Now, in the past few days I've been playing Call of Duty 4 off-and-on. Some Mercs 2 here, some Unreal Tournament III there... But mainly CoD4 as I'm waiting for the lazy son-of-a-***** PC repairman to come back from his little trip to Ohio. No-one's willing to offer free repairs, and for some reason the "Downgrading from Vista to XP Pro for free" services have vanished.
So, while I'm waiting I'm getting back into Call of Duty 4. And again, I use the shotgun. Cause... Well... It's the only gun I'm decent with. That's the way things are. Put me in a battlefield with an silenced M16 and I might stand a chance camping the hell out of the enemies while making "HOLY ****!", "Son of a!" and sort-like remarks at every enemy that comes around my little corner.
Give me a AK74u, and I'll charge.
And die.
Give me anything else but the M1014 Shotgun, W1200 Shotgun, M16A4 and the AK74u - And expect me to put a new definition to the words "Epic fail". The kind of epic fail that would cause the sniper that blew my brains out to go "*facepalm* Oh... Lord...". The sort of fail that would make the guy that shot me down with the M4 yank out a grenade and blow himself into kingdom come while weeping.
I guess that should be convincing enough...
Anyway, I'm doing okay. I guess I consider every match I end with a positive kill/death ratio a good match. Mostly, I get four kills for every death. Sometimes I get one kill for every four deaths. In the end; Decent.
But what's playing Call of Duty 4, without noticing the typical "I HATE UUUU!!! {angry face}" from those players that can't stand it that I took 'em out with that "oh so useless" shotgun before they could nail me down. I got my very very first hate PM because of CoD4 today. Just like the rest of the Xbox Live community, I got tons on Halo 3, notifying me once more that my mother's a whore, I'm a mentally challenged 'kid' and I sucked because I beat him.
The Call of Duty 4 one was sort of different... This time, unlike the "ur moms a ho *****" I usually get... I got a voice-message with the kind words "**** you".
I got to give the guy credit.
It was a big step to go from ruining Halo 3, to Call of Duty 4. I could imagine that the whole mother-bashing stuff kinda sticked behind. And was replaced by dull workspace insults. "You forgot to put the A4's in the copy machine, you idiot!" - "*sip of Cup'A'Soup* **** you."
Oh, and my rep went down 6% in total in less than three days. And I didn't even do that good to be considered "Aggressive". Hell, my total kills and deaths just broke two milestones of mediocrity - Kills: 15750, Deaths: 13750.
What good can a day be without people that actually are better than you, insult you and "avoid" you? Without these clear signs of the decline in our youth... It would be like playing PacMan with people sharing ages with antique pottery.
(Little brats ftw.)
[I figured I'd post it over from GB... It's almost as if I left this place]
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