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BraindeadRacr Blog

Thy forbidden fruit.

Yeah, if only Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was an apple, and this was 1598, the title would've been more fitting.

Y'know, I always wanted the last camo in the line for the shotguns. And when I stopped playing Call of Duty 4 as GTAIV came, I was only 28 headshots with the pump-action W1200 away from gaining the golden camo. And lately I got extremely bored of GTAIV - And not wanting to play through the crapfest-oh-so-loved-by-VanOrd Assassin's Creed; I figured I'd kill another controller for the "bling".

Hell, it was 1AM EST when I started playing, teaming up with this fella' from Illinois that kept saying "What the hell are you doing on this late?". Irony.

By 3AM, I got the damn camo. And that's the turning point of where my controller will soon gain an unfortunate death.

There's only one reason why I'm actually enjoying the game;

I'm playing like the traditional USMC in Iraq. You charge, you kill one or two, you die, you laugh. Oh, and against all odds, you use shotguns at every instance. Whether it's a sniper map, or a map where assault rifles have the upper hand, I always kill as many people with the shotgun, and die as many times while I'm at it.

My Kill/Death Ratio lies 10 kills to 9 deaths per game.

Hell, I can enjoy those ten kills. Nine times the chance that my controller would've gotten a slingshot of a *****slap, and fly around the room. Being attached by a cable, it'll end up to ricochet back at me and smack me in the face.

Boomsticks, gorey deaths, dying like a patriot and when controllers attack.

Ain't Call of Duty 4 a blast?

Dammit, I shouldn't be playing Call of Duty 4!

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I seriously need to get a life.
And get less aggressive when I play CoD4, or I'll be getting myself another controller.
And some friends that appreciate my skills with the shotgun.

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Also, if anyone hears me say "Bling" anytime soon. Shoot me. And t-bag me.

Suck on that one, Logan. :D


What has Mr. Thompson learned today?

Don't mess with the kind that cannot be defeated. He wasn't insane enough to realise that there's two things holding you from taking down violent video games.

One; The fact that anything can be a cause for murder.
Two; If you're trowing dirt, you're only gonna get ****canned by your own tactics sooner or later.

What is Sir Thompson gonna do next, now he can't sue those who make, produce and sell video games? Well, you can always sue the vile bastard that send a pair of flowers, damn straight that was hurrassment. The respect... The sarcasm...

(Blog'd before the madness has started :D)

NLFHR #17 & 18 - World of Warcraft and Counter Strike Source.

Been a while since I did one of these, huh? I wanted to get back at some purchased I've made, and give 'em the good ol' kick in the ass.

One being the pride and welfare of the World Society of Computer and Internet Addiction Rehabilitation Center. The other being just so damn flat-out violent, it's just simply awesome.

So again, two No Love for Hype Rules in one.

NLFHR #17 - World of Warcraft.

It all started out with me having the urge to buy Enemy Territories: Quake Wars, but ending up having this Battlechest shoved in my hands because it was "ON SALE!!!1one1".

So, installed it. And already called Texas to assure myself a place at the rehab.

Right, after a SEVEN HOUR install... I could finally begin playing. I create an account, and get *****slapped back five steps and I'm told that I must download a huge patch. So, I click Okay...

"1.4GB - Estimated time; 6 hours."

All my faith in having a blast playing sunk like the Titanic. So, after thirteen hours I could turn off my computer and could haul ass to the Airport. Monday, I resumed the quest to gain access to my ****ing character.

I hoped that after a 1.4GB patch, pretty much all patches reaching back to 1980 were installed. So, tried to access my character, again. More. Damn. Patches.

It went on for so long until I yelled "AREN'T YOU OUT OF GODDAMN BAND-AIDS YET!?".

Another hour passed, and by then I had enough patches to patch up the people from Final Destination II. I could finally play. And I was supposed to create my character, and think of some clever MMORPG name.

WoWScrnShot_060308_213531.jpg picture by NJ3DI ended up creating this ugly bastard.

And his name is Njtaylor.

And that name goes beyond the imagination and creativity of any MMORPG player in the history of Meh-mor-peh-gers. Well, it's mainly because DunkinDonuts was already taken.

Well, finally into the gameplay area of the... game. I've wandered around for a whole day. Doing the same quests, doing the same paths, doing the same stuff.

Wait. Lemme give you an insight on what you should do, if you're deciding between weed and World of Warcraft, because mommy only allows you one hit. Oh, that one was morally incorrect, huh? Hehehe.

Plan A: Buy a hundred bucks worth of reefer. Start smoking, like there's no tomorrow. You'll feel the same everytime you do it. But it gets more intense, the more you do it. Do some pot with a buddy, and suddenly it starts to become cool. And more powerfull.

Don't ask how I know.

Plan A-01: Buy World of Warcraft, and it's expansion packs for 50$. Start playing, like there's no tomorrow. You'll do the same **** every time you play, but it gets more intense. The more you play, the heavier it gets. Play with a clan, and suddenly it becomes a helluvalot more awesome. And a lot more powerfull.

Results: ... The same. Only one involves your parents hating the hell out of you. The other only involves not getting any daylight in your eyes for the next five years.

I'm not kidding. The game is the same, no matter what you do. All quests involve; Kill a number of this, and bring it back to that. Get this from A to B. I'm too frigging lazy, so I'll just ask you, Mr. You-Could-Be-A-Rapist-Stranger - Do it for me, and get a miserable reward.

Okay, I'm a little too harsh. I enjoyed playing it. But it lasted only for so long before I need a serious break from the game, and get some rapid-action.

Something with the tag line "Shoot first, ask questions later." Like Counter-Strike Source.

All in all, the game looks funny, plays painfully slow, is the same all over the place(The explanation of why I came across nearly fifty Lvl 70 players within a single day) and lacks simplicity.

I felt like I was stuck in time, and missed all the greatness while trying to advance in the game.

I like the game, but you'll have to load up the bed of my truck with reefer in order to get me addicted to it. It's the same anyway.

NLFHR #18 - Counter Strike: Source.

This game can be reviewed in under seven lines.

CCS.jpg picture by NJ3DYou pick a dude.
You pick a gun.
You start running.
You kill other dudes.
You keep on killing other dudes until you win.

And it rocks.


If it wasn't for GreggD telling me over Xbox LIVE, I wouldn't have found out about it. I've managed to become a finalist within the Developer for a Day 6 contest. Wait, I'm overreacting. If it weren't for the KevinV blog, Union Update, GreggD, and half a dozen commenters in my previous blog; I wouldn't have noticed.

To be honest, for me the contest ended right here. I've pretty much won from myself; Getting people to like my work is the ultimate prize, and even that I share it with ten others just says that they should win. Recognition is enough for me, and if I become first, second or third - It's a bonus.

Hell, I'd rather see guys like Misfit1119, Chikinware or Oilers99, or any other of them to take the first three spots.

Call me a scitzo, but there's always this little voice inside of a person saying "You can't do it... FAIL!". And as two professional reviewers, and ... Whatever JodyR does... If they consider my work to be good enough to battle with nine of the best out of nearly 200. I can consider my work good enough to accepted by EA without much hassle. Right?

Meh, sorry if I come over sounding like a pessimistic prick who's intending to snatch a few hearts. It came as a suprise, more or less. My cuss-word riddled F-word-loaded hauled-ass-for-the-deadline fest was more of a random shot. Seems like I've nailed close to the bullseye.

And yes, my document IS filled with swear words. If you'd know me, you'd be aware that I exploit everything to set a mood, and seeing as the rules didn't read "No obscene material"... Seriously, The Big Lebowski sounds like My Little Pony compared to what I've written.

Heck, we all like to win. But Y'know, for me - If I don't get third or better, I'll be as glad as the guy who'll nail first prize June 16th.

Dont forget, recognition gives people the power to go for it.

Heeee's baaack?

Yeah, I'm back from my wretched stay in the city of Toronto. Been there the whole weekend, and never made it to Lindsay. I didn't get any further than Oshawa, 14 miles out of Toronto. Now I understand why those Home Alone movies always overdid the "PREEEEPAAAARRREEEEEEE!!!" parts. It's the ****ing truth.

I left without the basics; Creditcard, drivers license, AAA-insurance/membership, map, etc.

It's been a lovely day today so far. The flight to Toronto had a scheduled stop at Cincinnati, Ohio. So it took around the four hours. On the way back it was a straight from Toronto to New York flight. Nothing went wrong? Is this true? Sparta!?!

... I spend the last hour trying to find my car at JFK's Parkinglot. It's amazing how a pick-up truck is pretty much invisible inbetween half a ton of Ford Crown Victoria's.

What have I learned from this trip?

Two things. One thing would be that my life is pretty much coming to a standstill without a vehicle. The second thing; Buy a car for your girlfriend, so she can pick you up. Well, there's a third. But saying that I should've been prepared is like saying "Oh, he was a friend!" after you shot your pal in the face.

Well, I'm back in my little apartment in uptown New York City. Canada looks like Heaven compared to this city. So, I'm gonna try World of Warcraft now, and tomorrow I'm planning on bashing it with the biased side of life. And I'll get to catching up with the commenting... I owe you guys, after all the feedback.

But before I put an end to this blog. I came across a great and calming song, which may sound a bit EMO at first - But actually it's more of a calming riff with some easy background music. And, if you pay attention to the lyrics; You'll be screaming "EMO!". So, just don't. It's by the Dire Straits afterall, the same guys who made "Walk of Life".

Also, I've yet to find a way to manipulate GameSpot's HTML to allow the posting of embed videos...

Another thing, I was planning on making somekind of "Machinima" as the n00b-cohmunitay calls it; And I finally found two guys who are able of working along with me, providing JUST the voices. The bastards. Ah well, it's getting somewhere.


Reporting in from Toronto...

Nice Holiday Inn, with internet connection. Somewhere in East York, Toronto.

Looks like the trip wasn't off. Friday, a few hours after I wrote the WoW blog; I recieved a call from my travel agent if I wanted to re-confirm my travel insurance. I asked why, he kindly said:

"Your flight leaves at 4:30PM", while the jackass called me at 3:20PM. So, stuffed a duffelbag with a T-shirt, a cellphone, my passport, 500 bucks in cash and hauled ass for my car. Drove straight to JFK, all nervous. Without any idea of how I'd get out of Toronto.

See, they told me the flight was delayed until further notice. Not that it was called off just to be called back on at the same day of departure; Only four hours later. Once in the plane, I started to think about stuff - I promised a video blog, my camera still sits neatly ontop of the TV, just waiting to be put to use.

Also, my creditcard, my drivers license and my AAA-membership card were still at home.

I got to Pearson International roughly at eight last Friday. Where my dearest Laura(Y'know) called where the hell I was.

Funny, being in a place with roughly a thousand people, when your girlfriend yells into the phone stoned and drunk, while on the background her friend Aaron passed out, and her other friend Virginia puked all over her couch. They had a six-person party before I landed... If you can get that drunk and stoned from a small ass party like that...

Damn, you Canadians sure know how to party.

So while I kept walking to a rental agency at the Airport, she kept blabbing and blabbing **** you'd hear in a grade A American Pie movie. "Where the **** are you NJ!? Sorry... I'm so STONED. And... DRUNK. And STONED. Where the **** are you, ya' bum?".

Lovely gal.

At the Rental Agency, I tried to arrange a car while she was still on the phone, on the background comforting a person who apperiantly just puked over her feet. Renting a car would become difficult. Not because I heard puking sounds straight from the ****ing Exorcist, I left my drivers license at home.

And the base requirement for driving a car is ofcourse, a damn Drivers License.

So I called it a night, at 11PM. Walked eight miles to a Holiday Inn, and the whole walk there I heard this lady on the background called Virgin(ia) repeating, "I'm so sorry Laura, I'm so sorry Laura", like somekind of failing episode of a horrible Spanish soap opera. Where at some point I was walking past the still-crowded Toronto University, I yelled "Tell that paranoid whore to shut the hell up!".

Yeah, I'm making friends already.

Well, it's currently 2:21PM. And in nearly 12 hours time, the progress I've made from Pearson International Airport, Toronto to Lindsay/Kawartha Falls is...

7.2 Miles. According to Google.

Maybe I should give up and go back to New York City. Also, looks like I've got some catching up to do, comment-wise. Sorry guys.

Nicknames, huh...

Well, people knowing me as BraindeadRacr, know that I'm not the type of guy who uses nicknames with words like Sniper, Pwner, Merker, or any other ingame term for "I KICK MORE ASS THAN YOU DO; SORTA!"... Why are people so amused by this?

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I've played Garry's Mod for five hours, on public servers - Eleven people gave me props(A gold star) for being named Lieutenant McHamburger and having a Burger King avatar. I figured taking a wacky nickname would get me a bit less attention, like on Xbox LIVE - The most typical insult "You must be really braindead" ran old after day one.

Ah well. Originality FTW!

The joys of grabbing what you can...

Let's recap:

- Command & Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath Expansion(PC)
- Half Life 2(PC)
- Half Life 2 Episode 1 & 2(PC)
- Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne(PC)
- Enemy Territories: Quake Wars(PC)
- Counter Strike Source(PC)
- Garrys Mod + TF2(PC - Okay, I bought this one off Steam...)

And what I preordered to keep myself entertained soon:

- Enemy Territories: Quake Wars(X360)
- Battlefield: Bad Company(X360)
- GRiD(X360)
- World in Conflict(X360)
- Portal(PC - They had no stock left)

Also, I managed to get the internet working on my new PC. So, if anyone feels like a game of Crysis, C&C3, Half Life 2 Deathmatch, World In Conflict, Garrys Mod - Hit me up. I'm a console whore-turned-PC-hobbit-thing; Slaughter me, pl0x.