Buffalo_Soulja's forum posts
What the heck is that?so i got these installed in my mouth today: http://www.theios.us/Picture%20018.jpg
the hinges or hooks or w.e on the right side of the picture, are poking the inside of my cheek, and its really hard to chew food. is this something they'll fix once they put my braces on? its really annoying. i doubt this is something i can get used to
thats BS!, what about all the food that gets stuck there? my tongue has to freaking clean out the corners, so much work:evil:lonewolf604Didn't you get a proper brush to clean it?
[QUOTE="deathshand707"]Jeez stop posting. Maybe no one knows where its from and they dont want to give you bs answers.tony2077cai keep posting because I'm tired of not getting an answer and annoying people like you don't make it any better If nobody knows the answer then what do you expect?
When you can set water on fire then I might listen to you.You do realise science is vast??? Right?? Before people said atoms never existed, but we proved that wrong. So many science theorys have beens created and many of them have been proven wrong and improved. I think you underestimate science.
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