BraveSirRobin21's forum posts
FINAL FANTASY. Jesus, it's not the only RPG out there. People act as if RPG's = FF. There are MUCH better RPG's out there, it won't hurt you to try other games and avoid the mainstream. I promise. Some even have cool lead characters that actually don't whine when they get dirty or when they break a nail!
Also Kingdom Hearts. That was just STUPID.
"When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-shmancy tanks, we had sticks...two sticks and a rock for a whole platoon. And we had to share the rock! Buck up, boy! You're one very lucky Marine!
followed shortly by
Oh I know what the ladies like
back to halo
I dont care if its gods anti son of a ---- machine, Or a Giant Hoola Hoop
From Halo3 Half jaw "I will beat the Prophet's shield like a drum! By the time we are finished, he will beg for mercy!"
and finally the TC's quote owns all others in halo 3 not the funniest line but it makes the elites look like such BAMF's
to be completely honest I have a hard time seeing how R&C gets a 7.5 and also believe that metacrtitc and the like are more representive of the actual quality of the game. Other wise business and Usual We use gamespots scores because these are gamespots forums. doy!
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