Bruceleeman Blog
Ring King!
by Bruceleeman on Comments
Yes! I just made it to the next Level:
It makes me wonder how I achieved this rank so soon, but I'm sure there are those of you who may be wondering, "Ring King? Wtf is that?!" Well I'm here to assuage those feelings and enlighten you.
Ring came out for the NES in 1987 and is pretty much the precursor for the boxing games we have come to enjoy today. Although it's not as advanced as the games today due to ancient technology, Ring King holds a special place in everyones hearts who have played it. Some of them good and some of them bad probably due to the games exceedingly difficultly. (someone say crappy controls?)
This game though has it's moments and should still be given its recognition as the stepping stone for developers to create great titles such as Fight Night. Good Job Ring King, it makes me proud to obtain this rank.
(hahaha this looks so bad, thank you New Grounds)
Give me back my emblems GS!!!!
by Bruceleeman on Comments
Wtf?! I just lost two emblems: The Game Collector and Game Connoisseur Badges. Damn you GS! Damn you to Hell!! Arg, I don't even know why I lost them. Hopefully it's just a glitch that will fix itself by tomorrow.
Other than that I got a new job as the Copy Editor of Industry Magazine. Finally I'm just one step closer to my goal of Gaming Journalism. The funny thing is that I'm not even out of College yet, talk about an opportunity landing in your lap!
Identity Theft, I hate you!
by Bruceleeman on Comments
Let's take it to the next level!
by Bruceleeman on Comments
So I went up a level to dreizehn aka XIII aka thirteen and I couldn't be happier. Although I wonder if there is a list out there that has all the levels that one can attain. Plus how do you get the history of some of these levels? I know Rad Racer was a NES game, same with Metal Slime etc etc. I see some people who post up these elaborate history's about the level they just attained with pictures and everything and I'm sitting here thinking: "I want in on that!". Also I think it would be a good way to kill some time reading up on these things even though it's information that is most likely usless. Another thing I would like to know is if there is a complete list of all the badges you can get on GS. I remember there used to be one but I don't know where it is anymore. Maybe someone out there will know and can enlighten me...unless they want to hoard all that info to themseleves which I can only reply with me shaking my fist angrily in the air towards their general direction.
Some things should be left only done once in your life...
by Bruceleeman on Comments
Everyone has their mixed views on alcohol consumption whether it's socially or to get totally blitzed, but there should be at least one point in someones life where they experience the latter. I'm not condoning getting blindingly drunk for the fun of it, but to give you a first hand experience of something that you may think twice about doing again if you're presented the opportunity.
Take for example this weekend. A few friends of mine got together at my place for a cookout with nothing but good intentions. Of course what's a cookout without a few brew-skis? Well when kicking back in lawn chairs sipping on some brew turns into doing cartwheels thinking you're Jackie Chan while drinking five Irish Car-bombs you're entering the point of no return.
It may seem like you're having the time of your life at first, but just wait till the next day when you feel as if Jackie Chan himself just killed you five times before you hit the ground. I can promise you this, it is no fun hugging a toilet while feeling like midgets are mining for gold in your head.
The last time I felt almost this sick before was when I got food poisoning from a seafood restaurant which I won't mention any names aside that it deals with Lobsters of the Red kind. After four glasses of water, a sprite, half a banana, a concentration camp ration of bread, a lemon, enough vitamin C and Zinc to supply Rhode Island and plenty of sleep, I soon won the battle over the hangover and was able to keep my bodily fluids from leaving my body via the hole in my face.
All I can say is that it's an experience I will never forget and an important lesson I will always think of when alcohol is present at any kind of function.
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