[QUOTE="josh_0004"]k so i need help, ive been planning on buyin WoW and i was looking it up to decide what i'd be. i was thinking of being a paladin, or a druid, but then i saw this faq by a beta tester from before WoW was out and he pretty much said that the paladin's boring to play, dark priest is the best class in the game,and that mages and warlocks suck, and i was kinda considering mages and warlocks too, and he also said a bunch of other crap and now im mulling over which class to be so much, that im starting to not even want to buy it anymore, i know it's friggin awesome, but there's just so many choices and i don't wanna choose something lameeeeeeeeee please help, cuz now i don't know what race i wanna be either cuz this crapstain told me i should choose based on what class i am, or some other "logic"-based thing.....bunch of bullcrap....k thanks for ur help in advancedareevil87
not a single class in WoW is lame okay fine maybe a hunter. basically it depends on what u wanna do in the endgame.
warrior=tank, large repairbill in the endgame, bad pvp unless u get some nice gear and master the class, very good damage if u get good gear and spec.
paladin=back up healer, buffing machine, lowest damage class in the game, hard to kill in PVP, overall the most boring class to play IMO
rogue=high melee damage, invisible, excelent pvp, gankers on PVP servers, fun class if u like to kill
warlock=a haxer class, kings of PVP, very high dmg and a lot of G*y moves like fear, needs shards to cast certain spells, pet.
priest=primary healer, very easy to get in a group, hard to kill pvp
shadow priests=insane pvp, probably the only class that can live up to warclocks in pvp, very good damage
mage=very high burst damage (highest damage class in the game), hated by melee classes, very good pvp, gettin buffed next patch
hunter=good dps, pet, hard to catch for melee classes, traps
shamans=secondary healers, totems, hated by alliance, very good damage, awesome PVP
druid=mixed class can be a healer,tank,rogue or a submarine; can steal a flag in WSG like no other
Just think what you wanna in end game PVE (mc/bwl/aq40/naxx).
Tanking = warrior, druid if warriors r dead
Dealing damage = mage, warlock, rogue, shadow priest, hunter, warrior, shamans, maybe a feral fruid
Healing and buffing = paladin, druid, priest, shaman
Only one thing, Shamans can be main healer tho that they dont seems like it...
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