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BraindeadRacr Blog

That old man up in the sky is a disc.

Grand Theft Auto IV is God. Best damn value for your money. So much brainfood for Jack Thompson that moral politics just got a size twenty boot up it's own ass.

Controversial speaking; Jack Thompson and friends only waited for twenty-four hours before they began their... typical sprawl of hatred. And hereby I say my opinion - Games don't kill people, ignorant half-winged biased politicians reaching from Florida do.

And since the game left me speechless, I'll continue finishing this blog by talking the exact same way I did last night.

Bahh bleh bay, mah guud, teh gaim us teh aw3sum und bleg dun nao. Yes, my IQ just sunk into the triple-negatives too.

...That GTAIV is even capable of being a fanboy topic.

In nearly all reviews so far, it's specifically stated that both Xbox 360 versions as well as the PS3 versions are alike. Nothing in the matter of gameplay(not counting DLC, just the 65$ you pay for the game itself) is "favorited" to a console.

So what's making GTAIV the current hottest topic in System Wars? The tiny fact that the PS3's got better anti-aliasing, framerate and colors. By a little stretch.

Allow me to counter-b****.

WHAT THE HELL DID YOU EXPECT!? The PS3's got more power, better processing capabilities, more disc storage and uses it's Hard-drive to "install" itself, to become an even faster working game. AKA - Heavy pricetag is smacked ontop of it like a falling hippo.

Where as the X360 is a more... civilized console. Average price, average stability, average doom-control and superb games.

Doesn't that sound like your average near-college dorm? Civilized buildings, decent rent, puking seventeen year olds all over the place, if a fire rages all hope is lost and has superb drinks.

Both games still run as smoothly with the PS3 having a slight upper hand. Who gives a ****? Has the day finally come that you can say "YES! I paid 600$ for this black futuristic...thing, and now it's superior! KNEEL FOR ME *****ES!"?

Hell, none of the PS3 owners have reason to feel superior. The X360 version isn't like fat lady on a unicycle trying to finish the million pound march, in the sense of framerate. It's a bit less good. It's not like you're talking True Crime NYC Xbox360 here.

You guys need to stop nitpicking, man. Better yet, people are making 250$ v.s 400$ decisions on wether the game runs a tiny bith more smooth.

Make a decision over something that matters, to name somethin'; Crowded online(with jackasses inc./55$ a year) v.s Smooth Online(1/4th of Xbox Live's Community in people/free). Achievements v.s Home "Trophies". Xbox Controller layout v.s Playstation Controller Layout. Red Rings of Death v.s Infamous "Yellow Light".

Unless, you're sitting four inches away from your screen - Then, yes. I don't need to go O'Reilly on your ass.

But don't forget that it's a game. A source of entertainment. If the frame rate dips to 27FPS, or if a trashcan pops in at a 50ft distance instead of the 500ft because you're zooming past driving 120MPH... Are you gonna yell "MY GOODNESS! I'VE BEEN RIPPED OFF! THIS VERSION SUCKS!"?

If you can't stand the framerate falling down a notch, go and play Forza Motorsport. Or, GT5. Or try to get better reasons to get the System Wars back on fire.

Death Row.

For the past weeks my Xbox 360's been blowing out steaming hot air, while sounding like a revving chopper. It's not whether it'll die or not, it's now a case of when. And quite frankly, it almost wantd to bite the dust today.

After playing Mass Effect for about two hours, I got annoyed by the unusually loud thing. So I turned it off, to let it cool down. After I ate something and wanting to turn it on again, it gave me the three red lights. All I said was "...There you have the proof. Just as I'm getting ****ing giddy for GTAIV, this thing kills the fun.".

I'm pretty damn aware of the fact that the main reason for the software failure is the motherboard melting into a U-shape cause of the heat the white plastic cube produces.

So, what do you think I did?

I picked up the box of the Xbox 360, I ripped the warranty agreement apart. I got myself a screwdriver. I pocked it into the side, above the HDD. And cracked the top-plate off.

...Tough, eventually I did find out that you could "click" it off. And "click" it back on, so the warranty wouldn't be screwed.

But hell, the thing works again. I'll bet if it were human it would scream "OXYGEN! I CAN BREEEAAATTTHHHEEEE!". For a moment I thought I got screwed hard by Microsoft, three days before Heaven breaches open upon Earth. I don't think I actually solved the issue, but I think preventing the motherboard from turning into a U-form again, must've helped someway.

Otherwise, this would've been the eight time I send in an Xbox Console over a two year period.

The 10 topics that made GS' Off-topic forum, and my view on that...

Around a year ago I posted around in the off-topic forum quite alot. I think I've racked up 1500 posts within a three month period. Soon after that, I left that place, and never returned. The reason after that is because there's always the same talk. Religion, How can I get a girlfriend, that kind of stuff.

So, to leave the Godly place called the GameSpot Off-topic Forums behind me once and for all, I'll just have one final "opinion" fest on the main topics you see millions of in that place.

1. Religion.

To kick off with the most popular, even still today. Religion. "Are you Christian", "Are you Jewish?", "Are you an Atheist?"... I'll say it right away, If there were a big man in the sky, and a hot place down below - I'm going to hell. I've got a history of "Godammit" behind me.

The only reason why I ever go to church is either; Death/Funeral or a Wedding.

I'm a non-believer, who doesn't give a ratsass for any religious talk. If I can go to a nice, beautifull place when I die, for doing certain acts. I'd rather go and sit in a hottub with half of the Playboy mansion, and just die and see where I end up.

That, and religion is also a firestarter. Look at Israel for instance, fighting off Arabics. Catholics preaching "THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS". Okay, there's just a minority of boneheads within a certain religion that drag their religion through hell and crap. But it still starts fires for the sake of thinking differently.

...I'll just stop before I go too far. Limits aren't even visible.

2. McDonald's.

There's a reason why I prefer Taco Bell, Burger King and Wendy's. I'm an overall slim fella'. Average. Been wasting my life away on fastfood, but I don't gain weight that easily. Hell, I'm considered skinny, and people even prefer it that I eat fastfood to gain a few.

Bit ever since I saw Supersize Me, I started to think differently about McDonalds. Especially after that, when the same guy did a test to show us all, how many of the "extracts" there are in the foods to keep it from molding and going bad. It's goddamn insane. I think your stumach will be doin' overtime.

I live on my own, so Mothers Kitchen is closed. Hence why I eat out six days per week. That 7th day being home delivered Pizza.

Okay, I'll be dead cause of a stroke when I'm fifty. But I enjoy life as it is. Whether I'll be dead twenty years sooner than the average guy, doesn't matter. Good guys go first. Rule of life.

3. Girlfriends.

... Unbelievable how desperate some people are. I mean, try to keep count at the topics, and the number of pages within. Maybe it's because I already have a girlfriend. Nah, I'm pretty sure because I know how stupid they are for trying, and how ignorant they are for not getting it.

First of all, looking for a girlfriend is like picking a hooker from a line-up. A match made in heaven will be a unfortunate one night stand of someone you'll hate within thirty minutes.

I know you're looking into the void... Lemme explain;

How did your parents meet up? Were they like many others, good friends for a few years until it became serious? Okay, I'm too damn Dutch for this. See, in the Netherlands, it's different. Unlike Americans, which 1-out-of-10 will divorce within a year... Dutch are campers. Friends > Lovers > Breeders > Parents > Grandparents > Stones on a Yard. Okay, not just Dutch follow that line of life. Just about all European countries.

...Which is why I'm dating a Canadian, instead of a born-and-raised American. We were friends for years, then we were lovers... Then I went into too much detail.

The point is. Look around, and **** up. Just remain it with being friends with someone you know, it can only go into the right direction that way.

By the way, as patriotic as I am, but; JESUS H. CHRIST!? Are all of you Americans swingers? Allemachtig!

See, told you. I'm too Dutch-American for this.


9/11 was a horrible event. Agreed. No doubt. I lived in New York City with my parents for roughly five months when the two towers went down, Shanksville became a crashzone and the Pentagon a massive black hole.

But what in the goodmother hell does it give you the right to doubt.

New York's icons, filled with people were taken down. And the most patriotic country on the face of this planet dares to feel betrayed by their own government.

You have the reason to ask questions. You don't have a single bit of right, to prove the government wrong, over pride. 4000+ died. Dead. Crushed by 106 floors of concrete. Average joes like you and me. And you're trying to say that they died for no other reason that being a puppet of a few dudes in a white office.

Now, I ask you; Do you even think about the dead people, when trying to prove the DEA Report wrong? Or are you making a name for yourself, cause you couldn't when Nixon did it for himself when the Watergate Scandal came to light?

I'll be frank with you; I doubted the attacks myself after a while too. "How can two towers, pancake down like that? Wouldn't the tip, seperated by the explosion fall over?". I've got no degree in Physics. But there's more Harvard and Yale degree-Physicologists proving the pancake theory wrong, than right.

But I'm talking to those YouTube stay-at-home-jobless misfits. When you remember September 11th, 2001. Do you remember this? Or do you actually feel for the people that lived in three hours of pure hell, just to die under 106 floors of concrete?

5. iPod's.

Never bought one, never will.

I got a '98 SONY CD Player in my car. And a rack full of Albums. It's just a better feel to put a huge circular disc into a tray, rather than to tap a little white thing not bigger than half my hand.

6. Anime.

...I beg your pardon?

7. Freedom of Speech.

As the people in Pakistan and Afganistan have proven after those fools from Denmark mocked their holy man - There is one, but the limit has to be accepted.

Yes, I am staring at that dip**** Geert Wilders, that Dutch politician that made a movie about the muslim being practically evil. One patriotic Dutch that brings it to a new level.

8. Current Day Politics.

I'm nineteen. Old enough to vote. But I am not going to. Why?

- Barrack Obama is promising more and more by the day, my faith vanished.
- Hillary Clinton, well... In my opinion, women can have any job they want. Just not presidency. Women and pressure are two things that collide like sweet taste and uranium.
- John McCain - Might aswell call him George W. Bush. Cause if McCain takes the throne, nothing will change.

...I'll just drive down to Philly to taste one of them Barrack and Clinton sandwitches. That's the only thing I do vote for; Decent chow.

9. Racism.

That Jena Six thing still hasn't blown past, now has it? A Caucasian dude provoked a decent war by hanging the symbol of hatred to the African American community, down a tree. He got the living hell kicked out of him, and the six African Americans got an Attempted Murder tagged to 'em.

All fairness, they all had their punishment. The guy got kicked senseless, and all six now have a record and one even sat in jail for ten months. They both paid their prices. All seven of 'em.

Okay, the six got one harsh punishment. No denying that. But don't forget that first K.O-ing a guy, and THEN beating the **** out of him, pushes it up a notch.

... The fact that one was white, and the rest was black, and to call it racism that they kicked eachother ****less on a schoolyard - Is just overreacting. It wasn't pointless, unlike Rodney King's beatdown. The white kid provoked it, and the black guys reacted. Both had reasons to be angry. Tough, I'm wondering why the fella' himself only had to show infront of a board for doing such a hatefull thing?

10. ... I'm getting back to Six.

No really...

And that's it. No more Off-topic for me. Ever.

And here I ask you kindly to shut the hell up!

This blog is mainly dedicated to the person who called me an inconsiderate flamboyant badmouther. Quoted directly from Xbox LIVE. No lies. First time I ever heard a guy say inconsiderate, pronounce "flamboyant" flawlessly and actually tag my bastard ass off as a "badmouther".

Tough, at the same time. That guy didn't use a single explicit word. Even when half of our team managed to piss the fella' of so bad, he almost slipped on "dumbass". Which he transformed into "Dee-bass".

Something got me thinking. And that something is the recent skyrocketing in inconsiderate flamboyant badmouthers. God how cheesy is that. Anyway, it really seems as if the stereotypical idiots who harvested the lands of Halo 3 clean from common sense and positive IQ, are slowly leaving the pale, rotten, overcooked, hyped lands of Bungie, to harvest on more common sense, and actual brain-activity in cooler games, like Call of Duty 4, and Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

I've played alot of Call of Duty 4: MW, and alot of Rainbow Six Vegas 2. And holy crap, nine out of ten players I come across are a bunch of stereotypical morons you'd slap on the cheek twice in real life. For instance, to point out what I mean wit stereotypical: Two guys from Portland, Oregon. Seriously acting like two guys from the 'hood. And I do mean, seriously. It wasn't overly obvious, nor trying to be an idiot - They're from Portland, and act like two suburbia fallouts. Wait, correct that - Are.

Okay, I've got to admit. I'm not really a clean mouth.

Hell, if I still lived with my parents, I would've gotten all the bars of soap you can find from New York to Montana shoved down my troat. But I don't cuss for the hell of it. Not that I'm trying to reason my sense of putting the F-word in atleast every sentance; It's not random, or just flatout pointless.

What you hear nine out of ten times is atleast six swear words in a twenty-word sentance. Never positive, either bashing or just being flatout offensive. On a side-note, it's almost shocking how many times Mexicans are dragged into an insult for no apperant reason. Tough, I'm not helping by laughing at everythin'... But I just giggle, or even crack up extremely easy. Comes with life when you're a positive hippie like I am. If you didn't detect the sarcasm, you sir. You suck.

I can worry what I want on whether the cluster**** of idiots we call "Xbox LIVE Headset Maulers" invading GTAIV within three days of the release; That's gonna happen. On a scale twice as large as Halo 3's.

Cause you'll not just have those who feed on logic, and reasoning. You'll be playing with everything. And yes, I do refer to broken-winged politicians, and the insane kind of religious people as "objects". If you're as narrowminded and idiotic as them - The only right you have to be treated as is as an utter moron lacking the knowledge of WHY you're playing the game.

The security that being all alone in the dark sabotaged-for-normal-life room gives a guy... I swear that the guy would be shot at pointblank range with no mercy if you'd even dare to say that in the streets.

And all I can say in the end of this; While I contribute to it all, am I the only insane fool that DOES want to play the goddamn game?

15 bucks equals getting DiRTY.

Well, seems like getting an average discount on a 25$ game comes at a few costs:

- Xbox LIVE was down for eight hours thanks to maintenance.
- The Canadiens won with a shutout.
- The game itself has a HORRIBLE lag when uploading times to the leaderboard(look at Xbox LIVE was down)
- My co-driver likes to repeat "I'm Mr. Smooth, you're Mr. Steady" fivehundred times in the six hours I've played.
- While crashing is a whole lot of fun, Colin McRae keeps on beating me...
- ...Sad thing is, he's dead.

Other than that, pretty good game. Wish I picked it up sooner. Tough, it was more of a quick-purchase inbetween Grand Theft Auto IV. And to get my stubborn head of Rainbow Six Vegas 2. God knows I'll be stuck forever.

"In Soviet Russia... You Don't Drink Vodka. Vodka Drinks You!"

It's unbelievable for how long I've been digging around in the history of Soviet Russia. I've been re-doing my facts for the Developer 4 a Day 6 entry, and the main point is to get some solid grounds on them Ruskies.

The most difficult thing is that what I am writing is part-truth, part-fiction. It's all correct, and legit up to 1988. That's where my pen, made George H. Bush Sr. an evil bastard who invaded Israel. And my patriotic feelings were out on a date that night, cause the reason ain't Oil.

Back to the topic; I've been practically living on the Wikipedia page of Soviet Russia. How it all formed, who the liberating commies were, why they hated America, how the race of having the most advanced technology almost formed a third World War, how nuclear material almost started a Third World War...

Y'know, I think I only got one conclusion to them:

They're as evil as they could possibly get.

But here's the thing. As an American, I'm for as far as I can see; A Capitalist. Thanks to all this damn history I had, I'm pretty much thinking like a Communist. I mean, the difference between how a mind thinks is how wars eventually start - But it made me wonder...

How were the Communists so... What's the word; Evil. It's a bit like being a Republican, and talking to an Democrat. You obviously think differently. Like being setting a Bureaucrat in a room with a Liberal to solve problems. From my view of it all, it looked like as if Soviet Russia was in a race with the States.

A race to achieve mankinds greatest achievements. Such as sending a man to the moon, which is the pride story of the US for nearly 40 years. The Russians found cures to solve lethal diseases like cancer on animals. The Americans had the most advanced weapons in the world. The Russians had the biggest infantry army of the world.

Y'know, that is exactly the reason why I love to write a game about Americans v.s Russians. Tough, I'm starting to wonder whether I'm still on the American side, or neutral.

We were alike in any way you could imagine. Willpower, politics, resources, army and domination. And that's exactly why writing a game concept about two of the biggest armies, that are ruled by the two biggest countries on the world; Is just great. Cause the outcome will always be the same. Would it have happened.

They'll kill the planet one way or another. Whether they'll fire nukes at eachother and start a nuclear winter that'll turn Europe into the North Pole, or just run down social life by just destroying it - No-one'll win.

Meh, maybe I should shut the hell up before you fall asleep.

By the way, could someone do me a great favor and assist me in Rainbow Six Vegas 2 co-op? I'm cornered by those exteremely-American looking Mexicans, on realistic difficulty. My character looks like Vin Diesel in a long-sleeve shirt and pants. It's almost a miracle how close you can make your character look like a civilian-turned-Rambo.

I swear... You gotta see it for yourself.

Eight Good Reasons of Why I love the Internet...

Ah yes. Back in 1994, you'd be considered Doctor Spock if you'd be able to use the Internet. Nowadays, you could be considered Doctor Stoopit. Eight reasons why I love the internet, with images. Just because I'm still trying to figure out how to join the Social Club...

1. Google
"We'll find anything your heart desires..."
10reasons_01.png picture by NJ3D

2. YouTube
"Our video's are crap, yes. Therefor we bring GRADE A POLITICS!"
10reasons_02.png picture by NJ3D

3. GameFAQs.
"Opinion is something we adore... YOU GOT RICK ROLLED! No, Opinion is the Anti-Christ."
10reasons_03.png picture by NJ3D

4. GameSpot
"(Insert corruption pun here)"
10reasons_04.png picture by NJ3D

5. Wikipedia.
"It's a common fact that we simply do not like Americans."
10reasons_05.png picture by NJ3D

6. Dr. Phil
"Cause I tell you spandex is wrong. Mkay? I'll tell you what, get yo' ass in my slimsuit, and get out of that Compton trash."
10reasons_06.png picture by NJ3D

7. Photobucket.
"We upload your pictures, you give more booze to the guy who does the descriptions for our photos."
10reasons_07.png picture by NJ3D

8. Electronic Arts.
"Greed for the lack of better word, is good. And yes, we do impersonate Michael Douglas on a daily basis."
10reasons_08-1.png picture by NJ3D

Damn shame I had to blur that word out. Felt like treason. If you can make an offensive word out of Biieh, lemme know... Don't be so tightassed, please.

For I can't spell my own damn zipcode...

...Those corporate bastards stonewall me out of heaven. HEAVEN, Goddamn you! I know I spelled 10027 with three zero's! Why must thy block me from thy second chance!? No mercy. Reminds me of the Soup Nazi from Seinfield. "WHAT!? INVALID ZIP CODE!? NO SOCIAL CLUB FOR YOU!".

socialclub.png picture by NJ3D
...I'm gonna cry me another Mississippi River. Cause they IP-blocked the awesome Hudson.