@GW_Tome Games are a form of art but when that art fails at the end of a long journey epecialy one with multi playthrous only to be limited to three endings with none of your overall choices during that long journey really meaning anything it tends to annoy people. This is just my opinion dont go spreading it around.
I fully understand what your saying with Doom 3 by not having a Flashlight it diffently changed the mood to what the hell is attacking me and hiding in the dark with a gun dosent help you much if you can't see whats eating you. But Mass Effect had alot of possible game endings. But was limited to just three with a few minor tweaks based off the War assets you aquired.
What I really didnt like was I played thou 3 games only to be limited to three choices and the fact that I'm a Renagade or a Paragon makes no real difference in the end nor did all my descion up to that point. It may effect what war assets I have at the end but it dosent change anything. I have no problem with the end I just dont like that I did this or that for nothing. It felt like a waste.
@squallgunblade7 Yes they have proven they can but I honestly care very little for any Square Enix games the last few years. FF is not the game it once was the last good one was X. The gameplay and story has been lacking in the last couple games. I did enjoy Deus Ex: Human Revolution it was a well made game with a very intersting story if not a bit predictable.
I agree with the core of this but there was one major downfall to xbox having there console out so soon, It had hardware issue mainly know as the "Red Ring Of Death" So even thou they did get it out there sooner then the Ps3 they had a massive fallout from it. Sony didnt make that mistake I bought one of the first ps3 cost me $500 and guess what it still works.
The only way it will be better looking is if the make the other two version worst looking. Both the 360 and PS3 have excelent grapics compared to anything nintendo has.
Briantb_2008's comments