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BrunoBRS Blog

the conferences, or "how nintendo paid for their sins in about 1:30h"

i guess the title shows my opinion. but on with it :P

first of all, i didnt watch MS conference for many reasons, one of them being time and lack of internet at the moment. got my emblem though :? why i got it? its POSSIBLE that it was because of the 2 other conferences that day.

EA had some nice games to show, and they did it well, except for the extremely boring part with peter moore (who really scares me... add some demon horns and paint his skin red, and you'll see what i mean) and some casual crap. except for the awesome trailer of "star wars: the old republic", nothing mind-blowing.

ubisoft... oooooh, ubisoft, you did a huge mistake there. i have a few flashes of how it happened... although i watched it whole (on gametrailers, because GS' was lagging), i'm doing my best to forget it. i recall almost one hour of the titanic director talking about his new avatar movie and how ubi rocks... i recall 1 hour of an awkward being talking about casual games and fitness games... i recall seeing the bourne identity... wait it was splinter cell, one of the few good moments in the conference... i recall screaming "what the f**k?!" and laughing out loud when i saw pele there (seriously, WTF? :lol: )... i recall laughing at "ROMAAAAAAN... onto the next stage, NOW" during red steel 2... he meant "ROMAAAAAN... the swords not responding correctly, you're embarassing us" :P

what else... OH... i remember NOT seeing the 30sec AC2 movie because everything froze on everyone's computers at the same time during it (in other words, nobody saw it) and i remember that NMH 2 was just commented (not even a screenshot)

day 2 (or should i call it day 1...) was way better.

i dont recall chewing my lunch, because it was 1pm (9am PT, the time the conference started) and i didnt want to lose a second of nintendo's press conference.

just a bit late, i caught them playing the new super mario bros wii and said "meh, is that the super awesome new mario?", then saw some disappointments when they started talking about sales and wii fit. loved the archery game for wii sports resort (pick it together with the swordfighting. improve. put them on a zelda. you got my point). i cant remember the order, but a cool cop game for DS appeared, nothing special. some other games. then they started talking about RPGs. they've mentioned crystal bearers (awesomer each time i see it), the new mario & luigi (which was already released in japan), and they said "a series that finally returned to nintendo after so many years" and i thought "heh, dragon quest IX now... everybody knows about it". when he said "golden sun" i couldnt stop screaming :lol: seriously, i didnt see that coming. pure awesome. the new versions of the summons are incredible, and the isaac-like character looks cool :P

what else can they show? some more clips, cool new the conduit clip, mario VS donkey kong downloadable on the DSi, a warioware tool/game to make your own games, upload pics on facebook... "thats not all the mario we've got for you, we have more" says cammie dunaway... ok, surprise me.

and they did. super mario galaxy 2 brings all the awesome stuff from super mario world (my favorite 2D mario game, i still play it every now and then) like yoshi and yoshi power-ups, and mixes with all the awesome stuff from mario galaxy, but with even more creative galaxies. my only complaint goes to the title (nintendo can do better than add a "2" to the title of a sequel.

okay, NOW they're done. i think that's when they showed the conduit clip together with some other shooters. reggie says there's still one last breath-taking first party title to be released, and that it somehow is related to what fans are calling for... "on a new level of realism, and working together with a team that is experienced with deep, realistic, darker games"

a stormy sea... zelda? no, its just team ninja's intro (found that out later... thanks cloud :P). space... uuuh.. starfox? a girl in a space colony... sin & punishment? POWER SUIT. HOLY CRAP. follows one of the most awesome things i've seen in a loooooooooooooooong while. also follows many screams of my part :P

moments later i remind of the rumored "metroid dread", which was going to be something like it. but dread is dead, because it was from retro. this is F-ING TEAM NINJA HERE. metroid: the other M made my wish list get a huge cut just so i could be sure i'd get it on day 1. if you still havent seen the video, search google, youtube, gamespot, anything, but WATCH IT.


not much to say about MS'... the MGS starring raiden was the only "OMG!" thing, but we were all expecting a metal gear to show up. that natal thing doesnt look that cool... looks like a way to rip off nintendo without being so direct (like sony... wait and see). might work and be cool, but apparently it requires even more space than playing wii sports. and i guess i can thank them for giving me a more accurate release date for FF XIII.

sony... almost as boring as ubisoft's...

*cuts out the first hour and a half of boring stuff* yes there was a new MGS there, but it didnt shock me at all... and the PSP go is a joke.

lets see... we've got some cool footage on AC2 (that thankfully didnt freeze as many times as the rest of the conference) and we now know that da vinci is the one that creates stuff for you, and its awesome :P

FF XIII and XIV (dont ask me how they did that)... well, XIII was just another clip and XIV i didnt see ANYTHING because of the huge freeze that happened during it... but apparently its more like "FF XI-2"... maybe, if i dont have to pay monthly and people like it, i try.

wii motion+ ripoff follows, and its so flocking (forgot that term i've "created") ugly and ridiculous i couldnt help but laugh... at first i thought it was a vibrator :lol::lol: seriously... "imagine you're playing an RPG ande you pick fireball to use. the [ridiculous] globe will turn red, just like a fireball! then you swing it to throw the fireball. now THAT'S immersion! and i didnt make a crappier version of wii motion+ at all!" >_>

then follows a mario kart ripoff... this one more understandable, since it follows the LBP idea of creating anything... but limited to kart racers. the track maker looks solid, but gameplay... meh. characters arent as nearly as charismatic as nintendo characters.

then we get gran turismo 5 trailer, the SAME project trico (now entitled "something related to guardian" :P) video from almost a month ago, some god of war 3 gameplay (could care less... GoW is just another gory action game), and more "we're awesome, we kow it" bragging... as usual >_>

now lets see what the show floor brings us


BrunoBRS summons judgment! damage is OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAND!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG i got another current gen console!!!!!! O_o

remember how i was always complaining on how i'd never be able to play some awesome games, like RE5, MGS4, LBP, FF XIII, etc?

my prayers were answered! :D (not literally, since i dont pray... please dont comment on this subject, i have my reasons and i am sorta religious... in my own religion :P)

today, while i was having my saturday cIasses, my father was on a bazaar of confiscated stuff from the government. among the things was a almost-new PS3 (never used before) without a font (but i had one of those PC ones at home :D) and a controller (which i later bought). i paid aproximatedly 465 dollars (with the controller)... not sure which version it is, but its more than half the price of a regular one here.

so, to celebrate, i rented soulcalibur IV (again: its everything together) and burnout paradise. both incredibly awesome games, although the text in SC is so small and blurry (i need to find the option to fix that... or a HDTV).

already started customizing kilik (my favorite character in the series) and started to learn the controls ('cause i never owned the game, so never got to learn them "in-depth"). i played the arcade mode. battles were mostly easy, with the exception of some few challenging and starkiller, who owned me about 7 times in a row (read: i had to use 7 retries). he's faster than a cabal online character O_o

and there's something weird in the character creation mode... from what i got, you "just" create another skin, with new visuals, stats, skills and weapon (you can only use 1 weapon per character O_o). no "start from scratch" like in soul calibur III (until legends, it was "soul calibur". now its "soulcalibur"). obviously, i might be wrong (i didnt have the time to check all customizing options), but i couldnt find a way to start a character from scratch.

as for burnout paradise, it deserves everything people talk about it. its simply awesome. pure adrenaline. even my mother wanted to play it (and before that, the closest she ever got to videogames was the "charge/cow race" minigame on wii play) and on a straight line race, with me holding the turbo button agasint her will, she won a race :P

i had 3 games in my "must-buy" list of PS3 games before: soulcalibur IV, MGS4, and LBP (from the already released titles, obviously). since everyone here loved burnout paradise, i may get it at some point in my life :P

*thinks* i think im forgetting something >_>

well, i'll just say then what i plan on doing with my new george foreman grill, together with my wii: keep both, get the games i want on the wii, and keep the PS3 as a "rent only" console... except for the 3-4 mentioned before and FF XIII (from the ones i can think right now). maybe if a super-mega-awesome-cant-miss game shows up, i'll get (*cough*projectTrico*cough*), but i'll try to keep my focus on my wii and DS

BTW, i asked a friend who's going abroad to bring me a DSi, and he said he'll try :D since i still havent got any of my B-day presents (except for L4D), i'll be getting the DSi... wait... i said that before, didnt i >_>

ANYWAYS 2009 seems promising to my gaming life... *thinks of all 09 releases for wii, DS and PS3....... drools*


BrunoBRS using some awesome "stick moves" to poke you to death :twisted: pokepokepoke :twisted::twisted:

Battlefield Heroes & more

first, i'd like to invite all my friends to get your beta key here at gamespot and join me on the battlefield heroes closed beta. its a really cool game, and from what i've heard it looks like team fortress. i'm playing for quite some time already, lvl 8 royal commando (i like stealth :P). if you decide to play (or already play), give me your in-game name so we can play together. i'm BrunoBRS there (you didnt see that coming, i bet :P)

get your keys here and then follow the instructions

what else...

the slightly new visual on the upper bar is great :P

pokemon Gold & Silver remakes will be released, and i'll get them

will probably get a DSi (european, but i guess its enough :P)

downloaded Xfire, so now i can record decent videos for my games (will be posting some soon... including a decent one for CABAL)

i guess thats it


BrunoBRS sneaking behind the enemy lines to stab them to death :twisted:

Wandering Blader BrunoBRS Reporting Battle Status

Greetings, fellow Procyon companions. Today, we were nearly crushed by the enemy, the Capellas, but in a last, desperate attempt, i managed to revert the situation. Here's the report on the battle.


All the 70 Procyons that will fight are reunited in the preparation hall, the Tempesta Rossa, waiting for the battle to start. Strategies are discussed. In the end, most people agreed that we should run to the Omega base (in the extreme southeast of the battlefield) while conquering other bases in the way, and then run to the Center. as usual, many disagreed with the "run to the center" idea, me included, because we've learned from previous battles that it can be a great waste of time.


The portals to the Tierra Gloriosa opens. on the extreme southwest is the Procyon's main base, and in the extreme Northeast is the Capella's main base. as usual, many ignore the plan and run in the direction they want. this is a big problem, since the Capellas are organized and always stick to their plan. they move in big groups and always leave a small group protecting the most important bases.

We conquered all the bases we found until we got to Omega. after conquering it, the group divided: half went north, in the direction of the Capella's HQ, and half went in the direction of the center. the fight in the center was fierce, because of its strategic value. but since our group is spreaded around the battlefield, the center is conquered by the Capellas.


We're desperate. hope's lost. they are anihilating our men and moving in the direction of our base, conquering everything in their way. if they conquer all the bases in the battlefield, it'll be a "Called Game", which means we dont even have a place to respawn after being defeated. its the 100% loss. they are way too much in front of us in the score count.

me and other 3 brave soldiers of Procyon try a desperate attempt: invading the Capella's HQ and get it for us. we get there, and for our surprise, its empty. we break the shield door and get in. Arcane towers of all kinds are built to support us. every now and then a Capella or two appear, trying to stop us. we ignore them, and the towers, together with some few supporters that appear once in a while, take care of the issue. once all towers are built, we start the attack to the Sage's Insignia. if we destroy it, the base's ours.

meanwhile, nearly everything has been conquered. the Omega front stands bravely, together wit some two other bases down south and our HQ. but then comes the bad news: the Capellas reached our HQ and are starting their own invasion. i dont know how grave is the situation, i only see the warnings in my GPS and the desperate calls for help.

the capellas suddenly realize they're going to lose their HQ, and start coming back in order to stop us. too late. when they start appearing, the base's already ours, and we can finally have our revenge. two fronts open now: one in the north, killing all incoming capellas and conquering all their bases in the north, and one bringing back to our domain the southern bases. some fools still try the so hated "pick the damn center" strategy, but with time they'll learn they're wasting their time. worse: some are dueling with each other instead of helping with the assault. those are the men that shame all Procyons, and get in our way to eternal glory.


it worked. we've passed them on the score count, and they are slowly retreating. it's time for revenge.


i get myself the Legacy Weapons, dropped by a fallen enemy. its power surprises me, but i dont have time for that, there are only five minutes left, and i want Capella blood in my blades. i run to one of the fronts, where two bases, a procyon base and (surprise) the center base are in direct conflict. i jump in the middle and the massacre starts. many capellas dying, that's what i've been waiting for. of course, some of the enemies also have Legacy Weapons, and even the regular foes can cause me considerable damage, so i quickly retreat to heal my injuries and then return to the epic fight that's happening in front of me.


it's over. we've won. in the last twenty minutes we've managed to do all that. "hoorays" can be seen flooding me message board. we did it. i finally notice what happens and start screaming of joy too. now we should wait for the next battle, at 8:00pm, and prove again who's the superior nation. let's just hope this time everyone sticks to the plan. [note: they didn't, and at 8:55pm, we've been defeated by a Called Game. no bases left. we need more discipline]

--Wandering Blader and GuildMaster of the Judgemasters Guild BrunoBRS signing off--

My Cabal character during war

[note: this image was taken during another war, but you can see the legacy weapons and the Procyon Uniform for Bladers. the yellow barrier around me is a buff spell called "aura barrier", and it highly improves my defense and HP]

extremely laggy gameplay of my character here

mega wall awesome life update energy cell hadouken blooooooooog!!

uuuuh... ignore the title :|

i cooooould make it a giant blog, but people wouldnt read, so i'll try to make it small (but i'm sure it'll be enormous... as usual >_>)

games i got:

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon- cooooooooooooooooooool, i decided to pick it instead of TWEWY because i cant find TWEWY here and my dad does everything to NOT buy from ebay -.-". anyways i was planning on getting it anyways, and i gotta say i'm enjoying it. even though most stuff is a downgrade in the series (magic triangle? carrying? shove? riders can walk after attacking? skills? cIass changing when you reach lv 20?), the recIassing system is cool (and probably the reason riders cant walk after attacking), the new visual is great (i cleared the map a bit to give it more color though), and i just cant think of a reason to complain about the touch screen controls. makes things practical, specially if you "mix" those commands with button commands (i'm left handed, so its easy to press buttons while using the touch screen :D). had some trouble in some chapters, but nothing that i couldnt overcome later. navarre (with a seraph's robe to increase his HP to nearly 40 as swordmaster) and ogma rule BTW.

resident evil 4 (PC version) - 7 dollars on an awesome game i never got the chance to play decently? *buys* yes controls suck, but you get used to them. or you can get an X360 controller, which i wont. anyways, great game, but the graphics are weirdly outdated when compared to the gamecube version... whatever, it runs on my laptop and i'm happy :P

left 4 dead- at first i didnt want to get the game, then i started wanting it alot, then i saw it for a fair price at a store and saw the requisites werent high. started playing today and already noticed 2 things: 1- i cant play with max configuration without lagging and 2- i suck at it. oh, remembered #3 (which i wasnt going to add before)- AI sucks in this game, makes the single player campaign nearly impossible, so i just jumped to survival mode online :P i need a mic to play this decently --'

AWAY FROM GAMING! *runs away*

-i didnt get to make that cabal online video with my character to show you YET, but i made a guild with a friend from there and made a site for it :P not really active YET (the site, not the guild). check the site here: (yea really cool name :P)

-new sig!

this is the "mini version" that the mobile photobucket is showing (the regular one isnt opening >_>)

BTW, muramasa: the demon blade will ROCK

- yesterday was my birthday! i'm 17 now :D right now i just got left 4 dead, but i have a present to pick AND a white shirt with this pic on it:

awesome, isnt it? :P

BTW my "party" was a 1 hour paintball divided in 3 "respawn" rounds (die, go to base, clean, go back. out of ammo? reload at the base). i gotta say i never played like that. i was inspired that day, to the point of shooting from close quarters an enemy FROM BEHIND and forcing my brother (on the other team) to retreat if he didnt want to get shot from less than a meter away.

*thinks a bit more* i guess thats it.

oh, i'll see when i'll be able to be back to the forums. right now i have too many games to play, and too much to study (since my 1 week break that started last friday ends tomorrow)

EDIT: oops, almost forgot it


BrunoBRS shooting those f'ing zombies to death... AGAIN

that could be an awesome slogan for a zombie game :P

PS: *looks* see? i knew it would be long >_>

just a quick blog to say i'm alive =P

title sums it up

i'm not dead, just a mix of really busy and really addicted to cabal online (lv98 blader, 99 by tomorrow :D). i'll have a better blog saying most of the stuff i should say here but wont.

i'll check unions ASAP (which might take a couple more days) and post a decent blog once the rest of the news i wanna say become true (shouldn't take more than 1 week... if i don't delay my new sig again >_>)

thats it, no ending gaming thingy.

BTW, get used to me that being that inactive.

travelled again... and got sick again

yeah, i got this annoying virus... T-virus, ever heard of it?

yes, infection blogs... lemme see who i bite (gonna pick the people who usually post in my blogs :P)


shadowvari ( :twisted: now you're gonna have to make a blog)


uuh... the rest of the posters are usully so random...

DJ-LaFleur (aka disco jockey, the flower)

Rasengan-X (or jus ras :P)


its true, i took a 1 week trip to the beach, and although i didnt get sick this time, the water was freezing to the point of hurting your feet just to get close... and i got sunburned... (not sure if "burn" is a regular verb... or if i can make it a verb :?).

also, i can see the future, but only for useless crap.

the best example right now: "oh, i think i'll write an editorial about videogames as art, in all its various concepts".

2 days later i open the book store catalogue and see a book entitled "videogame art". description: "the book treats videogames as art, and explain in details how and why games deserve to be called art, on all its various concepts, from audiovisual to characters, scenario, gameplay, etc." >_>

obviously i bought the book and already finished it. most probably will read it again and again, but not for a while. and of course i'll use some of the stuff i read there for my editorial... when i decide to write it... (dont worry, it wont be a copy and it will be written... i just dont know when)

lemme see what else... OH

i broke my glasses. so now i have to walk with sunglasses if i wanna see something, and that includes night time, indoors, like i am now. good news is that they'll be fixed by tomorrow (so i wont have to go to school with sunglasses at 7 am :P)

talking about school, it'll start this monday for me... woohooo...... >_> and this year there'll be no holidays... woohoooooo...... >_>


BrunoBRS thinking of a videogame related sentence to use on his next non-editorial blog >_>

will be back tomorrow and will start writing editorials

first, i'll be back home tomorrow, but that doesnt mean i'll be fully back at gamespot. i'm already catching up with some late blogs, but dunno about unions. there's nothing left to happen on my trip, so i'll start it now :P

lemme see... first couple days my mom wasnt around, she was on a business trip. nothing really awesome happened, days were cloudy, but not cold, so we still enjoyed the beach.

tuesday at 11pm my mom came, but before she arrived, we (tried to) enjoy a nice, absurdly stormy day. morning at the beach, then we tried to go sandboarding at the dunes (imagine snowboard in the desert). i used to be pretty decent for someone who can only do it for an hour, once or twice a year, but this day i was specially bad. did my first time okay, got all the way down without falling, but after that i didnt do one "race" to the end, usually falling right after starting. oh, and the wind was so strong you could think you were in a sandstorm. seriously, it blew away all the "powder sand" from one dune, leaving only the wet, near-mud sand to be seen.

the next day, after lunch i felt bad... just to find out hours later that i got sick... imagine a hyper seasickness that is caused by a virus and lasts 1 day. i had to go to a clinic to receive serum for 1 hour because i couldnt stop throwing up >_> then my dad got it (after we were done with the serum part and came back home). luckily, we knew how to prevent it from getting worse. the day after my brother went with his friends to the beach and me and my dad stayed on bed the whole day while my mom took care of us (thats when i found time yesterday to check some stuff).

but yesterday was worth the whole trip. first, we picked an awesome beach to go. imagine those pictures you have of the caribeans... clean, transparent water, warm, sunny weather, perfect water temperature (not too cold to freeze you but not too hot to not feel refreshing), and dont forget the fishes swimming around. i wasnt sick anymore by now, BTW. i just couldnt barely think of eating something. if it werent for the crowd that appeared later and started using the sea as trash can, it would've been perfect. i have a pic of me (with my sunglasses), but i wont be able to post it now. i think i may have a pic of the sea from far away, but im not sure.

still on the same day, we went kart racing. this was my first time actually racing, and although i was 9th (of 9), i'm sure it was because of my inexperience. why? because i performed better than i thought i'd ever be able to, and who was watching said that i improved alot at the end. so true i did the 4th best lap time.

the day after it is today. we went to the beach on the morning, but it started raining. not only that, my brother felt sick. guess what? he's throwing up like crazy next to me >_> he'll be better by tomorrow, i just wonder if he'll be good enough for us to come back.


i said i'll start writing editorials. you know, like the ones that appear on "soapbox" and many like to write. i just decided to do it because many themes are coming to mind. i thought about doing weekly, monthly, but i decided it'll be just randomly. when i finish writing, i post. right now i have a couple themes, one of them i'll send to EGM and see if they publish (not sure about the american, but EGM Brazil has about 10 pages of user-made content, and who gets their work published wins prizes). so lets put the ones i can remember now and you pick which one will be first

option 1: is everyone nerd? - about the use of the term "nerd" and how it makes no sense nowadays.

option 2: revolutionary, yes. intuitive, not so much. - a little something i've noticed about the wii. nobody, except "core gamers", feel the simplicity of the wii at first. i almost started writing about it now :P

option 3: the art of gaming - editorial about art in gaming, in its many different and possible ways. its the one i plan on sending to EGM.

pick your option! after seeing my themes, i guess i'll send them all to EGM, even if it means translating 3 articles.


BrunoBRS holding katana and looking at the "generic post about the trip" counter >_>

fallout 3 and week off

well it'll be a short blog.

one of my christmas gifts was supposed to be guitar hero world tour with the new guitar. but it was cancelled in order to "boost" my brother's pc so i could play prince of persia (which i'm almost beating... its too short). so i told my dad "hey, if im not getting GH anymore, i might as well get a pc game instead! they are way cheaper than wii games (here a PC game costs about 40, 50 dollars. a wii game costs around 100) and you owe me a game!". i was hearing so much abou fallout from everyone that i decided to get it.

and i dont regret it.

its a great game (although it takes some while until you can finally walk around with guns and ammo), a mix between RPG and FPS. i died about 30 times by now due to stupid radioactive monsters (stupid crabs and flamethrower ants >_>).

about those ants, i found them yesterday... i got so traumatized i had a dream with them (although they were smaller than in the game). they take ages to die and have an absurd range. and cause alot of damage. not only that, i'm always without stimpaks (the game's potion) because the few that are for sale are expensive (to me). i have to find a quest that rewards me with money...


on a completely different topic, i'll be away from gamespot for the next week, 'cause i'm going to the beach. its rainy over here, but the beach is waaaay down to the south, so i dont think i'll catch bad weather.


BrunoBRS blowing your head off with VATS

Topic titles must be between 5 and 80 characters.

i dont have a blog title, dont complain >_>

lets use topics:

i changed my avatar (NOOOOO, YOU SERIOUS?!?! :o >_>). i didnt have any other isaac move to put, and i wanted a cress avatar (cress is the main character from tales of phantasia), so i made this one (i tried to find already animated, but they were too small and werent the "yay i won!" stance). now you can say that BrunoBRS is now oranger than ever!

but remember to OBEY

ObeytheOrange.jpg picture by brunobrs


my christmas present is a new computer... for my brother?!? apparently my laptop cant have any changes. my brother's PC will be "tuned" so i can play prince of persia on it.

but he had to change the motherboard. and everything else.

SO WHY DIDNT YOU JUST GIVE THE COMPUTER TO ME?!? ITS MY PRESENT, NOT HIS! and because of that, i wont be getting world tour with the new guitar (might try to convince my father to give me just the game then... and some more PC games)


NEW UNION! check my unions for the microsoft live 24/7 union. its starting slow, but we already have a review team (and im in!) and a couple more things. go check it NAO


oh, yeah, prince of persia

one of the best games i've played in a while. if you were thinking about getting it, get it (yes i'm talking to you, vari). if you werent, at least rent it.

its really fun just to walk around the vast colorful (colorful after you heal/cleanse/purify the place) world, doing all sorts of acrobatic tricks and having to improvise when something goes wrong. better: seeing that improvising, or trying the same thing in a completely different way that obviously wasnt in the developers' mind, works. and really well.

not to mention that you can create combos during battle, create your own combos. my favorite right now is "slash with sword twice then jump over the enemy, then use elika's magic to attack and use as impulse to go up, then throw elika at the enmy, then throw myself at the enemy to slash with the sword, and by that time the enemy will be really close to an edge, so i finish it with a thrust in the chest and a kick to throw it down the canyon"

thats one of the awesome combos i've made :P

oh, and you probably heard the game is not challenging at all. FALSE. i had some tough battles, and while elika saves me if i fail the "quick-time event to save my butt", the enemy recovers so much life (that was really hard to take out) you wish elika hadnt saved you. and when you are for over 2 minutes in the same move, crossed half the place, and miss your timing? the game is not "forgiving" and put you exactly before you failed. you go all the way back and have to complete the acrobatics again. and there's a chance you miss again. the game just decided to skip that "game over" screen and put you back to action.

oh, not to mention a really nice trick. the game starts easy, with almost anything stopping you to move forward and weak enemies, but the more you progress, the harder it gets. moving corruption (goo that instantly kills you), a poisonous air that kills you if you take too long, tougher, smarter enemies with more attacks and the ability to completely deflect some moves ("now you can only hit it with your sword" or "just magic will work").

not to mention the dialogues are hilarious :lol:


*looks above* i should definetly use that on my review.


BrunoBRS doing that giant combo i mentioned before