second after was "Damn, it wasn't me!?". Right, I jump out of the vehicle, with one of the worst neck-ache's I've had in years, dramatically yelling "Son of a *****!". The driver of the Lincoln jumps out and yells "What the hell!" at me... And I looked at him, he had this strange stare...

Then I noticed it. There was this blood-soaked hole on the windscreen of the Honda, at the side of the passenger seat. We both ran to the car, pulling the male driver out. He was in perfect shape, altough his nose was bleeding like as if it was simulating the Niagra Falls... His girlfriend on the other hand, who was still in the car... She wasn't wearing a seatbelt, and she bashed with her forehead into the windshield.

I pushed my car into the roadside grass, the driver of the Lincoln called 911 and that other fella' was trying to comfort his girlfriend. She wasn't doing fine, she was K.O and her head was bleeding very badly. All I had was a big bump on my forehead that was bleeding uncontrollably, one painfull neck and what later appeared to be a broken toe. The Lincoln driver had nothing, altough he almost had a heartattack it seems.

The Lincoln driver had those damage forms with him, for some apparent reason. So we filled them out, and we exchanged phone numbers. Ten minutes later the New Jersey state police arrived, and not a minute later the Ambulance aswell. As I exchanged phone numbers with both drivers, I was offered "medical service". I declined and decided to walk off. Taking my belongings from my completely totaled car and walk off home.

Since I didn't have a photo camera on me(Infact, I never have.), I was not able of taking pictures. And I left my car behind cause it was completely totaled. According to that guy who hit me, he was going 40MPH before he hit me. My rearbumper was crushed into the rear wheels, the exhaust was completely mishapen into the body and the back of the body is atleast five inches shorter now. Infront I've got two broken headlights, a leaking cooling-fluid cable and the bumper is completely off.

The Honda Civic was really and I mean really completely destroyed infront. As if Honda designs those things to crumble up at medium speed collisions. The Lincoln had two scratches on the rear bumper. Judging by my front, those things are made out of pure steel.

So anyway, I walked off with an slight... Hitch in my walking speed as I five minutes later see the Lincoln pass by. The guy pulled over and offered me a lift. Decent guy overall, even tough we didn't say a damn thing for the remaining 20 minute drive.

Two hours ago, I called that Honda driver. Asking how his girlfriend was doing. Seems like she's gonna pull through, but she's currently still on the E.R with as he calls it "Massive brain damage". Poor girl. Actually, while it was her own fault for not wearing a seatbelt, it's impossible to not feel sad.

Well, since I'm with the AAA. All it required was a phone call, and my car would be toed without me even being there. It was shipped off to the Bronx, where it'll live its final days before heading into the shredder.

The Dodge had met it's match. Actually, the Dodge went down like the Patriots. Unable to be beaten at first, then getting owned in the end. While the engine was fine, and even still started, the entire back was crushed in like a cardboard box. All in all, I have no car. A broken toe(Yes, I actually asked the doctor how that was possible to break to begin with, he didn't know). One of the worst headache's I've had in a while. And my neck's starting to feel like a tree.


Sir Ryan Davis is the next in line.

"It's been almost 8 years since I started working at GameSpot, and Jeff was there for nearly all of my fondest and most memorable experiences on the job. ... Simply put, I would not be in the video game business at all were it not for Jeff Gerstmann, and I am loathe to imagine what I might be doing with my life right now without the focus I've earned from having this ridiculous job. ... But now, Jeff's gone, and I'm not afraid to say that it absolutely breaks my heart. I felt the departure of Rich Gallup from the site earlier this year in my bones, but this goes deeper. Jeff was a rare constant, and this marks the end of an era for both GameSpot and myself, a fact that doesn't seem to be getting any less upsetting for me." - Ryan Davis, GameSpot


Anotherone bites the dust. Sir Davis has left the building. He's a goner. How many synonyms for "Goddamnit, we're losing more than we can ****ing handle!" are there?

Since the Jeff Gerstmann-gets-booted incident, we've lost Gerstmann, then Navarro decided to move on, and now Davis leaves. And the strangest of all; Their reasons are just perfect. There's no counterargument available for these reasons. Especially for Ryan's.

Like many of us felt, Jeff was the lightsource of this website. We're all left in the dark. And there's no way in hell either one of the editors is able of replacing that what's currently missing. The great Jeff Gerstmann. I'm with just about anyone else, he was the best editor out there. Funny, and yet his job didn't suffer of that at all. He was a pro, with a good sense of humor.

Ricardo Torres got his position. And made an quite emotional post a few days ago, nearly begging us to show them some mercy. Cause afterall, since Jeff got fired. There's no good word to be found about GameSpot and CNET on other websites.

One by one, the editoral-staff is falling. And people can say "Would you give up your job for a friend?". Well, I can't speak for them. But I can speak for myself - If the place is turning into a souless hellhole, and half of your friends who you've met years ago are leaving one by one. Yes.

This is like a damned chainreacton. We all have our icons, reasons, friends. For Ryan, it was Jeff. For many GameSpotters, it was Alex. For many other GameSpotters it was Jeff. Who knows, if an staff-member saw Ryan as his compadré-and-friend. Only a few seems to realise that while we get hit, those who knew Ryan personal gets the biggest blow. Straight in the face. And that's why people can leave because another one left before. There's nothing strange to it when it makes sense.

In the end, we're losing staff and members overhere. This place is going down faster than a brick in the ocean. I keep on having trust in this website. Mainly for the community, but also for the staff and content.

However tough - If the Domino's keep falling, then the case is changes into something more "Screw it. You can't revive something that's dead."