@jcharp: It's actually a revenge tale. The monsters were people who were mutated by a evil company, creatively called S.C.U.M. Labs. They travel the world (at least in World Tour, which is a bit of a remake of the original) and wipe them off the face of the earth. Which would make a great movie, instead of just... The Rock fights generic monsters.
The reason video game movies fail is because companies just take the name of a game and do whatever they want with it with no regards to the original tone or the fans. This guy thinks he'll make a good video game movie because he is also doing just that and he just admitted it? The whole reason they're doing this movie is because it doesn't have any fans who care? As a fan of Rampage, even though it's a stupid dumb fun game, reading anything about this movie (or seeing that AWFUL trailer) just makes me more mad. This will bomb hard, everyone knows this, except for the people making it.
I still think the original Mortal Kombat is the best video game based movie, because even though it was PG-13, it still got the tone and story right. They tried. Trying matters.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: There is a Star Wars Kart racer, and it's even based on everyone's favorite movie: The Phantom Menace! For some reason it wasn't very popular.
For serious, though, Bioware's old IPs should be retired. They are not even related to their old selves. Don't make this watered down fantasy action game and call it Dragon Age. And Mass Effect was done at 3. Their old stuff was great, but Bioware isn't Bioware anymore.
Brettsky128's comments