Y'know what, I'm at 92% game completion. I'll give the full No Love for Hype Rule review now. And a decent reminder for anyone; Where as editors tell you why you should buy the game, I'm here to tell you why you shouldn't.
By the way, a shoutout to both NeoJedi and True_Blu3. I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly, and the why... Well, it only happens to me; My Xbox stands on a glass table which is 4ft in height, with the cords wrapped tight around the supports. The glass shattered out of nowhere, and my Xbox fell down, dangling from the Internet-cord, the only one holding it back from falling down on a tile floor. I was just playing with these two fella's and all of the sudden I see a blue screen and I slowly look over to a table that lies on the floor.
The white cube of worthless designs still works, for as far as I've seen. Tough, it never has made sounds this ... akward. It's as if someone's kicking it constantly.
But all o' that aside. You're here for the biggest slice of pure hate for everything.
No Love for Hype Rule #15 - GTAIV Revisited.
Right, after a good eighty hours of gameplay, I've played more than enough to have a steady opinion. There's just so much in this game that annoys the living daylight out of me. Sure, the game's perfect in "how it delivers". But here I ask you, what the hell happened to "Fun"?
Like, trashing cars for no good reason, running down people because you feel like it, blowing crap up just because you've got nothing better to do.
Everything that gave me the lasting appeal in GTA: San Andreas has been stripped from GTAIV like a crying baby.
Lemme make one helluva' intro: Realism can go and **** itself. It blows more than your local druggie. It's the anti-Christ of fun. It's the damned republican in a crowd full of democrats.
Who in their right wretched minds would accept realism over pure, old fashioned fun? Who gives a flying **** that Stachel Charges aren't realistic. What does it matter that the police doesn't inmediatly find you once you bust a window? How in the **** does GTA look like the Sims if you can change your characters appearance? Who the **** do you think you are? Was Forza Motorsport not violent enough for you?
I'll give you a quote of a post I made a year ago.
Rockstar Games should accept it; Saints Row was a decent competitor, and most definatly a great game. And in the world of "Originality", you'd be bull****ting the world if you'd say that GTA IS a genre. In all genre's, in this case "Sandbox Action" - The ripping off of one-anothers work is necessary to IMPROVE.
Hell, I'd almost beg on my knees for Rockstar not to follow the path of realism. Not extreme realism, like Driver or The Getaway. But in that direction, too damn far into that direction.
Dude, it's almost that you forget that it's entertainment, not a simulation. The more you cut, like for instance appearance, modding, mini games - The less entertaining it becomes.
Keep on going with cutting on entertainment for "realisms" sake, and you're playing a B+ movie you'd see on Action Now.
Ask yourself this; Realism over Replayability? Realism over Fun? Realism over Choice?
Picking realism only makes you a value-hating jackass. Who's saying that YOU should mod cars, get fat, change your appearance? Well? No-one. Bingo. You idiot. If you don't like the extra's, stay away from them. Just leave it to those who do like it. And do get more lasting value out of it.BraindeadRacr
Y'know what. I've made my point. I'll continue.
GAMEPLAY: There's alot I simply hate. For instance, the health. With CJ already having a tiny bit of health, you could improve that. Niko on the other hand, is just as easily killed as your enemies.
There's no variety in clothing. You've got three kinds; Cheap ass, "I figured, I'd spend a fifty on mah pants fo' once" and Suit. And even within the three choices you've got, there's BARELY any variety.
Friends are fun at first, but nearing the end of the story; You'd wish you could shut them the hell up without being treated like some inconsiderate pr*ck.
After the story is completed; You'll feel alone, unloved and lost. There's nothing more for you to do, than trying to achieve 100%(which I already did 90% of BEFORE completing the story) - Other than that, you're left with a few older-than-old minigames and online.
There's no other reward than money for anything. Sometimes a pair of clothes. But that's it. Oh, twice you get a car. But you're not told that once it's gone, it's gone. For instance, during the last drug delivery of Little Jacob you're given a Huntley Sport to complete the delivery - I already ditched the Huntley for a beater Sabre; Then the Jamaican ****er calls that I can keep the Huntley, and then the cheesy mo'fo tells me "Great car ain'it?".
Dwayne is the sole person made out of polygons I'd love to kill slowly, and painfully.
What the **** happened to having a selection between weapons? I wanted more weapons, not "... Stubby shotgun, or riot shotgun?". Jesus, there's 16 guns! San Andreas had 35!
Auto-aim feels like cheating...
It's too damn easy to get cops on you. Can't I just screw around for one second without being hurrassed!?
Hell, there's more. But, I'd like to keep it basic for now.
GRAPHICS: While stunning and all, I'd love to discuss the game engine for a second. I know it's for the sake of realism, but it's too easy to "activate" the ragdolling state. Even a slight nudge pushes you back, and makes you open for that enemy shotgun blast needed to finalize you, for a whole second.
Also, the water looks amazing. But, paying attention to it by flying over it with a helicopter you can see that it's a three layer interactive blob. There's no depth in there at all.
AI: I know J-walking is stupid to do on a street like 7th Avenue, or Broadway. But really; Getting hit by EVERY car, if I J-walk? I always get run over. Also, the AI is careless. They hit everything, nail everything and then continue life as if nothing happened.
It's funny, and forgivable. But it's worth an achievement if you can drive like a normal person, without damage from Broker to Alderney. You'll be screwed without even reaching the halfway point of the Algonquin Bridge, dude.
Also, taxi drivers will most of the time drive theirselves stuck... But hell, everyone skips anyway.
SOUND: No complaining here.
... Heh, like hell there's no complaining. In GTAIV the soundtrack consists out of fairly unknown bands, and hit-after-hit scoring bands. I for one always have Liberty Rock Radio on. And most of the time, I'm switching to Integrity 2.0 or WKTT.
Elton John's Street Kids, Queen's One Vision and R.E.M's Turn You Inside Out are the only songs I can live with, before switching stations. Hell, The Who is one of the underrated bands from the 70's - Yet, while loving their music; Who in the hell wanted the Seeker?
Man, I miss Tom Petty, Skynyrd, Guns N Roses, KISS, and most of the other licenses Rockstar Games scored for San Andreas.
Damnit, I want Free Bird. Freeee Birrd!
MULTIPLAYER: Oh there's so much wrong with this. Tough, expected when trying to render a city for 16 people... Lag is unavoidable. But, why can't I climb ladders before torturing my Y-button? Why is there a MAJOR delay when trying to get in a passenger seat?
There's so much wrong; But most of it ends up getting justified with "Teh st00pit kidz!" and "Dude, it's a whole ****ing city!".
YOU FIGURED I WAS DONE NOW, EH? Seriously, I miss replay value. For as long there's random crap to pull of, yeah I can go on for days. The fun GTASA. The random crap I kept on pulling off. With GTAIV, once you're done - You're done. Like a 35-hour First Person Shooter ends, when it ends.
Well, there's no justifying that I miss the fun. But, knowing how reviewers score and all; Yeah, GTAIV did everything right. That's because after the average 10-25 hour lasting value means "Infinity". If it abruptly stops after that; Well, tough luck. "There's always multiplayer.".
Hmm, I was right afterall. The movie business is taken over by the video game industry. Those epic John McClane "I survived that ****!?" movie moments were gone after 1987. The hyper overly-not-real crap from video games ended roughly in 2007.
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