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Brewmaster6 Blog

Goodbye Forums

Yes, I'm alive and well. No I have not been posting at all like myself over the past months. I really meant to put up a video blog back around Christmas but I had a computer issue and then never got back around to filming it. I am just here to state that I am making a departure from the forums. This is to say that in my GS prime I loved the forums and the people I met and conversed with, oh so many of you, were great. Some of those special times (I hate doing this because i know I'll leave stuff out and I'm sorry if I do), late nights talking with Matcoke, Ms. Sands and everywhere she was, chicknfeet, and who knows how many random late nights in OT. I will still frequent GS for my gaming needs and such, and I'm sure I will still lurk around forums on rare happenings, but overall it's quits for me. I'm still open for talking about games or life in general through the great system that is the PM and I will check those frequently. But I thought that I would let everyone who kept in touch with me that I am ok, just really busy. Feel free to drop those PMs if you want to chat or anything. And maybe I will pop up a video blog on occasion

So that's all for now, and as always, Stay Classy... and thanks for the good times ;)

Video Blog #2 + Snake Eater


2 weeks into school, time for another 2 minute blog post... and hit lvl 32 today... Aggies won a close football game yesterday... and what's up with the Wolverines? losing again? o.O

Well, that's all for now... Stay Classy

Video Blog #1


I've successfully moved into my college dorm. Video file sizes limit me to about 2 minutes per video, so to fill in some new info that the video missed... Classes started on Monday and went well. Only having 3 classes a day with 1.5 hours between is nice... :D I still have yet to conquer the laundry monster and should attempt to best that soon. That's all for now, stay classy.

Vacation in Colorado

Well it's that time of year... Time to go on the old family vacation up to Aspen, Colorado... It's absolutely beautiful up here... We went white water rafting yesterday through some class 5 rapids.. It was 3.5 hours on the river and was wet and fun.. :D Picked up the 7th Harry Potter book and went to one of those midnight openings... finally got it around 2 am and jumped right in... Overall good book... Cried in a few spots, cheesy and predictable epilogue... I'llbe getting back into town around August 5th so pics will be up soon there after... Celebrated my 19th B-day on the 19th.. teeheehee... My friend came over around 3 and left at 4... At 5:30 my doorbell rang and it was 4 of my friends all in masks and one had rope... So I'm being "kidnapped"... After taking about 10 minutes to tie my hands behind my back(all the while I'm playing GTA: San Andreas), I get blindfolded and shoved into the trunk of a car, and we start driving... It's hot in the trunk, it's dark, and I start to work on undoing the rope. I'm counting the turns we take and find that we have turned on to a busy street... I get the 1st of 5 loops off my hands, and eventually wiggle my right hand out followed shortly by the left. I took off the blindfold and started looking for a latch/lever to pop the trunk. I think I've found it and I ask if we were at a stoplight... Once they said we were I pulled the handle and the trunk popped. I hop out and stare at the car behind us, and the woman is shaking with her eyes wide... :lol: Priceless... I start running away and they come after me in their masks... We're all laughing and we drive to Laser Quest for a few games.. Then headed back to my place for food and presents... Halo 2, Etrian Odessey, iTunes gift card, were among the items... :)

Well, that's all for now... Stay Classy

Ippon! and gaming shopping spree...

Summer is here and is in full blast as I'm feeling the Houston heat + humidity.. ugh... But that's ok, I prefer heat to cold, it's an excuse to go swimming or wear little clothing... :P

Gaming wise Pokemon Pearl is soooo addicting and I've been up until 3 AM trading with people through GS this past week... In other game news I picked up Star War: Knights of the Old Republic (and now I'm thinking about getting number 2) and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King... Then last week I picked up Project Gotham Racing, Dead or Alive 3, and MVP Baseball 2005 for $10 (3 games for $10?!?! Hellz yeah) and then for some reason I picked up Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball (I don't know why... I just did) and it's surprisingly more fun then I thought it would be... And the Volleyball is actually... fun? It is simple, yet fun... And no, I didn't get it for the eye candy... I like my ladies like I like my bed time stories... real... ;)

In real life (what?) I've been keeping busy with college stuff (seeing what classes to take, dorms, placement tests, etc) and swim team... And then there's the whole hanging out with friends thing, in which we spend our time playing poker... or video games... :P A friend of mine got her hands on Mario Party 8 so that's what I was doing last night... Oh how silly it looks, but enjoyment is the key, and that key was obtained, we (or wii) finished off the night with some intense games of Wii Sports and actual swimming... Ah the flames of youth were rekindled as we played such childhood favorites as Sharks & Minnows, Marco-Polo, and Categories... not to mention just dunking people... :D

Well that's all for now... Stay Classy... ;)

Pokemon Pearl Friend Code + High School Grad

This past Saturday I had my high school graduation... And I must say that I am excited to have completed that aspect of my life... For a graduation present my older sister got me Pokemon Pearl which made me feel like a little kid again... :P But anyway, my Friend's Code is: 0344 6067 2028


So if you play as well leave me yours and we can trade/battle etc... when I've spent more hours on it... :P


I really like the new features for linking with friends, the Global Trading System is fantastic and easy to use, and the use of wi-fi is so much easier then the old school Pokemon with the link cable... :D 


In other news my little sister is finally able to enjoy the amazing that is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time... :)


Well that's all for now... Stay Classy... 

Miss Me?

So I've been away for the past week or so... :P Forgot to make a post about it... but I went to Disney World for my senior trip and just got back today... Highlights include the Tower of Terror, Rock 'n Roll Rollercoaster and Appliance Direct infomercials.. Anyway... I'm back and now summer can truely begin... Picked up the special edition Linkin Park Minutes To Midnight album... Currently loving it, still have yet to pick up Pokemon Pearl... but I'm leaning closer and closer to it... Summer Swim Season has started and so early mornings have just begun for that... -_-


Ahh... and those prom pics... :D

 If the pics don't fit the frame, copy and paste url... My apologies for that inconvienience.

Ladies first...


And the men


And all together now...


Me and my date/girlfriend


And these next 2 shots were from my plays this year... The first being Oklahoma


And this one being from Dancing at Lughnassa...


That's all for now... Stay Classy... ;)

Prom!!! (no pics yet)

I had my prom on Friday night... It was pretty sweet (pictures will come soon hopefully)... In brief it was fun... It was held at The Aquarium (a resturant... not a giant fish tank) and the group I went with had purchased tickets that allowed us to go on the various rides (ferris wheel, carousal, shark tank train ride, and the animal exhibit... that part was fun... the food they served was meh... and dancing was ok (didn't do much of that because some things were unorganized and ate up a lot of time)... After prom was pretty sweet... Got to play Guitar Hero 2... and I was ok... stuck to my DDR skills which is fun to do, since it had been so long... Won $20 to Best Buy... played some pool... and then the big fun of the night... A chance to win a Wii... :D Unfortunately it went to some girl who didn't know what it was... She said she'd find "some use for it"... :evil: WTF??? There is one use for it and it is to play games... gah... Besides that little trip up after-prom was fun... We then went and crashed at a friend's house where we watched "Cruel Intentions" and tried to sleep... but didn't... Then we watched "Blow" which was pretty good... eventually went home and slept a little before heading out to my friend's 21st B-day... I drank Dr. Pepper... no alcohol for me... had 1 little cup of Jello... then learned it had vodka in it... and stopped eating it... :P Played some Guesstures... and talked... Went home around midnight... and then woke up today at 4 PM... And now to do 4 projects that are due this week... :( I'll put them off undoubtably... I'm getting inducted into the Nation Honors Society tomorrow... so I get to dress up again...


Gaming wise, still playing Gunz on Look for me there if you play... Brewmaster6 is me in game... :D Still playing Puzzle Quest... so damn addicting... and I'm still up in the air on getting Pokemon Pearl... :? I want it... but then again it's pokemon...


Sports wise... Astros... doing ok... little bit of a skid, but they'll turn it around... The Rockets are slipping... series tied at 2 now? Glad we have homecourt advantage in the series...  NFL draft... Brady Quinn 22nd pick was it? wow... The Texans pump another pick into their D-line... How about that O-line? We'll see if it all pays off later I guess...


Well that's all for now, stay classy 

Wicked Sick!

Hello all and welcome to April... Graduation is 2 months away... :o and that's a lil scary... Anyway... Picked up Puzzle Quest on the DS recently and it is very addicting... :D Got back from a school choir trip in Arkansas (to perform at Harding University) for no real positive reason... Got locked out of the hotel around 1 AM because our room needed some extra sheets... 10 hour bus ride up... 10 hour bus ride back... Less then 10 hours doing something pertaining to music equals totally worth it... :| In other news the Astros started off how they ended last year... Lidge... *sigh*... Florida won the championship again... Go for 3 next year? (saying they stick together and not enter the NBA Draft).. Prom is right around the corner and I am dateless (for now)... but it's still 3 weeks away... Playing Gunz still... and other then that very busy over-all...


Well.. That's all for now. Stay Classy 

DragonForce concert!!! and a busy schedule

Well let's start things off with the kick ass concert I went to on Monday... The concert started at 7 and He is Legend kicked things off for 30 minutes and then Chimaira came in and rocked out for 30 minutes... And then DragonForce came in and played for an hour... :D It was pretty sweet, and finally Killswitch Engage closed things out and played for an hour and some change... The concert ended at 11:30 and I bought a shirt... :) Yesterday my family headed to San Antonio to go to Sea World and we just got back today... Shamu is still alive and splashing... :) Got to feed the dolphins too... :P

Tomorrow I head out for Abilene for a contest with my play and won't be back until Sunday... So my Spring Break is over... though I'm sure Abilene will be fun... :P

Wow... for the longest time I have always ended my entries with "That's all for now, Stay Clas sy" but apparently I can't put that anymore because html and GS.... "You have encountered a .html error, and have may used one or more of the words while trying to include a link in your message. We are looking to find the best solution for this problem, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."

Awesome... So... until that's fixed....

Stay sophisticated... ;)