Well, the most basic reason would be that I don't give a good goddamn whether I get 'addicted' to this game or not. The second reason is that I am not addicted to it, thus not liking it. The third reason is that unlike any of the eight million players, I find the game way too linear.
And the most important reason of why I am not with the Anti-MMORPG nutjobs, nor with the club of eight million sun hating basement critters.
In my opinion, where as always I am very very honest with; I find the game a crapjob of repeated progress with a different paintjobs. In other words, it's the same no matter where you go. It flatout sucks.
Now that all came from a dude who has played Runescape as a paid member for five years. Now that game was overall good, if you're the type of guy that takes the "I wanna do stuff" over the "I want a next gen looking game" bull****. It looked horrible, but it ran on the Java engine, etc. etc.
All in all, what that game learned me was - You don't need alot to create well thought out content that isn't the "Go from A to B" or "Get me X of that.". Further more, training skills wasn't a "You gotta do this for seven weeks, and there you go."
Hell, in World of Warcraft, it seems as if all NPCs are lazy bastards that hurrass random strangers for some halfwit job. And than pay him an item he can't even use.
Sure, I know there's around the fivehundred people that are now nodding and saying "You ignorant fool, you. Yer' supposed to advance into thy game in order to get thy good stuff, laddy.". I was already turned off by the game when I was ten minutes in, how do they expect me to make it to the I-Lost-Mah-LIIIFFEEE mark if they lost my interest at square one?
How in the hell am I supposed to enjoy a game that's major objective is to suck the soul and life out of my wretched body?
And no, dammit. I will not budge.
I will not buy Age of Conan. Why? Boobies are teh lulz, but only when they're real.
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