With all the hype about GTA: SA becoming Ao, it's pissed me off that politicians have nothing better to do with their time than pick apart games that are enjoyed by millions... Here is a part of my rant:
I'm tired of hearing politicians bash games that they know very little to nothing about... This "sex game" was a mod for the PC version that requires time and patience to achieve... and what do you get? From what I've heard it doesn't show anything (by that I mean penis,vagina,breasts, not sure if you can say that but I'm being blunt)... I was watching some news show about video games scarring our nations' children... That's bull****. If a kid gets his hands on a M rated game, don't blame the ESRB, it's the parents who need to watch what their children play and determine if the kid is responsible enough to play the game... In one of the Freeplay article's it talked about Hilary Clinton and GTA: SA... She's pushing so much for this ban, that she is neglecting bigger conflicts... drugs/alcohol and other stuff. It's not like the "Hot Coffee" mod is the only thing in the game... There is other stuff to do... It got an M rating for a reason, and it states that plainly on the box in black and white... Also getting a reference from another "Freeplay" article. People are under the assumption that "kids" are the majority of gamers... Though there are a lot of child gamers there are many more that are of the 16+ catagory... I've heard this kind of stuff for so long... Back to when my parents blamed me being grouchy on video games... What a misconception... The bottom line is: Politicians need to focus less on what gets them votes, and more on what the country needs to focus on to help the country... Video Gaming is not the problem...
End Rant
On another note, I've been receiving union invites as well as becoming a charter member for things I know nothing about and people I've never heard from on GS... I got 6-7 today alone... I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets excited when inbox says "New Message" in that hot little orange text, but to open it up and have it be spam (basically) really bursts my bubble... Got up to the lvl of Field Marshall in Worms Armageddon Deathmatches.. 8) It gets hard when your 4 worms have to take down 10... Still need to renew my driver's liscence... Hope to do that tomorrow... Need to make amends with this girl... So much to do...
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