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Back from Detroit

Friday morning I left off with my somewhat oversized friend Alen, and we drove off to Detroit. Michigan overall is an beautifull state... It slightly changes when a sweaty guy is sitting next to you who just happened to have eaten some Taco Bell, and found out the windows won't roll down.

My window won't go down as a crazy cab driver managed to scrape my entire left side paintless... His side, the window does go down. Infact, there's no broken piece at all on the entire right side. Untill he broke it. So, the window remains shut... And the gas gets loose.

The worst part was on the I80 around Cleveland, just as soon as we entered Ohio he started to become....gassy. I wanted to kick his ass out of my car, but I couldn't... I'm too much of a nice guy, and "I wanna Rock" by Twisted Sister was on... Best song to yell at with a friend.

So, I just pulled over at a Texaco somewhere near Fremont and just bought some cokes, and let him take a dump, that will eventually will make the janitor commit suicide once he walks in there. Trust me, Alen's a nice guy, but damn he's using his body as the trashcan for Burger King. Well, we left again and went past Fremont, we kept driving 'till Cedar Point. I wanted to have some fun and have a barf-licious day. But sir overweight didn't felt like going, soon after leaving Cedar Point, I realised he couldn't fit in any of the rides, and he'll makea pond worth of puke... So, from his view of things, I could understand it... When we left Henry Wood County, and crossed the Ohio-Michigan border, his pants started to fill up with the toxic gas again...

I pulled over, jumped out of the ****ing car, and started to gasp for breath... I'm tellin' you, he's worse than ****ing Czernobyl.

We took an hotel room, wait...seperate rooms at some cheap hotel somewhere in East Detroit. We stayed for a few days and just screwed around... It was a break from the reality that happens in New York. Inwood ain't a dream, and neither was this laid back hotel in Detroit.At 2AM last night we hopped back into zhe Dodge, and went back to New York. Someway, we pulled up 10th Avenue, in Washington Heights at 8AM this morning. That's six hours, pretty quick. Driving a steady 80MPH pays off... Only, 60 bucks wasted on gas.

But in the end, it's the expirience that matters. And hell, I never laughed this much with just one friend.

Burnout has some competition........

Speaking of games, racing games. What can statisfy your racing needs? Just hitting the pedal to the metal and just drive the track? Somewhat... Or driving in a big muscle car with a roaring engine? Almost... Having tons of breakable objects on the track, ready to run over? Nearly... Having eleven pissed off dudes in big ass rides driving alongside you, knowing that in the corner 500 yards ahead, a helluva' crash will occur?

Three words: Hell. ****ing. Yes.

This morning I got my copy of Flatout Ultimate Carnage. I got my copy from a guy who lives in Cleveland, OH. He imports games from Europe and Asia. For 49 dollar, I bought a brand new region-free copy of Flatout Ultimate Carnage. I'm probally one of a small group of Americans who has this game. As, the official NTSC release is September 4th.

I'm fairly new to the series, as I've been a complete BurnoutTM junkie. People say that it's a graphically enhanced Fallout 2, but a must-have for newbies to the series. So, therefor the purchase. I remember I bought Demolition Derby, a PS1 game which got released in 1996. I never found a game that was even alike to it. Just the old-fashioned "a group enters, a single one leaves" game. Flatout Ultimate Carnage has the Burnout-alike racing; Races, Series and a 12-in-1-out series-race. Flatout adds Demo Derbies, Ragdoll Minigames and revolutionairy graphics.

Even tough, the manual and boxart is in French, the game is English... Thank god. I don't speak a single damn word French...

This is the game I've been waiting for, litterally years have been gone past since a real next-gen, and I do mean next gen as the graphics easily rank up to DiRT level. Anyway, it's been eleven years since Demolition Derby was released... And, far-out-of-the-family Empire Interactive has finally reincarnated it.

Aside from it having a great, lenghty and durable solo-campaign, it also has 32 challenges which have these modes where you gotta create as much havoc as you can. Aside from these two, it has the best car-to-car-combat online expirience I have ever been in. A twelve-player Demolition Derby on aWall-Mart parkinglot? 'Hail the ****ing awesomeness damnit! The online is completely lag free, and doesn't seem to lower in framerate when alot of physics are activated. There's alot of cars to choose from, and all are completely destructable 'till there's no breakable object on it.

This is the best racing game I've had in years... I already see Forza Motorsport, PGR and others go back in the dusty cabinet...

My Xbox360 cheated death. killing my Memory Card instead.

Yesterday, I was just playing Crackdown. Untill I heard a sound, and my Xbox went out. The sound was like an electrical spark. When I looked up, I saw them hellish lights. Quickly turning it off, and grabbing the manual just to be sure it isn't a overheating... "Internal Software Failure", damnit. I already knew they were meaning ISF, but at that point that's the last thing you wanna know after five Xbox deaths....

After about seven minutes, I turned the Xbox on again. And it worked...somehow. But after some while, I noticed that my Memory Card didn't work anymore, and my wireless controller doesn't seem to find the Xbox360 anymore. For all I can say is; My Xbox360 had somekind of powershock, which gone straight through the system, which knocked the power off and gave the first impression of a software failure, caused by an electro-burst. And, the shock finally found it's way to the extern electrical devices. Such as my Memory Unit, auto-connect-controller deviceand the infrared source.

So, at cost of my memory card, wireless controllers and a single USB port my Xbox survived.

For now, I say that's a good thing. But I know one thing for sure; My Xbox360 won't survive long. At this time, I'm trying to find a way to blame Microsoft for the loss of a memory unit and those detecting devices. It won't be long 'till my Xbox dies, I'm better off blaming them now with this, and sending in my Xbox cheaper later(as with these known problems, they'll charge me atleast 75 bucks).

Nontheless, I'm pissed off at Microsoft. Again, another unstable Xbox 360 console. And at the cost of some devices, it managed to live a little bit longer. It just cheated death, and handed Grim Reaper over to the MU. Most will say this is reason to be happy, right? My Xbox almost dying is one thing, but aside from that costing me a MU worth 30 dollar and who-might-know how much the infrared and the auto-connect-device will cost, that crossed the line.

Microsoft was supposed to build stable Xbox consoles. They failed to do so. I find that acceptable as the console's effectiveness makes up for it. And when it broke, nothing went down with it. Acceptable; Who wants their disks locked in? But if a power burst kills my MU and some detecting items, and later on my Xbox console aswell - Burn in hell. No piece of plastic should cost me money if it's about to die.

These are the times when I think of saying "Screw it all, I'm getting a PS3".

What in the hell is this!?


I think I just cheated one of the hardest missions in the game of Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. With cheated, I mean I glitched. Without me knowing, I just... won. Y'know, if I really cheated... I wasn't here snitching out on myself, sir. smartass.

Spoilers? Sorry, this is the obvious warning. I refuse to let my blog be eaten by aBBcode Spoiler tag, if you have your game spoiled. Too baddude, this is the warning. And if you're whining, I will redirect you to this message again; One last statement if I did spoil your game; Sorry, but frankly I don't give a****. ;)


Well, if you ever have played the game, and advanced far into the NOD Storyline. There's two of the most difficult missions in the game; Act V - Operation Stilletto(M3) and Act V - Kane's Tower(M4/Finale).

Achievement: In "Operation Stilletto", you're left behind in Italy. A so called Red-Zone, which is dangerously infected with the Tiberium ichor. That makes the area too dangerous to live in. At the beginning of the mission; You have a few Shadow Teams, which are stealthed dudes that can hover around the sky, land and use explosives to blow buildings up. You also get a single Commander, which is the strongest infantry. But then again, useless against anything else but infantry. And a few Hero leveled Saboteurs, a fancy dark name for Engineers. They can take control of buildings, yada yada yada...

Anyway, this mission is a pain in the ass, cause you need to be; A, remain stealthy at all times otherwise your base will be run over like snow melts from the sun. B, GDI is extremely tough in this mission and can take out the Scrin invader base within a minute with those Mammoth tanks. The main objective in this mission is to CAPTURE both GDI bases, and Scrin bases WHILE remaining stealthy and keeping a low profile.

After about 20 restarts, I managed to finish that one and inmediatly went to take on the final mission for Kane - NOD, Act V - M4 - Finale: Kane's Tower. The hardest, and most frustrating mission in the whole game many claim. I agree... This goddamn missions' been a S.O.B ever since I first started it. The point in this mission is defending three structures that are building large Scrin Towers, which suck Tiberium ichor straight from the ground and mass produces objects, buildings, vehicles and infantry. As it's pretty much impossible to destroy the tower when under construction, GDI is using every damn thing got in their hands to stop the Scrin aliens from completing this tower.

As GDI has prevented more than 23 towers from being completed, GDI figured this one would be a cake walk too. Massive weapons, just let 'em roll on in. But, you've got to stop this. With limited resources for weapons; It's going to be hard preventing GDI from steamrolling Scrin.

But before I'm basicly saying the complete story of the last missions, what I did was getting my ass mauled. Badly. I've been hit twice by Scrin superweapons, once by GDI. Only one Generator was left, and was almost destroyed. GDI was 90% whiped out, and I only had three Avatars, a stealth Tank, a Commander and three Flame Tanks left. Building wise, before the end of the mission Scrin(who I am supposed to defend, the a-hole), whiped my complete base off the face of the earth aside from a few Power Plants and a Tech Centre.

Basicly, I lost. I was about to turn my Xbox off, but before I did so; "Victorious!". I said to myself "What in the hell....."while chatting to the dude who I've had the F-word Fest with. As I looked at the objectives; "Defend Alien Phase Generators - X", "Destroy GDI Bases - X", "Bonus: Capture 3 Juggernauts - " and "Bonus: Destroy Ion Cannon Control Centres - ".

As you can see, I appear to have failed both main objectives. STILL, I unlocked the Scrin Campaign, aswell as two achievements worth 100G all together. All I can give this is a big, fat and huge "What the ****?".

The Lone Soldier Continues.

And "The Dude" needs some names. But some other things first...

Yes this first hehe, after being tagged off as Jeffrey Lebowski, my nickname as "The Cochrane" has been changed to "The Dude". In neither way it'll fix the characters reputation of being a lowlife... Still, being compared to Jeffery Lebowski from "The Big Lebowski", is rather weird... I have long hair, a unshaved beard and usually a pair of sunglasses. How in the hell does that make me Jeffrey Lebowski? In every goddamn way. F-word Fest + Dude = OMGWTFBBQ!? NO WAI!1

Ah well, another reputation given by my friends. Last time, I was the so called Geek-In-Average-Joe. Now I'm The Dude. Atleast, being tagged off as bum sounds better than being tagged off as the average nerd. If you know a nice little apartment in let's say Los Angeles, Detroit, Kansas or Miami - I'll pay in cash, and I'll hand some idiots with it aswell. Including myself, ofcourse. I just have to get the hell outta here :|.

Anyway, the topic title. I wanted to go with "The Dude Abides", but "The Lone Soldier Continues" seems to fit the topic better, so... Anyway, with the whole Drive Or Die deal, let's just say that's back at the beginning and long from being done. Even worse, I'm all alone again. I gave the guys the option to quit out, or continue. But like I expected they got sick of eachother and pretty much gave up. The Multiplayer Beta has seen better days, and the 3D Studio Max disc, has been taken away.

As I know jack**** about scripting, and have no idea where to get another copy of 3DS Max for free, I'm back at the start with again just a few drawings. Atleast, on the good side of it; I have now an fully working computer again, cause 3DS Max is gone. Finally I can play TES: Oblivion again.

Shortly said: I'm back at the point, when I was supposed to set everything into digital media. Febuary 12th 2007.

Be sure to get used to these.....

This basicly gives me the time to redo most of the art, and get somekind of coloring material and make them more than just doodles... And as I'm looking at the big ass pile of paper, the so-called release date I've mentioned earlier, make it 2015. Aside from the art, I wanted to fresh the storyline up a bit. Cause the basic hunt-n'-kill thing, it just have to get better than that. And starting with more characters....aswell.

Just basic all-american names, like Taylor for example. Altough it's my own last name, it's pretty common. Problem is, I'm a creator and a thinker. You'd say, names are the easiest to think off. Okay, how about this. A challenge; Think of 300 combinations that will actually fit. No-one will try this, ofcourse... That's cause you're here to READ blogs not to get ACTIVE from them.

Ah well, I'll WikiPedia some up.

But, as I have the map, the fillings and the things that's supposed to keep you busy, it only misses the characters. I can fresh the story up, the names are a bit too much. Causey'know, eventually with names; You'll run out of ideas.

The Dude's out. :o

10 Things You Shouldn't Do Online - Or Else.

Oooh, before I actually jump off to the10 thingies thing, I have expirienced these myself, and I am fully to blame if your Xbox360 rep gets a negative response, or your PS3 Network buddies all of the sudden call you an ****er cause you just went insane, just call me a ****er please. Hold on... Don't do that, just call the person a ****er back, and give evey single player you recently played with a bad rep... You got these ideas of my blog, so while you're free of using them against someone online, don't come back crying and upset cause your five little stars just went gray.

10 - Trying to be Badass.

You must know about the imature community several games have. Games where the theme will affect the players that much, that it actually transforms them into the largest bunch of jackasses you would ever run into. And if you happen to turn into one of these jackasses, please take my advice and just slam the nearest sledgehammer on your foot. Vent the screaming, but don't alert the neighbors cause who-might-now you'll end up at the MentalWard...

Examples for being "badass" is calling someone names cause you just know they won't show up with their fists up high infront of your door... Another thing is saying you're the cousin of Nicholas Cage... Neither you're badass if you happen to be Martin Lawrence. If my helpfull advice didn't help you, slapping yourself in the face or listening to Cher for an hour will do the trick.

If you do happen to have your mind eaten away by games like Saints Row, Rainbow Six or Halo, please stop yelling "Yo Pimp!", "MAN DOWN MAN DOWN!!!11" and "Sniper up tower twelve-o-clock!" and yell "I R WHITE!", "Missed the oppertunity to join the services" and "Too late, I'm sniped". Your friends list/likeabilty will shrink with the second, and your brain will soon enough fit my nickname.

9- Bashing Other Games Online

Bashing. Hate. Disgrace. These three things are the mixture for game hating. If you're playing GRAW or Rainbow Six, you must have heard about these dumb idiots saying "I'm playing Rainbow Six cause GRAW sucks!". What the hell is wrong with opinions, you'd say huh smartypants? Well, the thing is, the person will try to let all players hate the opposite game aswell. Why is the person a idiot then? Basicly cause both games are from Tom Clancy, and aren't rivals. OH BUSTEDDD!!!11shift1!

8- Driving Like You Have A Drivers Licence

I'm not even going deep into this one. Trust me, in games like Forza Motorsport 2, NASCAR 08, Need For Speed Carbon/Most Wanted you AREN'T SUPPOSED TO DRIVE 55mph jackass! Hit the pedal to the medal damnit, stop hogging the pack up like a granny in a big ass Lamborghini! If you want to hog it all up, get on your bicycle, go to your nearest intersection and jump infront of a car, you'll gain speed and cog the friggin' traffic up.

7-When White People Act As Black People, Where Are The People Saying "Shut The Effin' Hell Up"?

No no no, I'm not talking about Carlton Banks from The Fresh Price of Bel Air, with the hillarious quote "Roses are red, violets are blue, Will and Jazz are black, but Carlton,what are you?". I have had some akward expiriences with people on Saints Row, the best example for racial-confusion. Unlike people acting like the guy who's kissing with barely-dressed girls on the block somewhere in a dark Harlem street, there are people who like to scream around "Are you black!? Who's Black, get the **** off! ****ing suburb morons!", while you can easily say from their accent that they're just as white as I am. It's ofcourse hillarious as hell to listen at a white kid going off at another bunch of white kids acting like a badass black guy. Now if he was a black guy, he would understand that ghetto's aren't things to be proud off and he would know that it doesn't have to be a black-only ghetto.

There's tons of interracial ghetto's, but who on a game like that would give a damn... I need Martin Luther King overhere! I need someone to tell those ghetto-wannabee's that they're pushing it too hard!

Besides, if you wanna make it a competition offa' it about who's most black? I have a couple o' spraypaint cans in the back of my pickup truck. While you guys maintain fighting about who's the most stubborn white-as-a-paper fool, I'll laugh my goddamn ass off. :P

6- Religion, what the hell?

That's actually a pretty good one. If you can awnser how religion has a certain connection to video games, I will admire you, go on my knees and clean your shoes for less than 5 bucks. Earlier, a guy became offensive against a guy on Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, he got rushed by a guy of the opposite team and became upset of it. He said "You Jew!", I ofcourse giggled as it's a better insult than "You mother****ing son of a *****!!!!", but the other guy came back with "Watch what you're saying Athiest!". Then I had the feeling like you'd go black out in a minute cause of too much thinking.

At first, I said to myself "Athiest?", so I said "South Park Reference?". I was on the team with the dude who said You Jew to begin with... The guy said "You realise you go to hell huh ?", at that point I lost it... Religion and Hate only play a role in Israel and Palestina! Then, I just wanted to beg mercy from God and ask him to make Gaming a sin for Christians...

Don't take religion in fights, goddamnit!

5- Singing

This is something that either can be entertaining, or just plain awfull. You got those who actually can't sing but try to atleast pick a good song. And you got those who sing Rhianna's "I'm such a whore" a.k.a "Umbrella" song twenty times. Or those who have to sing "I'm So Pretty" with the Adam Sandler voice. However, once you start singing "Fat Bottomed Girls", the whole room goes rockin' up and down!

However, those fools sing like they want the first-round losers of American Idol personally saying "You suck!". Now, if you want to sing, please take my personal help, just stuff a ball of paper up your piehole! Unless the song can be appreciated by 12-16 players, shut the heck up.

4- Taking My Nickname As Example

Incase you havn't noticed in Racer Games, those red circles with a white dash in it, or the red line reading "Wrong Way!", it means you'll have to turn around buddy. Unless you're mentally retarded, you aren't supposed to turn around at the start of an race. And you're most certainly not supposed to hit the opponents head on after.

Please, take this advice... Sell your racing games for money, and use that for mental help.

3- Liking the "Team Killer!" tag.

Team Killers.

The weak. The lame. The mother****ers who have to prove that trying to beat an team of 6 players by yourself, is pretty much suicide. The great thing of it, you don't have to worry about your team. The bad thing about it is that it'll have the same result all the time - Lost.

If you have something to prove, slam a guy on his face, say to him to meet you in the park at 12PM, invite everyone you know, and get your ass kicked. That will hopefully prevent that mind of yours to spoil another game. And with spoiling the game, I also mean your reputation will not just get a bump, it'll go down like the Titanic. And therefor, I have a last statement to say to team killers - "YESH!You killed my team, I killed 63 of your reputations!"

2 - Representing.

With representing I mean gangsta wannabe's sayin' "Birmingham, Great Brittain Fools!". I'll most likely reply with "Oh sorry, I mistook it for Birmigham, Alabama, you hick-turned-wannabe-gangsta". When representing a country like the GB, or Germany or even Poland, it's just not right. I mean, the accent just slams in on it making it more of a "Giggle-A-Lot" somethin'.

Trust me dude, patriotism only works when you're weilding a Shotgun in one hand, and an American flag in the other. If you decide not to do so;


1. Sitting

If you decide to sit around like a recently-runover-roadkill, where the hell are you playing for? These so called "Stand-byers" are the worst type of gamers out there. They don't move, nor do they reply to insults and questions. They only want easy rewards. Games with team-support types, there's usually one that sits for the reward rather than movingit's ownass.

What to do if you're about to do this, or already are? Buy somekind of barrell filled with fat, and eat every bit of it. It'll atleast makes you look like the lazy S.O.B you're being.

Okay, who attempted to kill GameSpot?

Random "Page Cannot Be Displayed" errors, messed up HTML Link Bar, theme refuses to load so I'll have to be stuck with the stock free one, before my page actually loads it switches through four themes before begin loading the content and the video's have no sound at all.

Seems like someone screwed up big time... 5 bucks a month for technical glitches, I demand a 1 buck sorry-for-screwing-up-again discount.

We've crossed a certain line. Rated FF for F-word Fest. Enter with caution.

What the certain line is, I have no ****ing idea. I do know, we've gone too far.

Who's "we"? A guy I met while playing Saints Row, around a month ago. He invited me to play Crackdown two days ago. We started it, played the Cheat Mode a bit. Untill the f-word fest began. I'm telling you, it was The Big Lebowski, Xbox st.yle.

I said "Dude, what the hell? You kicked me off the ****ing tower man!", he replied "You didn't turn god mode on dip****." From then on, he hit a nerve that usually controls my mouth. "For ****s sake man! It took ages for me to get up there jackass!". He said "It's cheatmode afterall ********.".

I think I've found a mirror. A copy of my brain. Tough, he's younger than me, but what the hell.

If I'm correct, we've beaten The Big Lebowski with 264 f-words. The Big Lebowski has 261 f-words throughout the movie. Yes, in matter of fact I did count, as he just constantly revved me up again... Everyone give the paper n' pencil a big thank you. I just wrote "S" and pulled stripes after it when we've hit something. I did include myself, and I just gone with the flow, I didn't cheat with the numberz!

KILL COUNT - 7-13-2007/7-15-2007
[spoiler] F-word = 264
B-word = 168
Alternative for poo = 101
Bastard = 97
Crap = 97
Damn = 94
Damnit! = 91
Dip**** = 83
Alt.-for-butthole= 79
Jackass = 77
Idiot = 70
***whipe = 62
****-for-brains = 48
A-hole= 40
Mother****er = 31
****face = 26
D*** = 18
Moron = 10
Dumbass = 4
God-****ing-Damnit Combo = 2

Hit it with caution... Oh, I said it too late huh? Well, you know you're too late to whine about it.

What's good music? Did I ever shared my personal taste before?

"That's the question."

For the first time, I'm actually blogging about music. Not about my akward life, or not-so-ordinary moments on zhe Xbox. Not about the status of my car, neither about the recent newslines. Damnit, it's all about music. Or not. Heheh.

So, what's good music? Personally, everything with an guitar, a set of drums and a dude with a good voice will do the thing. But there's no life without a bit of Freddy Mercury here, some Eddie Van Halen overthere, and some Michael Aday overhere. Well, straight to the point; My personal taste of music is rock. It can be metal, it can be soul-rock, I don't care. I just demand a few things from a band; A good singer, alot of drums and if you forget an guitar solo; Adios.

But, just like every other person who likes a specific genre, we have the dislikes. I can't stand rap, at all. Raggae is acceptable, like UB40 and the Police. The worst kind of music a person can give me is glam metal, and everything that follows all the way 'till Punk. People call it "Skater music" or "EMO music". Heck, I couldn't care less even it was the genre for the damn pope, it's awfull. If you like it, I don't care. We all have tastes, and I don't feel like going into a debate of what genre's better. No matter what, it'll turn out to be checkmate for me - "Rock can suck, but I like it. I shouldn't be followin' people around like 'Awesome music, but can I be your groupie now?' I have my tastes, and if you dislike my tastes; The door's 2 feet behind you, and my arm is in the Bye-Bye position".

Why do I like rock? It's because of two things: One is that it tells stories other than war, hate and the terrible days we're in now. It has love ballads, dreams for some and just plain kickstartin' rock. Y'know, like when you hear "Live to win, 'till I die!", while you're aboutto do something youusually would be afraid of,you will feel the adrenaline pumping through your vains, that's different. Rap of these days, is about money, cars,girls, and who can bang the most of them for the least. About punk, and that kinda stuff; I can't say for sure as they sing too fast...

Maybe I'm to deep into this, so short conclusion: I like rock. Happy?

Queen II (1974)So... Well, my main favorite of all time remains to be QUEEN. 1974-present rock band, used to be led around by Freddie Mercury, who sadly died cause of AIDS in 1991. Since then, his untill-now best replacement Paul Rodgers. I liked Queen ever since I first heard the song "We Will Rock You" in 1994. The song "Innuendo" was a nice one aswell. I like QUEEN cause of one thing; The lyrics are right. Aside from that, Brian May's a legend! The songs "Radio Ga Ga", "Under Pressure", "Killer Queen", "Who Wants To Live Forever", "Tie Your Mother Down", "We Are The Champions", "Don't Stop Me Now", "Fat Bottomed Girls", "Another One Bites The Dust", "I Want To Break Free!", "Is This The World We Created...?", "Hammer to Fall", "A Kind Of Magic", "Friends Will Be Friends", "Bohemian Rhapsody", "The Show Must Go On" and "Miracle" are just basicly known by everyone and used in alot of movies. The song "These Are The Days Of Our Lives" hinted the world that Freddie Mercury was very very ill, as every track on that album was about living on without the loved ones you know. Even after Mercury's death, they managed to continue on untill this day!

Bat Out Of Hell II: Back Into Hell jacket.My second most favorite band/artist is Meat Loaf, born as Michael Aday. His songs are powerfull, and the lyrics really touch you personally. His most famous song is "Bat Out Of Hell", released in 1975. His songs are rock based, but have alot of piano, sax and violin touches through them. Along with the opera-like vocals it's a one of it's kind expirience. He's been in quite a few duets like "I Would Do Anything For Love", "Rock n' Roll Dreams Come Through", "Paradise by The Dashboard light" and "2 Outta 3 Ain't Bad". His most recent songs are somewhat altered with the PC, altough all of his older songs are original and are masterpieces. A recap of Celine Dion's song "It's All Coming Back To Me Now", he knows how to do it. He knows how to improve them. He actually hasn't made any lame song if you ask me.

The Chinese Democracy North American tour logo.Guns N Roses, during the 1980-1990 times they were "it", but nowadays they're nothing more than a few artists. They were iconic, for real. Their own frickin'st.yle. Axl Rose was the leader of the pack. I started to like GN'R when I first listned to a track called "Paradise City" during the 1998-99 years I believe.A song about GN'R's ultimate destination. I started to search for more GN'R after, and found "November Rain" and "Sweet Child 'O Mine". It's that Guns N Roses screwed their own sty.le over, otherwise I couldn't care any less for these dudes. AC/DC on the other hand, shared the sames.tyle "Highway to Hell", instant hit. And "It's A Long Way To The Top" is also a favorite of mine. Other than these, I have a hard time liking ACDC more. It's hellish st.yle affects their lyrics, and that's what bothers me.

And then it's just a long list of random tracks I love... The song "Live To Win", by Paul Stanley is a real example of what "Power Ballads" are. It's somewhat 90's but none the less, terrific. It's that song that motivates you to push your limits. "Don't Fear The Reaper", by the Blue Oyster Cult is a cla.ssic New York song. By the way, did you knew that the guys from the "MORE COWBELL!" act back in '75, were Blue Oyster Cult? A few songs by Phil Collins also have touched me a bit, in specific "Another Day In Paradise". Whitesnake's 1987 super ballad "Here I Go Again On My Own", kicks ass. Altough games of these days don't appreciate it... Bastards. The song "Rock You Like A Hurricane" is iconic, made by the group called The Scorpions. A great roadie song by Tom Cochrane, "Life's a Highway" is a great country and rock mixture. 1991 FTW! A cla.ssic seventees song by popular artist David Bowie, "Suffragette City" is really awesome if you ask me. In 1987 a few friends teamed up and made a GN'R like band called Slaughter, and created this fine song called: "Up All Night". "Every Breath You Take" is probally the best song by The Police. Mr. Mister created "Kyrie" and is also a great roadie song.

And that's about it, I guess. I can't think of anymore at this point, but there's more... There's alot more.

Friday the 13th rocked me like a powerout.

Friday the 13th is real....

A few hours ago, I was just playing Crackdown online. I was talking to some guy who was saying "Some people just leave early, the backstabbers leave you behind in combat."

2 seconds later, I heard a bang. My lights, TV and Xbox360 went out all of the sudden. I was trying to figure out wether I lost power, or my little wiremess managed to overheat. Y'know, people tend to get upset if you kill the power... Anyway,it was pitchdark, as I always play with the curtains closed. After falling over a pack o' newspapers, walking into a wall and getting a nosebleed... I managed to find the door.

I live in an apartment complex, so fuseboxes usually sit downstairs near the maintanance room. Telling this to city slickers' pretty much useless, just skip this as you'll be saying "Duh", I'm talking to the suburbs ova' here!

Anyway, after strolling down the hallway, I looked up the stairsand saw that Floor 2, a floor above mine had power. Floor 3 aswell. And then, I saw a guy walking out, which happens to be a good friend. His arm was wrapped in ice.... And, he came with the hillarious story: "I uhh, changed a lightbulb after I washed my hands...". He was stupid enough to work with electicity while being wet, but he was even more stupid to forget to hit the switch so no power was going into the lightbulb! He basicly twisted a wet bulb in, or he just touched the holder with his bare wethands, I dunno. All I know is; He managed to kill the power of 5 owners.

I'm living in "the beauty" of the complex, as I have an attick, and an extra room. If I was on the attick, Ineeded to go down a horrible staircase...

Either way, aside from a little nosebleed it's been nothing more than a 45-min powerout. Cause theidiot couldn't change a friggin' fuse, I had to do that for him. After wasting 10 minutes on argueing wether it was my fault, or his(even tough, his ice-wrapped arm gave everyone a clue), the owner of the complex, or as I call him, El NiƱo(I call him that, as he's like a pregnant woman - Mood swings!) came in and made peace... The hard way tough, cause he treatned to call the police if we didn't stop.

Power knocked my internet line of track for a bit, so playing Xbox LIVE isn't a "yay" thing anymore. As, "Disconnected from Xbox Live' pops up randomly.

Friday the 13th is cursed. True story.